What if instead of role queue/222

If it’s only one hero ban per team (two per match) - I’m all for testing it.

Ah, but in the game that they do get banned, it ends up with a 5v6.

In the short term? Perhaps. However, I think they would quickly learn to have some back up hero’s in their pocket.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

I think you’re overestimating human behavior, when a character they like to play and have been dedicated for multiple hours on has the potential to be banned and will most likely be banned at some point, they will move onto greener pastures.

Also, banning a hero will also mess up SR greatly, It gives way to specific comps where the counters to those said comps can be banned making them dominate. Ban Brig and you get DIve, or follow suite with the pros and ban GOATs counters

As a astute observer of human behavior I don’t think I am. The conditions a person are in will have a measurable impact on their behavior.

For instance, One tricking was not actually common at first. It grew over the first couple seasons after hero limits were introduced. Mostly, due to how the game does nothing to discourage it and several things it does that encourages it instead.

One tricking has become a thing due the environment. Change that environment and you will see the people change with it.

This fear of losing players is pretty baseless. As losing anyone one person due to a change can attract others who would not otherwise choose too.

Not to mention these people who have invested hours into the game are not likely to just give up after all that investment. If not being able to play there hero of choice all the time is a deciding factor for them then they would have left ages ago when hero limits were implemented.

I think you are incorrect on this.

Presumably you will not be playing the same people over and over. Which means different people will have different ideas on what they want to play and what they do not want to play against. This would mean a variable meta. One that would create diversity.

xQc, TimTheTatMan, etc. Many people that have used this game as a career have left.

I think you are also incorrect. I may have exaggerated though on my part. SR will be effected due to people not being able to play certain heroes. Brig mains would drop substantially, Widow would according to forum trends, Bastion would also drop as well as Sombra. The people that play these heroes the most and have them as their best heroes will cause them to drop SR making them potentially stuck in lower elos thus making the higher elos potentially exclusive to certain universally excepted heroes like Mcree, Soldier, Orisa, Rein, etc.

Having the ability to ban a hero makes it so one tricks can potentially be useless but, as you said before, there is a pretty small chance this will happen to said one trick. Therefor, the one trick can actually keep 1 tricking except for when they are rarely banned. Besides, only cheese heroes will most likely be banned and only a small amount of 1 tricks do this to my knowledge. All this would do is potentially make those players learn more demanding heroes instead of riding on their current heroes easy but potentially effective game play.

Career. As in they follow the money. Streamers go for what gets them more views.

Assuming they do not adapt. I think everyone would add other hero’s to their roster.

Less popularity in a game means less viewers. Also,

Even if they did adapt they would not be at the same level as they would with their main in most cases.

The point is that viewers and streamers does not directly or even indirectly correlate to people abandoning the game because they cannot play a specific hero. If this were a reason they would quit then most would have done so already due to hero limits.

They already encounter situations where they cannot play their hero. Yet they are still here. Hero bans would not increase this by much.

Citation needed. I don’t believe this at all beyond a short term result at worst. The long term result for them would be of multiple hero proficiency.

No, the one tricks would just leave the match, if theyre gonna get screwed they might as well screw the whole team.

The pick and ban system wouldnt create any diversity, people would just ban the same heroes they find annoying every time.

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Agreed. I don’t like the idea of forced 2-2-2 but a ban system would be infinitely worse.

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how many times would they be able to do this? Once? Twice? Good luck with that ban.

Which if we take even the small sample of the forum shows that to be quite diverse. Thus creating diversity.

There are no hero limits of late, and still people have left.

Or people just straight out leaving or people being stuck at their new elos since they can’t get away with cheesy heroes.

It will not create diversity. People will just pick the same hero to ban that makes their own team better. Like GOATs, people will just ban heroes that counter their GOATs so it can run unopposed then run that same comp everytime. Also, if you go by forum trends of popularity there will not be diverse hero banning because usually one hero will be banned at a time consistently in a week since the forums usually pick one hero to witch hunt at a time with the exception of universally hated heroes being banned

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The game heavily relies on swapping and countering the enemy team’s composition, imagine they ban Winston/Mccree and you’ll have to sit there and watch your supports get picked off by flankers or get no healing because they’re busy fending them off. Or they have a Widow one trick who bans Reinhardt and can just have fun in the free shooting range.
Good idea, but it won’t work in Overwatch.
Edit : Trust me, I took the time to learn every hero in the game across 3 accounts in multiple different ranks, hero bans won’t fix one tricking nor will they make people proficient with other heroes, it’ll make them bitter and more proficient in throwing and uninstalling Overwatch for sure.

What? We have hero limits? What?

Impossible. In order for this to happen their hero would have to be CONSISTENTLY banned. There is no collective hive mind in game. Different people will want to ban different things.

News flash. Different people play different things. Meaning they would want different things banned based on what they would believe would make their team better.

On this forum this week I have seen the following hero’s targeted:

Wrecking Ball

No hero is universally hated. Its the entire reason threads with any suggestion of nerfing a hero typically goes on for 400 pages. Because people disagree and go back and forth.

You may hate on one tricks all you like, the fact of the matter is that they are significant part of the population and screwing them over will either make them toxic, leave or get banned. It is not very smart decision to outright remove a big chunck of the population with game rules when the game is already bleeding players.

The smart suggestion here would be to make a ranked mode where people can OT to their hearts content without bothering the other players, that why OT’s leave people alone and the regular players leave OT’s alone.

It would not solve the problem of having 6 support mains on the same team.

One word - flex. Its a flexing game, people who cannot flex need to move on, or adapt. Its like someone short trying to play basketball, you either adapt to the fact the game favors height, or you go elsewhere.

Someone is awful defensive.

Where have I been hating on one tricks?

I am not defensive, i am OT and i fully own it.

To answer your question, you second post passed on that impression, i might be wrong tho.