People on the internet say lots of things.
Do you want to believe them, when they have 0 evidence of any kind (no replay codes mostly)?
Or the words of the devs who made the game with plenty of evidence to back them up (i.e. literally every replay ever made)
I chose the devs, it’s a shame that the forums are an echo-chamber for people who got fooled into believing EOMM is a thing in order to use it as a scapegoat for their losses. There are PLENTY of other systematic things wrong with OW that can cause losses other than player skill ( what time you play at, what region you play in, what role you pick, ping, hardware latency, low refresh rate / FPS, inconsistent frametimes, low playercount, mmr desync, and probably a billion other things inside the blackbox that is OW. )
Some of these issues can be fixed by following the advice in this thread though :