What if DPS had no stuns?

What do you think would happen if they reworked some DPS’ abilities to not stun anymore?
Do you think it’s a good idea?

For example, Flashbang would only make the screen pitch white but your ability wouldn’t be interrupted


What I really think you meant to say was:


What would mei and doomfist become though


class is a spectrum, or rather it should be. one day we’ll return to No Limits :slight_smile:

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What will counter mobility?


Shooting them?

Sure, the CC in the game can stop mobility heroes but, the mobility heroes also have a far easier time avoiding the CC much of the time.

Why DPS?

I think you’d need to totally rework the ability instead.


Yeah, I’d like to see fewer stuns in the game but as a Zen main I’m probably biased.

I imagine tanks would prefer less stun locks though XD

I spoke with Seagull and Jeff, they both said the same thing - “The only way we’ll ever see the mistake that was No Limits again is as a shambling zombie in the Halloween Terror event (or the Arcade mode). Some people who never experienced Overwatch when No Limits was the standard mode won’t understand, but if they make 10,000 posts about it we might change our minds.”

edit - also (because I know it’s super-important to you) I’m going to have to point out that your post has nothing to do with the thread topic, so I’m going to have to ask you to stay on topic, thanks.

What would happen if they made it into a REAL fps… just imagine it for a second…


I’m imagining shooting in a first person perspective…oh wait, that’s just me in game right now…


Not much considering he has one stun and it’s not the part that is frustrating people the most.

Really I thought most of his kit was stun-based

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Yes and blind us IRL lol.

Every CC based skill in the game should either be an ultimate or just high cooldowns like Sigma rock.

Well people would start carefree using ults everywhere. Whole Hog with reckless abandon. Moira’s ulting point blank in your face. Only Doomfist and McCree have stuns for DPS anyway. Rein and Hog have stuns for tanks, Ana and Brig for support. I don’t know why you’re singling out DPS for this hypothetical.
Edit: I forgot to count Mei’s freeze as a stun.

Most of it isn’t technically a stun, but most of his abilities take control away from whoever is currently receiving his affections.

Tanks become even harder to kill and they’re already just bulky DPS heroes.

Isn’t that technically a stun though, taking control away from a player… or is it more like something that can cancel a channeled ability.

Maybe under some definitions. To me, a proper stun means I can’t do anything, like when Brig shield bashes me. If I get knocked up in the air but retain air control and the ability to return fire, that’s not so much a stun as general crowd control.

Oh, so by taking control away you’re meaning complete control. :ok_hand: Gotcha.

… you do realize that the word “stun” exists outside of video games, right?

Yes but the term clearly flexes to sleeps, freezes (complete freezes), hooks, charges… real-day terminology doesn’t always convert to video-game terminology.

For example, when I go to sleep I’m not stunning myself.