What if DPS had no stuns?

Sure, I’ll grant you permission this time. Don’t you forget my levity, though! :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

so you gonna answer MrFriendly’s question or what?

Maybe! :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m in favor of only giving stuns and similar effects to tanks. Supports should have debuffs, like Biotic Grenade, Hack, and Blizzard. DPS should generally be about doing as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible. In general, they should be more mobile than they are.

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I think it is a great idea.
You can throw your mobility ability in blindness, which would require you to have a good sense of your surroundings for a good result - part of skill IMO.

Of course you can just throw it in panic and it would still put you in a better situation than the current hard stun.

But it would also be more fair IMO.
To balance it out, the blindness could last longer than the stun.

PS: The screen didn’t actually have to become white (for those who are fearing r/l blindness), it could be a level of grey or brown/grey that wouldn’t be too straining on the eyes.

You can’t. That’s kind of the point of a ton of the mobility.

Just chuck the freaking mace then.

Make it a flaming mace, just like the Hammer of Sol in Destiny 2

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Then Tracer would be queen!

I don’t really think doomfist’s punches need to stun at all.
If anything its a slap in the face because you’re already dead.

You mean doomfist?
Cause I dont recall Hanzo being able to stun.

Nah. As much as I hate stuns, I think in a way they can be necessary.

I do think you should get a breather from stuns though. Like you can’t be shield bashed, flashbanged, slept, shield bashed again, and then frozen all while not being able to do anything. There should be a grace period (Maybe 1-3 seconds) before another stun can affect your character instead of one right after the other.

what if no hero had stuns.

Wait, this isn’t an FPS? It’s fake?

lawl, real fps.

Nice idea.

But first, we should nerf genji and tracer to oblivion.

I wonder what the game would have been like if stuns/other hard CC had been restricted to tanks but tanks did less damage. Maybe they would have been more balanced, but probably less popular.

what if supports had no stuns?

If that happens to one role, it better happen to every role.

Maybe they would actually buff McCree.

lets replace all stuns then.
mccrees fb becomes a lasso