What do you think Overwatch NEEDS?

I don’t want to be cruel to the developers, because they have given us a lot of stuff I genuinely like. Primarily in regards to characters. But these are the guys who stumbled to create Titan for ten years and failed. And I don’t mean to throw that in their face, I think it should be okay to fail sometimes after all. But given how long they tried on Titan without bearing fruit is it any surprise that Overwatch seems to be in a constant state of confusion and plagued with fundamentally contrary design decisions?

I feel like a lot of these have emerged simply because of consideration for many different types of players so it feels bad to say at this point but if you wanted this to be a moba like game you never should have had characters in it that could one shot heroes without using ultimates and if you wanted this to be an FPS you shouldn’t have loaded it with so much CC. And the two of them together are just awful.

Q: What do you think Overwatch NEEDS?

A: Better “party hosting” for players.

IF and WHEN the matching systems HAS made a bad match, it is making it worse by insisting it keeps going t the end.

If you are a party host, and some guests just keep leaving early.
making new guests sit in the same chair as the ones that keep leaving…
Recognize, that sometimes, in a 6v6 game (teams sizes < X), you have a bad game here, and just rolling over a few slots is not helping very often.

Let us have a time in which you admit to a poor match and end the game early.
No loses, no wins, not a forfeit, just, this match really should’a not happened in the first place, everyone go back to the lobby while you try again.

Just jamming playes into back-fill, while one team doesn’t actually earn a win, is poor game design.

Also what kinda poor party host are you that sends someone into the parry just to sere the parry end and not get to take part i the party?

Seriously, if you Bliz, do not put in the effort to notice how little time is left in a match, and you send us in to see the game be over.

That is rude, you are just lying to us and wasting our time to even bother having us load into that.

I’d say at the 1 min to go mark, back is over and this match can just end with however few players are left when it ends.

want to see:

X playes bailed on one team

same team has < X objective time

the teams kill ratio is offset by at least X/Y

this is obviously a poor match that should just be canceled now.

or something along those lines, stop pretending just any match is one worth back filling anyone into.

That is being disrespectful of your player’s time.

Overwatch needs more tank players. Contrary to popular belief on these forums, Role Queue isn’t the problem. It just placed a much-needed spotlight on the underlying ones that has resulted in the current drought of tank mains.

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It lacks a fresh fanbase. The olde guard needs to move on, and let the new guard enjoy the game without all the negativity.

Overwatch needs a complete rebalance on all of the heroes buffed after GOATs came out. Brigitte needs to be more playable, as do the rest of the roster.

TLDR; The whole roster should be playable based off of skill, and shouldn’t be obsolete because of a specific meta. The meta should give an idea of what the best heroes for that period are, and give the others a fighting chance, not absolutely trash them into the ground and make them unplayable unless you’re a much higher rank than you’re currently playing at.

A Tank that counters all tankbusters but hasnt got a shield

And no, sigma doesnt counter all tank busters, only some

You can’t fix the queue times without fixing the balance so that the rest of the tanks aren’t literal garbage.

1- More tanks and supports. I’d like to see 3 more in each role, then we can go to a cycled release of DPS-Tank-Support.
2- More variation in events
3- A place to actually test out various balance changes, as opposed to Blizzard only testing it internally

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Pump out more tanks and supports ASAP until there’s an even split in all 3 roles tbh.

More frequent balancing.

More transparency and reasoning for changes.

More dissuasion for alts / unranked to GM garbage through better placements or stricter regulations for alts etc. They can use hardware to ban people so it should be easy enough to detect alts.


A company that cares about pushing content for it, why they don’t is beyond me.

They refused to expand the team developing content for OW back when it was at its peak so there is no way they’re gonna expand the OW team now…

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Blizzard needs to stop focusing on competitive players. It seems like that’s honestly all they are about anymore. What I want is for this game to have more content, be more worth playing for everyone. People talk about “meta this and balance that” but for people who are just trying to have fun all we get are half a’ed events and mandatory maps and heroes every year. Blizzard has gotten a bit better with this by adding replays which is a nice “for everyone” feature, but still. That’s just how I feel

Sorry, But all I could think of was when you said this was…

Dang it :joy: this is so true though.

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more skill demanded heroes, less op buttons, skill reward and separation low-elo heroes from high elo heroes. decrease all ult gains 30% more.

Guilds, and a revamped scoreboard to better cater to the roles.

It needs Tanks/Supports to have several nerfs reverted so they feel impactful and meaningful.

  • more communication from the developers

  • Polls that pop up when you open the gamd that maybe give you a loot box for answering as a method of reliably gauging reactions so we don’t have people running onto the forums and saying things like “most people like this the way it is” with nothing to back it up

  • make PTR an actual test realm and not a preview box. Have more ways to submit feedback on it and offer a lot more experimental changes and multiple proposed fixes to an issue rather than “this is what’s happening :slight_smile: you’re welcome.” Also make the time changes are on it shorter preferably

  • Zen lore

  • Custom game settings where you can play versions of reworked heroes with their old abilities

  • more workshop options for those playing around with making their own heroes/abilities

New game modes. I’d love to see TF2’s symmetric control point mode, commonly called tug-of-war:

ht tps://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/List_of_game_modes#Symmetrical_Control_Point

Uh, probably a balance team?


It lacks actual balance.

Seems like blizzard has decided to perpetually overbuff one or two of the low pickrate heroes every few months, force the meta to change, and call that system “balance”. But it really isn’t.

Hanzo, Reaper, Doomfist, and Roadhog (to name a few) were all overbuffed. It’s hard to enjoy the game when those heroes are in the state they’re in.