There’s a type of barrel extension, much like a silencer, that has gaps in the sides and I think some have it on the top. As you fire the gun some of the gas goes through those gaps which can reduce recoil. R6S uses it in the same way you were talking about but for any weapon that can equip it.
I think this is a good idea
Personally I think Bastion needs a bit of love.
I was also thinking and perhaps they ahoild slightly increase the speed of transforming into tank mode or let him move while transforming into tank mode as it feels like he is way to vunerable while doing so
Yeah, I know he had a barrier in beta. It never hit live, and was 1000. It never being launched means it never really existed. Making it personal size, lowering the health, and making it recharge in recon is what I push for. It never hit launch, so a vast never played against it. Those that did always say the same thing, it was op blah blah blah (I never cared).
Since your stating that good bastions can already take advantage of the mode, I don’t think that’s a issue. So why not just just give his recon an ability that buffs sentry? It gives those players that do switch on the reg a buff, and those players, more often than not, are the mains. They need love, but the whole protect the pres/pirate ship is what many get 'Nam flashbacks over; I’m more trying to buff while killing 2 birds with one stone. Giving straight buffs to recon just does this whole competing with each other mode feel that makes peeps favor one over the other. But if they synergize by making the other mode more powerful it would be less about competing with themselves and more trying to maximize a mode. That was my whole speal, hope it makes sense.
I also suggested this idea for Sombra, but for bastion it can work!
I die a little inside when people think buffing recon will buff sentry.
I always thought Bastion should get a spread & damage boost this way a la Heavy’s minigun. This sounds like a fantastic idea!
Heavy’s gun doesn’t get a damage boost he just has reduced damage for the 1st second of being spun up but the Heavy also has a spin up time too.
Sounds good if you nerf his resistance and healing.
Well, more or less the same deal, and Bastion needs to configure to sentry.
Why must people insist on nerfing him? He doesn’t need a freaking nerf that’s why he’s F tier, every single “buff” has come with a nerf and he never ever gets better because of it.
I don’t think his resistance or healing have helped him, considering how weak he is. A straight buff is most likely the best option.
That’s a 10/10 quote right there.
Hes “F” tier because hes a situational niche pick and nothing you do will change that. Theres no reason to make him broken because you wanna play him in more comps omegalul.
He is nowhere near weak. situational =/= weak.
That would be nice ,but the thing I would like to see is a minor movement speed increase in recon mode. The damn hunk of junk feels so slow.
Everything you just said is so wrong. If his niche happens less than 1% of the time and he’s not even picked all the time in that niche you know a hero is too niche. Niche is an excuse to keep a hero you don’t like underpowered.
What the heck does this omegalul thing mean? It just makes you look like you have no argument, only an opinion. This buff would in no way make him broken. First explain to me why it would make him broken before you make comments about it.
a situation that happens less than 0.5% of the time is too situational.
I happened to have noticed you main one of the most viable heroes in the entire game, don’t talk to me about “situational”.
Yeah, most of the time people think straight buffing recon is all that is necessary. In reality the rework idea that one person submitted in the megathread is probably the best route. Where switching from one gives a temp boost to the other. I suspect Bastion rework after Torb, since they seem to be on this fixing defense kick.
So spamming shift would be the only way to go? That sounds clunky and weird for everybody.
Nah his was better explained. Certain seconds in one gives a boost for another, not spam happy but method switching.
I don’t mind bastion at all.
But you’re not arguing anything other than “he has a low pick rate buff him” So why should I have to argue anything back.
The reasoning however why giving him even MORE DPS would make him broken because he already has HUGEEEE DPS and has amazing great resistance. Its incredibly difficult to kill a pocketed bastion as it is now.
Also your opinion on situational is… literally just an opinion.
What do you mean? I main Rein, hes super counterable rn and an absolute necessary tank to have in every comp. Bastion is not necessary to have majority of him time because of his BASIC HERO DESIGN. So I dont know what you’re crying about.
Still sounds kind of spamy though. Basically what most of the people I’ve met want is reduce spread in sentry and headshots which probably involves removing ironclad. That would be the only “nerf” I’d be willing to give for the power of old sentry’s damage.
here are two polls made one for Bastion players and the other for non Bastion players and those were the top 2 most wanted changes.
There are hundreds of votes on each poll.