What if DPS had no stuns?

I wouldn’t actually say so. Many Tanks don’t play tank because they do so much damage (which most of them don’t do anyway) but for the protection and enabling part. I don’t use my bubble on the hooked Mercy to get my damage up but to keep that Mercy alive. If we had enough CC so the enemy couldn’t ignore us it could potentially be a lot of fun. Which would result in more Tank players.

On the other hand it would be less fun for DPS Players. So they would cry about it all day long until Blizzard nerfs them into oblivion again because “they aren’t fun to play against”.

I mean, I do that too, but people seem to prefer pew pew. :man_shrugging:

Actually, Doomfist got that stun because people would spam abilities and cause the wall damage not to happen. So now, after you’re punched, you’re stunned for just long enough to receive wall damage.

perfect i love it make it happen

What if they removed all stun?
It’s an fps game after all…

Oh yeah, that would be bad, because that would result in Doomfist having at least a minimal counter play. We can’t have that. /s

A 4s cooldown for a stun is unacceptable no matter the reasoning behind it.
If removing the stun would result in Doomfist being awful, then that’s just one more reason to get rid of the hero as a whole, and start anew.

Yes, because the counterplay he does have just doesn’t exist. /s

Tell that to the Devs when they implemented it without anyone requesting it. :man_shrugging:

I never said it would result in him being awful, I said the reason why it was implemented. Honestly, I’ve come up with this RP rework:

Rocket Punch:

  • Damage changed from 250 from 2 hits to 150 from 1 hit
  • 1 second charge time, no partial charges
  • 20m distance stays the same
  • Knockback changed from 15m to 10m
  • Stun removed due to no longer needing it
  • Rocket Punch can now be used in any direction, not only along the horizontal axis

This removes the stun, requires a full charge, lowers the damage by 40%, which makes it a one-shot for Tracer and Baby Dva, and reduces the knock-back by 30%. After seeing how strong it is, the cooldown can be increased or kept the same as needed.

Hey, BTC made a video going into the distinction between stuns and other forms of CC, if you’re still confused: