What if D.va ate AntiDive?

I don’t think that will work. Most of the tank players I know have really strong preferences. Making them all usable and reasonably fun at the mid ranks is far more important than pushing dive.


I’m really glad you don’t work for blizzard. :unamused:


Eating and deflecting Sigma’s rock should have ALWAYS been a thing, but some of this is just too far. It changes what DM is about…

Dive wasn’t a problem for midranks during the Dive meta.

Why would it be a problem now?

Also by making Dive counter DoubleBarrier at high tier, that means we could have something like 1500hp barrier Sigma, or 900hp barrier on Orisa.

So midtiers would have their choice of a Rein comps, Orisa comps, Sigma comps, and Winston comps.

“What if D.Va had no meaningful counters?”

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Except of course

Zarya, Roadhog, D.va, Hammond, Winston Ult, Lucio Boop, Lucio Speed, Doom Knockback,

No meaningful counters that DoubleBarrier would have access to. Mostly. There would still be those knockbacks tho

OWL picks D.Va to conter Zarya

Has never in the history of ever been a better pick than D.Va except in double offtank. She even replaced him in bunker.

These are all dive heroes that play really well with her.

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Just do this:

Knockback resistance while flying 30%

12m defense matrix

Defense matrix can eat Sigma’s rock.

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Well, let’s imagine you had Rein/D.va/Lucio on your team. It wouldn’t be a Dive comp. But it could still repell a Dive assault.

Even if winston comps were strong, the other 3 aren’t balanced relative to each other. That needs to also happen.

That also doesn’t fix how relatively mandatory certain tank pairings are, and that absolutely has to be fixed. Your suggestion makes this worse.

And that can’t happen, so long as you can put a lot of AntiDive behind a DoubleBarrier.

That isn’t even true, these things hardly counter Dva. They counter dive and DM is a big aspect of dive. Most of them disrupt dive which hurts Dva in THAT context. Those heroes in other comps are more of an inconvenience.

If you wanted her to have no counters, you would make DM eat beams.

That’s secondary to the fact that the moment DB isn’t good Rein Zar runs rampant everywhere, and dive can’t handle that either.

So create a counter to the NotOffTank-AntiDive, which clears a path to equalize Rein, Orisa and Sigma

You have it backward. Equalizing Rein, Orisa, and Sig is more important. Monke is inherently hard to run in the mid ranks, so forcing dive has less return on the midranks because they’ll instinctively try their hardest to run anything else.

That would just cause a DoubleBarrier comp at high ELO, which devs would not intentionally do.

Also it doesn’t matter which one is “more important” if they do both.

I can’t even fathom the amount of work it would take to balance Roadhog to be a good dive counter. His hook just has way too long of a cooldown.

Rather than have D.Va (a premier dive hero) counter anti-dive, it should be someone who’s a less than ideal but still serviceable dive character. Someone like Echo or Pharah for example. That way you can choose to either go full dive, or sacrifice some of your optimal dive power to try to mitigate counter strategies. Of course this is easier in theory than it is in practice, but it’s how you avoid stagnant metas.

That can be fixed by offtank balance, which is just as much of a priority as the main tanks.

It does. Balancing the non dive tanks gets faster returns and provides a stable platform from which the devs can balance the dive tanks. Doing it your way means that dive tanks would mask any underlying high rank problems.

In this context, he just needs to hook the D.va.

Can’t use DM while hooked.

Makese sense. I endorse the idea.