What if Mercy healed +10 more

I suppose we won’t mention Roadhog’s current nerf then.

I think it makes up for the fact that she has to be a dedicated healer, single target and all that. Her healing has less utility for her, since she isn’t able to heal and do damage at the same time - like pretty much every other support. I would guess that that is the trade-off for it.

But nonetheless, if we’re talking about keeping the consistency, Lucio can also heal through barriers, so would we need to stop that as well? There’s many things that would need to change with these heroes if we want everyone to be consistent with eachother. I’m not sure if going that route would be a good idea in the long run.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Make Resurrect exclusive to Valkyrie but make it so she is able to rez two people. Each rez has a 1 second cast time.

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Well we know this isn’t happening

No nerf was necessary. She was already beginning to fall out of the meta, and alternatives were being buffed.


That sounds about right.

Although that doesn’t really leave any room for a useful E ability replacement outside of Valk.

That’s a very specific buff…I don’t like how its fairly hidden from new players.

This actually sounds pretty cool.

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I missed those days, it’s time for a comeback.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


That doesn’t match my perspective.
Especially since if you mention Pro play, they were often running solo-healer with Mercy.

That said, yes you did see her falling out of the Contenders meta, AFTER the support changes were announced. Because teams wanted to start working on strategies that are designed for the new meta.

Oh my lord get over it. It’s been over a year, how have you not gotten the message yet? Try making legit balance ideas instead of just “revert my goddess plz”

-Much love,

Lover of bacon, tacos, and pizza.


Death threats… Flagged. :wink:


That was almost exclusively OWL on a much older patch, and they ran a lot of hog in those comps, which you don’t see right now.

No, she started falling out when GOATS and Hammond dive became solidly meta. That patch isn’t that old, so the dust never completely settled before the current support changes hit.


Either way, that has almost no impact on Competitive pickrates.

Or you could just have mercy’s heal ramp up from 50 to 60 over 3-4 seconds. That adds thought and decision making to changing targets or beams.

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Not immediately; it takes time to trickle down, but if the playerbase can realistically run it, it will affect pickrates.

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Mercy threads were for sure better to read without this useless sentence to get attention to your person


But it wouldn’t have a change on the pickrates like we see now.

And personally, the current pickrates are very close to ideal.

Why are you hung up on a signature is the question… Also, you get a player’s attention by directly replying to them as they will get a notification. :wink:


i mean why do you have in the first case to write a signature? whats the point?