What if DPS had no stuns?

Ah, so your original question was disingenuous. :ok_hand: Gotcha.

People would complain either way. “I cant play the game because i cant move” would simply swap to “I cant play the game because i cant see anything,”

Have fun with flankers then if you think its that easy

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Could you quote what part you’re talking about?

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The only stun in Doom’s kit is in Rocket Punch, and the stun is only long enough for the punched to finish the travel time. His Seismic Slam and Uppercut are only boops. The closest they have to stunning is air lock but that was removed from Slam a while ago, and with Uppercut, it got reduced to 0.6 seconds before you can air strafe.

But generally, in Overwatch, anything that can cancel a channeled ability is a stun. Any other CC is just a boop. The only exception is Hack, and that’s more of a silence than a stun.

And following that rule, the only thing that Doomfist has that stuns is Rocket Punch because that can cancel channeled abilities like Whole Hog.

I mean it still cancels any momentum the victim had as if their feet are magnetized to the ground as soon as the slam lands.

I mean widow was the meta DPS even in dive meta, it literally is as easy as just shooting them lmao

somebody asked you a question

Better yet, rework everyone’s abilities and get rid of all stuns and boops.

What if Brigitte shield bash was changed to an ability where she throws magical butterflies in your face that just disorient you for a bit instead of stunning you / taking away control?

So, what was that game you made? I assume you didn’t provide a link to it because you missed the question.

reply to him, not me

So, what was that game you made? I assume you didn’t provide a link to it because you missed the question.

you have a bad habit of sneaking out of the room when proven wrong, instead of owning up to your inaccuracies and politely admitting it

Saving this for future quotable gold.

So, about that “game” you “made” that you bring up whenever anyone tells you your “balancing” ideas are terribad… Link please?


you owe me like 5 questions answered before I answer that one

You have a bad habit of sneaking out of the room when proven wrong, instead of owning up to your inaccuracies and politely admitting it.

I don’t think you have prior history with mister friendly though,

I think you should mind your own business. Now, about that link to your “board game”…

may I remind you that this is a public forum?

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