Why do people wanna erase Sym?

Why not? She a utility hero not so much a real dps

One could then say that Sym should be a tank, and not a DPS. I do actually want the devs to seriously try it.

Tbh symmetry is super out of place in this game!

Fast pace game with chaos happening left and right and they dicided to add a super slow hero with 99% of the kit riddled with downtime/chargeup/windup and they expect that it will work? lol

Three reworks and still coudnt be bother to change the gleaming problem that plagued this hero.

There’s three, actually.

Rework her into a healer. Support players play Symmetra, not DPS players.


Honestly- I feel that falls under the purview of the first point, her current play style is holding her back. Changing her to a support would absolutely address her current playstyle.


she is definitely a flanker hero. she is a shorter ranged squishy hero that aims to control space whether that may be claimining enemy territory, reinforcing current areas or to go out and getting picks.

For a shorter ranged squishy hero to function, they will need to prescribe to a “get in get out” gameplay (i.e. a flanker). ESPECIALLY when it comes to claiming enemy space. Like she’s no rein or orisa who have high sustain to walk up and threaten space to grab it. nor is she a sniper to be able to threaten long sightlines with range. She has to go sneaking around with her lower range to claim it. If that doesn’t sound like a flanker, idk what does. Heck even her comic shows sym flanking to get what she wants.

how do manage to make every thread somehow about dva…
ur like me talking about sym

uh… yea
so she can be… used…


this is such an edgy teenager view on balance

if you’re unique and bad, you’re still bad

no hero should struggle to grasp for oxygen just to balance between “unique” and “good”

she’s still a literal lightbender

she’ll still be “unique” no matter what, and will still have her own mechanics

I take exception to this

Well no the ideal scenario is you’re good in your niche.

I just hate her turrets, but only the slow.

… Along with all of the fundamental design problems that led to the rightful 3.0 rework in the first place (which by the way fixed most of said issues as well)?..

Let’s not go through all that again…

I love sym, I feel shes one of the most unique characters in the game. I personally feel she would have been far better as a support hero because her kit could have massive potential in that role. From healing turrets to teleportations that could cleanse players or something something else entirely. I dont think players want sym removed, I feel shes just so bad as dps that players rather not have her in the game. Sym is awesome character wise but yeah her kit is either really annoying or extremely bad and underwhelming.

Because people are naive. They believe that toxic subjective changes and hero favoritism are the key to salvaging this game when it’s been the #1 contributor in destroying this game one by one. Each and every subjective balance change has caused a mass malding in the community that has cause massive amounts of players to quit playing the game as they’ve realized how toxic and unfair approach to balancing the game this is.

They should just balance heroes ruthlessly and objectively around their realistic potential in high tier gameplay regardless of the heroes at question

if you’re too good in your one niche, others can’t be as good as you in your one little niche corner

otherwise, your alternatives are not only as good as you there, but everywhere else, at the same time

yet you’re still bad at your one job, because your one niche can’t help you anywhere else, and then you still fall short the rest of the game, even in that one niche

that creates must-picks in either of those scenarios

so, no, that’s still just a bad concept overall

What? I don’t know what that means. You can’t have a bunch of generalists because not everyone is viable all the time.

It’s fine if no one fulfills you’re niche better than you in certain maps. That’s the whole point of hero swapping.

-coughs in the heroes who’ve literally reign supreme for years without being taken out of their positions-

i’d agree with you, if the entire game hasn’t taught us the exact opposite

but, history disagrees, sooooooooo

i’m not saying symmetra, or anyone, for that matter, “deserves” to be a “general hero useful everywhere all the time”

but she definitely deserves something better than what she’s seen throughout, uhmmm, like, the entirety of the game’s history

They went down 30 at 10 slow each turret it’s useless atm, she can’t fight dive heroes with that.

She can easily fight Lúcio or Sombra, they can’t break her turrets with a bullet. Lúcio deals low damage (20 per round and 25 with soundwave) and Sombra has a lot of spread. A good placed turrets are deadly.

Because instead of going Pharah, Echo, McCree, Reaper, a sniper, Roadhog, or a dive tank to easily deal with her ppl would rather be lazy and ask for her to be removed from the game instead of switching off their main when they’re being countered. To put it shortly, people are bias.