The post you’re quoting was from 7 days ago. It was made before Jeff posted that (and the reply in this thread too, btw).
I agree with Jeff Overwatch, Total Mayhem isn’t the best. I get people like it but it’s atrociously imbalanced for many characters and some of them don’t scale at all in that mode. There’s a handful of characters that are leaps and bounds better than the rest. If you play anything else you might as well be down a person. If they attempted to balance it more I could probably get into it but in its current state it’s dominated by the same characters every game, it’s frankly boring to play a 30 minute long match because one of the OP characters can’t be killed. Sorry buddy it’s not for me and I know alot of other people feel the same.
Mystery Heroes I enjoy however I do wish it enforced some sort of 1:1:1 ratio. So you don’t spend the first 5 minutes of a match getting rolled by some team because you can’t get a tank or healer and the other team has a good comp, or god forbid Bastion or Pharah.
Mayhem on 2cp attack? Insta leave.
Mayhem on defense = ez win
Its personal preferences
I personally only like ffa and tdm
Pretty much this. It’s so favors the Defense. It’s pretty hard to win on Attack unless your team is significantly better than the enemy team or they’re picking weak characters. I wonder what the win/rates are for attack and defense. I bet for defense it’s in the upper 70% winrate.
And in addition, if your friend always plays total mayhem, they die instantly in normal qp.
With less hp and more cd.
Also it feels like nothing dies in total mayhem.
To avoid Baptiste Burnout.
If we let everyone play Baptiste for 2 months straight, nobody will want to play him long enough for us to develop meta and team comps surrounding Baptiste.
When not just expand the arcade and have permanent slots for the popular modes?.
You see Jeff, there’s the issue… “You think”, players don’t actually care what you think, they only care about what is fun and when you take the fun away from the players they leave.
You are arbitrarily making decisions based on your sense off what is flawed and what is now and the is alienating players, you did the same thing to 3v3 elimination players and you even changed the named of the lockout mode to completely erase the game altogether.
This is why OW is losing players, you take away stuff people like because you literally feel like it.
I am not trying to be an a**hole or anything and i honestly believe you are doing your best, but you gotta stop holding players back with your decisions, that is why workshop was so successful, it finally gave the player base some freedom.
Add more slots to the arcade, listen to people above masters when it comes to balance and design for every one, and NEVER EVER take away stuff that people like.
Thanks Jeff. Give us Mamma hong, prettyplease!
So they won’t add features that will bring in more players and keep people playing because they are afraid of not having enough players?
My objection to removing a much-loved game mode (2nd most popular according to the polls, yes? Right after Mystery Heroes?) is that when it’s retired to Custom Game Browser, it’s essentially de-legitimized and the message conveyed that it’s no longer worthy of official support or recognition.
And Total Mayhem is my favorite mode. It’s what I come here to play more often than not. And if you tell me the mode I’ve spent hundreds of hours playing isn’t worth supporting… I stop feeling like the sort of player Overwatch wants. And that’s awful customer service.
They’ve already removed every other mode I found truly fun long ago–Tanks, Charge, This is Ilios, and the other early Arcade modes–while continuing to support things like No Gravity, and every conceivable form of Duel, Elimination, FFA, and Mystery… and I’ve argued before about how the Custom Game Browser just isn’t the same sort of experience I want out of Overwatch.
All I want is for my favorite mode to show up on a regular, predictable basis, and to remain supported and recognized by the development team as a legitimate alternative/selection to the other modes. And I know there are enough other diehard Mayhem players to support that wish as well. The game already caters to the competitive players, the diehards, the tryhards, the casuals, the snipers, so why not the Mayhem Fanatics?
I really hope not
I personally very rarely play custom games at all, and really don’t like how (like someone else mentioned) there are constantly people joining and leaving and whoever has the lobby can just stop the game whenever. Plus I can’t get the same rewards I get in quickplay or arcade, so there’s even less reason for me personally to play those games.
Mayhem has been my favorite game mode for a long time, and I’d rather see its issues adjusted or fixed than see it relegated to a sideshow I’d have to go digging for or make myself when all I wanna do is hop on and play the game.
