What if Bastion had Backwards bloom?

Yeah, IK. I rather have the shield idea, we have been over this repeatedly. Hi again, best start remembering who is a repeat pro buff guy. ;p This is like, the 15th time we talked. I also popped in the megathread a few times lol

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This in no way gives him more dps. He has the damage but has a crappy way of getting it to the enemy currently. If he could use his damage more efficiently, but after 2 seconds of sustained fire, he’s not just going to swap to sentry murder you at 35 meters then leave because he has to comment entirely to it.

20% isn’t that amazing.

Here’s the problem with that statement, get mad at the healers pocketing him not Bastion. There’s more than just Bastion at work there.

I have statistics on my side, in GM where they will basically only use him on Junkertown attack he has a 0.12% pickrate and I believe Kolor has been in GM occasionally so that’s also not always in his niche. His niche happens less than a tenth of a percent of the time.

I don’t know how you can’t see that number is way too small. Someone had a bar graph of his playrate in all ranks and it was, no joke, invisible plat and above. You literally could not see it on the graph.

you have 31 hours on Genji which is 21 hours higher than your second most played. The browser play account viewer thing won’t let is view over all modes so either you are a Rein main with 3 hours on him or the system is broken and won’t show me.

If a hero is designed to suck so absolutely that he doesn’t even see 1% of play on average across all ranks that’s too little playtime. Why do people always get the impression that Bastion mains want him meta or something? I want him out of F tier. It doesn’t quite make sense because there will always be an “F tier” but basically I want no hero deserving that name, sure you can be least played but if the number isn’t a tenth of a percent then it is more bearable.

I’m “crying” about how the hundreds of threads and players asking for Bastion buffs and a thread with over 2k posts and several posts with over 200 likes in favor of buffing Bastion are being ignored. You are in the minority on this. Don’t act like I’m just a random guy who wants an OP hero because first of all I don’t want him OP and second it’s way more people than just me. The person who created that over 2k posts thread isn’t even a Bastion main. The player has equal time on Phara Bastion and Junkrat, that sounds like a flex dps player to me.

Bastion is being forgotten


Im not a Genji main. Id never play him in comp at any point. I play him in quick play only because to me quick play is completely separate from comp. Either way though Ill post my top 3 heros in ALL modes.

  1. DVA 40 hours
  2. Rein 38 hours
  3. Genji 37 hours

Also again all of what youre saying for the most part sounds like an opinion.
To me bastion is fine and is where he should be.

They really need to get the player viewer fixed. Unlike the ingame one you can’t view past seasons, across all seasons, or across all modes.

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I would like this very much.

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Yeah, it sucks but I think it might be to prevent the “but youre a _____ main so” salt. Im not sure if thats the actual case or maybe just bug.

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I’m pointing out that his “niche” is less than 000.12% and I don’t know how anyone could think that’s okay.

It’s not a bug because there simply isn’t a button for it.

Hey, Roland. Handsome Jack here – 'member me? My men kicked your bandit nonoword out of New Haven and killed your little pal Lilith. Ringin’ any bells? Anyway, I hear you and the rest of your little buddies have relocated to Sanctuary. Just wanted to congratulate ya – you’ve successfully delayed your deaths by a few months. I’m gonna be real busy mining Eridium to charge that Vault Key I stole from your buddy Tannis, so you guys are gonna be low on my priority list for a while. So Ciao!

People dont play bastion because most of the time when bastion is played the rest of the comp has to play around him. Bastions gone the point of having the bastion is gone. I understand why that sounds bad you also gotta understand that depending on the map bastion has huge impact in a game.

Also I can see your profile.
Youre mid gold (2363) and top 3 heros played are

Brig 2 hours
Bastion 1 hour
Soldier 76 44mins

It’s basically one map and it can be pretty easily countered with teamwork. For ranks that don’t have that, they can handle one game out of however many where that happens.

I dropped out of plat with placements and I’m clawing my way back up. Placements seem to have no rhyme or reason. They can give you a ton of SR, do nothing, or screw you over and it doesn’t seem to depend on how many wins you get.

It doesn’t show (I hate the browser viewer) but my career high was about 2900 and I almost made it to diamond but I got a DF on one of my last games to diamond who just walked around in spawn and did nothing and it’s gone downhill until I was at mid plat and at that point placements screwed me.

LOL how was your placements? My season high was 2688 last season and my placements were 6-4 or 7-3 and i got placed 2544? I hear from a lot of people its based on 1. your career high 2. your season high. Something doesnt seem right there.

That’s my point. They don’t make sense, My career high was very high, by season high was also pretty high, and it still put me super low with about a 4-6. That was one below 50/50 but it took so much SR that I just about lost my mind.

Maybe it took your MMR into account because you dropped so hard?

Honestly man that sucks, hope you can climb back up. This is my 3rd true season and Im aiming for diamond. Maybe ill see you there!

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I like this. This allows Bastion to be more dangerous but alot more riskier cus he has to hold his fire to maintain his deadly accuracy.

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Yeah I hope I can get there. It’s like those things where you think you can’t get it because it’s above what you’re already trying to reach (at the moment it’s plat) but for like the 1 season I was almost in diamond I was hopeful.

I, for one, would not like Bastion to turn into the CS:GO Negev.



But In reality, yeah. All of what you said is true. Bastion and Junk trade off on being my 2nd/3rd most played hero, but even after that most of my playtime, all modes, are then dedicated to supports and tanks. Pharah, Bastion, and Junkrat are pretty much the only DPS I’m good at playing.

Yeah, I could very easily buff Bastion into OP territory but the crux of the problem is that I have nothing to gain from it. I’ve been diamond every season since I started comp in S3, and I like it here. I can’t compete with Masters+ with the heros I play, but I play them good enough which is why I’ve consistently been at Diamond.

It boggles my mind how stigmatized Bastion is, where literally no one talks about him or plays him, and people still think he could annihilate the world.

At this point it’s like Groundhog’s Day. Each Bastion thread resembles Launch day. “Bastion OP” “Nerf Bastion” “Bastion Unfun” and yet he isn’t even picked enough for pirate ship to be taken seriously.

Which equated to you wanting him in the trash, because that’s where he’s been after his rework that lead to him being gutted, worse than before his rework.

You don’t understand that. You will never understand that. To you and mostly everyone else, you see him as niche. But the question is what niche does he belong in because his current niche of a possible pick on junkertown attack isn’t cutting it. JUST like how point A defense wasn’t a real niche for Sym or Torb. BOTH are getting looked at and reworked. Bastion should not left behind simply because you forgot he existed.