What if Sym’s gun held the ramp indefinitely

Yeah but u can just charge up on their frontline, tp to backline and when they try and kill u, tp out :crazy_face:

kinda impossible to do that first part with hog zar meta doe

if only tp was frequent enough to cast to do this :unamused:
but apparently current tp cd mechanic is “mOrE flEXibLE” :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

You don’t think 180dps Sym on demand is good?? 180dps Sym in the back line??

…because nothing in her kit lends itself to flanking. Sure she can pull off some sneaky TP bombs and rushes, but she doesn’t have reliable mobility, or a reliable escape.

She doesn’t have to be a flanker, not all characters can be, as that would make for a dull game.

Spacial control and threat with the usage of her sentries and long range orbs.

It’s basically that isn’t built for it, which is as you said, doesn’t make her a reliable flanker.

What she does do well in, is controlling space.

I thought this would be a post for sym to hold the ball projectile indefinitely. I was disappointed.


I’ve asked for that so many times.

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It’s literally Sub-Zero’s ice clone idea from Mortal Kombat, and who knows if it’s good or not; let’s try it - or something else radically different. This is the point. And the purpose of the experimental card.

I mean she’s not supposed to be a flanker.

I’d prefer something like increasing the cool down of TP but making it work like her old Ultimate tp. Or allow her to build an entrance and exit to help her team come back quickly.

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absolutely not, no, no thank you, nope

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Would fit her more. I just want her playstyle to be what I actually played her for. Support buildings and some dps

  1. take too long to build it
  2. you’d run into the same problems as now to build it esp since orbs (sym’s unconditional weapon fire i.e. what she can and is using most of the match time) cancel the charge
    • heck orbs cancelling charge further makes the problem worse because whenever you want to charge, you pretty much have to legit do nothing but wait and passively put up structures to do so until she gets team pocketted. tping to get in range for charge simply won’t happen because she can’t stay in 12m of the enemy long alone (hence why tp-orb-melee burst combo for picks makes sense because it doesn’t need sym to stay long) i.e. trading high down time ability for like 1s of a window to shoot primary.

it isn’t on demand at all.

orbs mathematically aren’t long ranged at all. if they are, I expect you to also say junkrat bombs, genji shurikens, etc. are also long ranged (which they clearly are not).

turrets do not give sym the self agency to damage people in the same way most heroes’ weapon does nor are they significant enough to dictate sym gameplay in a way that lets her play in longer range.


What if Blizzard has plans for her, but they only make sense once the ow2 heroes from launch are in the game… :thinking:? Just thinking. :sweat_smile:

They did use imagination. They imagined how far they could dig her grave, and kept digging.


Sym is the definition of wasted potential

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Indefinite charge can work but it needs a change to Orbs to justify the charge being held:


  • Orb Speed at 30 or 40 meters per second (testing required)
  • Orb no longer consumes ammo and now has charges like Symmetra’s Turret count. Each charge has a 2 second cooldown.
  • Orb no longer needs charging. It will fire immediately when off cooldown. With a slight fire rate between.
  • Orb Damage, explosion radius and Size scale with beam charge.
  • Firing Orbs immediately drop Beam charge by 1 level
Charge Levels

At Level 1
Damage: 40 (20 impact, 20 blast)
Size: .5 meters
Radius: .5 meters

At Level 2
Damage: 80 (40 impact, 40 blast)
Size: 1 meter
Radius: 1 meter

At Level 3
Damage: 120 (60 impact, 60 blast)
Size: 2 meters
Radius: 3 meters

Give her AND buff the survivability that she lost in the 3.0 nerfwork, by starters?

Not every hero is meant to pander to flanker players. Sym already lost much and more by making her 3.0 nerfwork pander to hitscan fetishists.

They imaginated how she can now use TP to creatively and ‘‘skillfully’’ to teleport herself to her own grave.

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But she can’t, it deploys too slowly.