No disrespect to Jeff but I detest 1v1 dueling thats always seems present…
Since the community likes this mode so much why not give it to them…?
P.s Please remove Sombra from this game mode lol
No disrespect to Jeff but I detest 1v1 dueling thats always seems present…
Since the community likes this mode so much why not give it to them…?
P.s Please remove Sombra from this game mode lol
this makes perfect since.
Jeff Jeff he’s our man, if he can’t do it…
Direct us to the proper channels and we’ll voice our opinions until something happens!
#JustSayin Still no total mayhem sigh…
Hey Jeff! My guy! My man! I was really hoping you would go ahead and press the mayhem button soon since you pressed the no limits button the day after your post. Press the mayhem weekly button too pls. Ty!! <3 you! -Salad.
Cheers to that !! Or make some default setting in custom game mode that include legacy blizzard modes such as mayhem to make it easier to play
Well, with every fun mode going to custom game, you can rename the arcade to DEATHMATCH/ELIMINATION permanently already.
We should move No Limits to Custom Games and add in a system to vote on Workshop Game Modes. High Voted Modes can get featured as a Game Mode for everyone to see and play.
I have to wonder how popular 1v1 is, since this is the second or third time in a row it’s there as a daily.
Can we get Charge! back? as a Reinhardt enthusiast I miss getting to run around hearing the sound of old men grunting as they hit their rockets and swing their hammers. (All while Lucio watches).
Please don’t ever retire it to custom game mode, because people do not take those games seriously. There is a consistent rotation of people in and out of those games mid-game because there aren’t any consequences to leaving them, and there is very little reward for playing them. Games are constantly stopped mid-game so that they can be switched up, or teammates can be swapped around. I love Total Mayhem, it’s one of the reasons I continue to play Overwatch, and most of the people I play with likewise love that mode. As someone else pointed out, it’s the second most popular mode in arcade, I’d like to see it receive a little more love, rather than regularly only getting the week long spots on weeks where we’re getting an event 2 days later.
If Total Mayhem is so problematic… why not just fix the problems? Tweak Mayhem until it’s less “problematic” - what exactly is the problem?? The insane overtime? (I love that!) The fact that some heroes (Sombra) are OP and just dominate if you get a good one??
I love Mayhem and would hate to see it reduced to a custom game mode - that would only cause more problems where players just tweak the game - hate Sombra? Can’t choose her now!! You’re sick of Brigitte’s stuns? We’ll just turn those off.
I would not go to Custom Games for Mayhem - I only play Overwatch for Mayhem nowadays quite frankly, because it’s good fun - Custom Games no longer offer XP and whilst that isn’t a BIG problem, it does make it impossible for Custom Games to be rewarding - I enjoy earning loot boxes and getting new cosmetics, so for me to go to Custom Games for Total Mayhem, there would need to be XP and Loot Box implementation. Otherwise, I’m just not going to touch it.
Full week of no Total Mayhem. I’m getting withdrawal syndrome! * shaky hands *
For the same reasons, I adore everyone’s fave Brig in Mayhem.
I’m incredibly disappointed in this response from Jeff Kaplan. The community is literally clamoring for Total Mayhem, and you and your team or whoever is in charge have consistently ignored our request. As many others have stated, Custom Games has it’s own share of issues that will not properly support Total Mayhem. I have a sneaking suspicion that TM became way more popular than you anticipated and it detracts from the core game; but as a player, I and many others just care about having fun…and TM is by far imo the most fun mode you have in OW.
I don’t even think there is a good argument against this. Why isn’t this a thing?
I won’t miss Total Mayhem.
Queue times and matchmaking quality.
The more modes they offer, the more will the Arcade player base split up, which will result in very long queues and a serious drop in matchmaking quality.
Thats the “space” Jeff was most probably talking about.
Yeah I pretty much only play arcade when new maps come out or Total Mayhem is live. Only SELDOMLY will I play mystery hero, and I never really play much of 1v1 or 4v4.
I really think people overestimate how much of an impact this would have. For every person it pulls from another mode, there is probably someone like myself that will log in and play because the mode is available. I would happily play this game for hours every night, but as it stands I only play CTF and Total mayhem these days, so I get to play one or two nights a week at this rate.
Jeff just replied to a post about Getting Banned for Leaving During Character Selection six days ago.
Edit: Jeff’s Post