Dragon Blade Shouldn't Reset Swift Strike

Genji honestly doesn’t need this. It makes setting up Dragon Blade too easy. If Genji didn’t get Swift reset upon ulting, he would have to be smarter about how he goes for Dragon Blade, much like the other offensive ults. He would have to either save his CD before ulting, or position himself better to where he doesn’t needs the Swift before ulting.

Note: I’m not saying they should take away the reset when he gets an elimination. This should stay, even during his ult. I’m simply saying that if his Swift Strike is on cooldown, it shouldn’t reset the moment you push Q.


genji is the single most balanced hero in this game, absolutely nothing on his kit needs changing.


I in no way think genji needs any nerfs to his ult or his kit, he really is in a good spot.

That being said, this is actually a pretty creative way to tone back the ‘ease of use’ of dragonblade. If they were ever to do a nerf, this would be a good one. But I really don’t think he needs a nerf.


In isolation, I wouldn’t think Dragon Blade needs a nerf. But since Nano Blade exists, I think otherwise.


So let’s nerf a balanced hero because Ana is meta. Okay.


say it with me overwatch forum:



Well I think nerfing Nanoboost instead, would be too risky.

So maybe make Ana not a must pick?

Genji was just an below-average pick. Now Ana is great, and Genji works great with Nano.

So nerf genji?

That’s an awful choice.


Genji has been the top 3 picked DPS since release…not sure thats balanced but ok


What are u on about? Genji has been balanced for a while now

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In Quick Play, sure. But in competitive, that is objectively false.


Overbuff says otherwise but ok


Ana not being a must-pick wouldn’t make Nano Blade any less powerful, unless we nerfed Nanoboost which I don’t think is deserving of a nerf.

Regardless of where Genji is in his tier, his ult is way too easy to set up compared to other DPS ults. This very minor nerf would make it so you would have to be smarter about ulting. The ult itself would still be pretty strong, just harder to set up.

If needed, Genji can get a buff somewhere else to compensate (probably wouldn’t be needed though).


Genji getting a reset isn’t just native to him.

Transform ults do a bunch of resets. Soldier gets a free reload off of Tac Visor. Winston resets jump pack on Primal. Zen Trans, Bastion Tank and Torb’s new Molten Core autoreload their guns. D.Va’s meter resets on new mech.

Though not technically a transform ult, McCree gets a free reload from Deadeye.

Rather than take away a mechanic from someone, why not just bring everyone up to them? Give everyone 1 free reset from activating ultimate. This increases everyone’s potential and gives everyone options.

Overbuff said Genji was bad in triple tank meta, as was Tracer. Do people forget that was a thing?

Oh, and Sniper Meta? Yeah, Genji wasn’t a top pick there either. That was Widow, Hanzo, with an interchangeable hero - but overall, the pickrate from Hanzo and Widowmaker to the next DPS hero was massive.

He wasn’t good for the past couple of months. I’m just saying.

It’s also important to note that he isn’t good with GOATS, the rising and current meta.

b-b-but ok


But Ana being a must pick ENABLES Genji to be picked as well. You see it so often because of Ana.

Nobody was complaining about it prior to Must Pick Ana™️ because it wasn’t a prominent issue. Sure, it exists, but that isn’t an issue. It’s the fact that it’s so often that people are complaining.

Oh, and because this forums is full of the Anti-Genji Mob.

A boop after his swift strike can ruin it, especially with focus fire and a Transcendence. It prevents him from getting his SS+Swing combo off. CC alone can ruin it all.

Okay, where’s Soldier’s Helix Rocket reset, or Biotic Field reset? Winston, sure, but he doesn’t kill squishies in two swings of his fists. Zen and Bastion don’t have cooldowns, and I don’t think ammo reloading is comparable. And McCree doesns’t get a Combat Roll reset, or a Flashbang reset.

Giving everyone else a reset wouldn’t do anything anyway. The thing is, the crux of Genji’s ult is getting in close to get a kill. Once you close the distance, you’re almost guaranteed the kill. It makes up for his lack of range, but his melee can go through barriers. Him getting a reset on Dash is equivalent to Soldier’s Tac Visor automatically making all barriers go down. He wouldn’t have to do work to bypass barriers, sneak around them, or wear them down.

The Dash reset makes it so that Genji doesn’t have to be smart about his initial set-up before ulting. Giving Soldier a reset on his Helix would not at all be comparable.

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Not anti-Genji, but I do have a Genji only account. Boops are easy to compensate for… There’s also the entire option of not targeting a boop character.

Genji was great in double sniper actually as he was the counter for it. You also forget he was/is the meta with dive for about 7 seasons now

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Don’t use Twitch emotes outside of Twitch you muppet.