What if Mercy healed +10 more

In regard to the definition of a signature, he/she probably just wants to stand out from the rest which is pretty normal for a human being imo. You shouldn’t discourage people from being unique. :slight_smile:


I’m pretty sure the other support changes would have led to a similar outcome. The Ana and Lucio buffs were very substantial.

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I don’t think so. I really don’t.

Right now you have Mercy players saying they just can’t maintain like they used to. And they are switching off.

And that has little to do with Ana using a Nanoboost.

Problem is he’s also one of and represent the “rest” so why would you rate yourself higher with a signature?

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Well if you actually are wondering why. It’s because I choose to. I’m entitled to have a signature, just as you are entitled to not have one and name yourself Cutiepie.

My Choice My Voice

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

His/her way of being unique. I’d hardly say he’s trying to make himself look higher.

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I guess we’ll disagree here. I’m led to believe that the increase in Ana pickrate is from people coming out of retirement or switching over from DPS, Zen, or other roles in response to a fun character being generally viable again, rather than Mercy players leaving; you’d think the Moira pickrate would be higher in that case.

Weird way then, since he only wants Mercy reverted and Mercy changed like many other Mercy mains and normal players so why trying to put yourself over other players.

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Moira pickrate is higher, but in lower ranks.

And it’s really high in Console.

This is incorrect. What’s the phrase? Don’t judge a book by its cover.

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Would it be better to say “Only wants Resurrect to be more powerful, to the exclusion of all other ways of making Mercy fun”?

How about, “a lover of true, fair and fun balance”?

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She doesn’t need to be better at topping people off, that’s dumb as hell. She needs to be better at saving people like a dedicated healer should be.

I apologize. Where have I ever made an indication of my gender as being male? I do believe you are making presumptions as to who you think I am. You seem to be projecting, and derailing this thread. I would ask that you try to refrain from doing so, as well as stop assuming people’s gender. “They” will suffice, thank you!

Also, I disagree. You chose to have that perception. Such claims were never made by myself. If you don’t like it… I’m sorry but… that isn’t my problem? I will still post my signature, so… You’re just going to have to accept me for who I am. But thanks for sharing your feelings with us about it! Very informative knowing where you stand on these pressing matters. :smile:

Moving back on topic!

Well as someone who actually still plays Mercy, I think it goes both ways. I found myself playing Ana more because of the buffs making her a bit more viable. But I don’t do it because “I feel I can’t maintain playing as Mercy”. Ana to me, in a lot of ways, is just more enjoyable to play. That has nothing to do with how much they can “maintain” or not. So that doesn’t speak for everyone.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I expected the Moira pickrate increase to be higher than this if people were really just leaving Mercy:

Becuase it’s pretty obnoxious.

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If Fun was what was most important, then why does it always seem like “Buff Rez” is the only purposed method to get there?

Seems to me like Buffing Rez is more of a priority than making Mercy Fun.

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I’m assuming you don’t like signing things then…

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I know that he very much likes the solution suggested by Titanium. With that in mind, it’s obvious that he doesn’t just want to buff Resurrect because Titaniun’s Resurrect is a nerf.

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I Fail to see how this fixes the problem of her being a boring rezbot who has to hide to do anything that other healers can’t do better.