What if Mercy healed +10hps more,
on teammates that haven’t taken damage in the past 4 seconds.
Wouldn’t really raise her combat effectiveness much, but it would make it a bit less tedious to heal a tank behind cover.
What if Mercy healed +10hps more,
on teammates that haven’t taken damage in the past 4 seconds.
Wouldn’t really raise her combat effectiveness much, but it would make it a bit less tedious to heal a tank behind cover.
Honestly, the best Mercy idea I’ve seen since nerf.
Or rather… What if Mercy, had a revert?
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
The problem with Mercy is that she no longer has any team fight impact. When both teams are in the middle of an all out brawl at a choke or wherever, Mercy is close to useless except to be used as a Rezbot.
Valkyrie barely helped already and now that she heals less, she can’t even keep up anymore. This idea just solidifies this, she’s useless in combat where healers are necessary.
Or we could just bring back 60HP permanently and discard the failure that is the Mercy rework. It was a even bigger let down than Tarte’s foundation range.
They should nerf the tether.
I want it to break on barriers to put her more in line with others.
Consistency is important!
Incidentally, this mechanic is taken from the TF2 Medic.
The healing rate is linearly based upon how long ago the target was last damaged. If the target was damaged less than 10 seconds ago, then they are healed at the normal rate of 24 health per second. From 10 to 15 seconds, this rate increases linearly from 24 up to a maximum of 72 health per second.
Can’t relate.
Seriously though, it sucks that people are content with the rework just because they’re not forced to play Mercy anymore or against Mass Rez. Instead, we’re stuck with a broken hero.
Ah crit heals… I loved that mechanic in tf2 - though it may need more fine tuned in a game like ow? Since in TF ( 3rd party comp) there’s only one healer.
Pick one
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
I’m confused. Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me?
Overwatch? What do I win?
You win inconsistency.
revert mercy back to season 2? I’m with you
The lack of it having consistency, congratulations!
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
Considering they just added falloff to Roadhog’s projectile weapon in the very next patch after removing Mei’s damage falloff from her projectile for “consistency,” I don’t think there’s much chance in that.
I’m agreeing, I was quoting Jeffree Star! xD
I was just saying that the rework was a failure and people keep using her OP state during the first stage of it or their blatant hate towards Mercy to say that it was successful.
I’d say its actually pretty good. They are normalizing range fall offs and LoS checks between abilities and bullets.
In terms of they mercy thing can you attach your beam through enemy barriers? I dont even know.
My Queen!
That’s were your wrong.
Projectiles dont have fall off damage
Phara junkrat genji zenyatta… and now mei