Every artist is highly critical of their work because of course they’re going to see all the things that they messed up with. You might see all these problems, you might see all these issues with it and all these design elements that are flawed.
But us, the player and consumer that literally have never seen that design aspect, just see that it’s an extremely fun mode. We enjoy how much fun it is because of the utter chaos. Sure some heroes aren’t as viable, but that’s just the nature of the beast. Yeah, you might prefer that each hero would have equal footing and tweak it further, but we just enjoy it for what it is. That’s arcade for you!
Need I say “There’s beauty in simplicity”
I’ve responded to this before but since TM is really important for me I’m just going to. Repeat my statement for emphasis.
Total Mayhem and Mystery Heroes are pretty much the only thing keeping me invested in this game.
And judging by what other people have said here and in game, I’m not the only one.
Frankly I think the way for you to split the Arcade less would be to move all the “Competetive” Arcade modes into a new Sub-Menu for the Competitive button.
It would make more sense, allow people to play all versions of Competitive whenever they want and it would make the Arcade much less cluttered.
If they remove Total mayhem I’m just going to uninstall on both Xbox and PC idc about comp I did what I set out to do I have my 9 gold guns all i play now is tm when I get on and it’s not there I don’t stick around I’m not using custom games it has no match maker I play with top 500 players and GM’s when I play tm people leave customs all day long and you get reduced xp in customs I want these exact rulesets when I play as well what’s so hard about making the second most popular game mode in arcade permenant ? Queues? I doubt that we don’t have enough players for 1 more slot you added two pvp modes from workshop I’m never going to play during an event where I just want to grind boxes with friends and have fun that’s the point of tm to have fun
Sidenote it’s the only game mode with garenteed escort maps which is fun for tank mains in a game for of dps mains
No Limits should be a permanent fixture. Not only because it’s the classic and my fave mode, but because it also allows people to have a venue to get Arcade rewards and non-deducted exp while having full access to the character they want to play as without taking away another’s access to that character.
Daddy Jeff has spoken.
Its not just that, the devs have cleared shown that they are against all the players that aren’t the top 1%
I worry that the current removal of No Limits and Total Mayhem for the full three weeks of the anniversary will lead to a continued absence for Mayhem once it’s over. They’ll be all like “it’s been three weeks, what’s a little “forever” after that?”
There’s no reason why Mystery Heroes, seemingly a permanent feature of the game, shouldn’t be moved to the home screen with QP and Comp, since it’s clearly what “everyone” wants to stick around.
Then Arcade can be home to several rotating, dedicated slots which encompass the different variations of the game on a semi-predictable schedule.
- All Elimination variants go here. (1v1, 3v3, 6v6)
- All FFA/Deathmatch variants go here. (All maps/Chateau/Team/Mystery/Mirror/Gauntlet)
- All Duel variants go here. (Mystery, Limited)
- All other variants go here. (No Limits, Capture the Flag, Total Mayhem, Low Gravity)
- A featured Weekly mode, possibly alternating between the four “categories” so that week 1=Elimination, week 2=FFA, week 3=Duels, Week 4=Other variants.
At least this week, everyone would be guaranteed to have their favorite mode for at least one day a week (but never the same day so as not to screw over people with less flexible schedules) and every so often they’d get a full week bonanza.
If we were allowed more than five slots, that could open up even more variety. 8 slots, which there’s totally room for, would give us opportunities for a second weekly, a rotating PvE slot since people really enjoy PvE, and maybe a rotating experimental workshop slot where people could possibly vote on what gets added to the permanent rotations. Or maybe a return to the All Brawls slot, since those were hell’a’fun. Or maybe a seasonal Competitive slot that gives people a chance to engage in modes on that level. (Comp Total Mayhem? Sign me up.)
But these are all pie in the sky dreams, since clearly they don’t want to ever add more than 5 Arcade slots, don’t even like some of the modes, and fear that too much variety would fracture the playerbase instead of encouraging more people to show up to play what they love.