What if Sym’s gun held the ramp indefinitely

What I mean is charge on shields to 180dps but don’t use your gun.

Gun holds that charge until you fire again but will lose charge if you use orbs.

This way she’s limited to a powerful beam but has no range.
The trade off could be faster orbs when it’s maxed charged or something.

Would make her a much better flanker.

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I’m not saying this is a good or bad idea, I’m not smart enough to know - but I am saying that Sym needs care and attention and ideas in general. Like. Hello. Can we see a couple weeks of truly “experimental” card modes with Blizz actually demonstrating care and imagination for the character? You have a builder character who can make hard light constructs and is in need of interesting mechanics. It’s not hard to come up with ideas to try. So try them.


Here, I’ll go second (after OP)

Maybe Sym can target any other character and produce a fixed hardlight “copy” of them in place that lasts for like… I dunno, four seconds… then goes away.

This means she see’s a Lucio running by, she zaps him, Lucio keeps going bye, but what remains is a hardlight copy that slowly fizzles away. This copy is cover, but it’s not solid, it blocks line of sight and gives cover to enemy fire, etc. It’s basically a Mei wall, but more like a hardlight Mei “pillar” since it only provides the character’s hitbox worth of cover and doesn’t last as long.

In this way, anybody near Sym is a potential “tank” because she can make a temporary copy of them that blocks in place.

She can only have one active at a time. If she does it again, the first fizzles away immediately.

I dunno if this is good or not. But I just came up with it on the spot. Test it. Experiment. Everybody else is so solidly built, Sym is hopeless at the moment so at least try something, anything.


how about this sandy, and all other sym mains

Primary fire ramp up time decreased by 67%, but every time you reload, her charge goes back to base level

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Ohhhh. That could be fun.

Darkvoid, Hmm. Would hit max charge pretty fast and you could still charge in barriers. I dunno but fun to try.

her getting charge from shields is enough

Sym isn’t and shouldn’t be a flanker.


why not ):
20 characters

It seems kind of weird that Sym’s fire modes don’t really gel as it is, and I think introducing direct anti-synergy between them is going to feel bad.

Its bad. Its a funny idea, but utterly unbalanceable and completly useless on anyone that isnt a tank.

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This, but a bunch of people saw basic ability TP and went unga bunga make her a flanker because what we need is an even more generic Sym kit.

What if hitting a secondary orb marks the target struck by hard light, marked enemy received more damage from primary beam?

I could prefer if instead of more damage, the enemy’s mobility actives and passives got disabled for x seconds.

She needs to be able to survive, escape, or sustain in a fight.

Upping her damage make her a glass cannon but doesn’t fix her problems against better dps.

Her cooldowns are too low and too many heroes and abilities can instantly gank her before her beam can get in range as she is a slow moving target.

She was suppose to be a support that denied areas. They weakened that but upped her gun think that would make her a better dps even though the dps were buffed way stronger to never be a threat by her.

The only dps she is good against are people that suck at aim.

She’d be better off with abilities that counter strong abilities currently in the game. Like a cleanse skill, her old shield generator, or more intuitive way to teleport to areas on the map.

yeah i mean it could be cool if it also charged up a stored right click so she wouldn’t need to charge one up manually by holding right click, she could just charge one up on an enemy by beaming them.

but ideas ideas ideas, they are a plenty.

It really shouldn’t have any charge up, they could treat it as a “weapon switch” and add a cooldown in between fire modes. There’s a million ideas to make the character work but they only implement clunky changes.

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Honestly I think the best way to keep the weapon “stages/charges/tiers” is by tying them to beam distance.

Stage 3 for close range
Stage 2 midrange
Stage 1 long range

This will mostly change how heroes can counter her. Instead of winning by simply bursting her down before any meaningful charge, they are forced to respect her close range and keep distance. This synergizes with her turrets, making her one of the best area denial heroes. It would also even the playing field against her hardcounter, Winston, since she would do full damage right off the bat at his range.

no it wouldn’t. it’d just enforce team pocketting sym harder making her more niche and more team dependent.

a hero constrained to be shorter ranged and squishy by her primary… if she’s not getting mobility to function (i.e. heading towards flanker-like gameplay) then how do you want her to reasonably function as a dps?

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Too slow, for both her physical mobility and the time it takes for her kit to reach full effectiveness, as that requires deployment . Flanking isn’t just about getting behind the enemy, it’s about forcing the enemy to deal with multiple attack vectors at once without eating too much team resources during setup, including time and peel. This is the same reason McCree generally sucks at flanking.