What do you think Overwatch NEEDS?

Clan support.

Trying to fit a game about relationships into a Procrustean bed of “solo queue first” has mutilated the game and eaten up dev time.

Overwatch was supposed to be, and still can be, about something better than atomized loners yellling at each other.

5 more tanks, 6 more healers, before adding any dps. If we are insisting into role lock as a future of this game.

And remove doomfist.

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Add a survey on players map preferences and use the data from each persons survey to slightly alter the maps they get put on so they can fit people’s interests better.

Super long version/explanation here:

I’d recommend expanding the Arcade or putting in another category that doesn’t give lootboxes and testing how different items play out. For example, the most popular map in the game is King’s Row. People play it like 5% of the time. Might it be fun for people once a month or so to be able to play King’s Row all day on an Arcade tile?

2CP is probably the most controversial map type. I’m curious if part of the frustration in 2CP is that your teammates are potentially bad at 2CP. If you gave 2CP a tile in the arcade I’m curious if people might enjoy it more. (If said tile attracts a sufficient population you might test turning 2CP off in other modes for a week and adding a competitive 2CP tile as well)

That’s easy: Overwatch needs a much better introduction system! Explaining what it means to play as a team, the different roles, general map layout, what it means to flank, positioning, and so on…

Tone down numbers for starters. Damage, heals, shields, everything. Nobody likes to die near instantly, nobody likes to shoot shields all day, nobody likes it when you can’t kill anything through combined healing. If we reduce all extremes, we’ll find ourselves in a healthier state overall. Every point of damage, heals, shield would feel more significant.

Keep prioritizing new support and tank heroes at a moderately faster pace than damage heroes to close the gap. More options for the less popular roles will help even out the role demands.

Introduce more mechanisms that encourage people to stay in games rather than re-queue, like being able to vote for the next map at the end-of-match screen(QP and arcade only for obvious reasons).

Rebalance heroes with a “skill curve” in mind. That is, prioritize changes that introduce human error as opposed to simply changing numbers. Give every hero a chance at skill expression and throw away the concept of having “entry level” heroes. This game isn’t particularly hard to pick up as is, don’t really need training wheel heroes. All heroes would feel more impactful this way.

These are a good start. Overall the game just needs feel rewarding to play again.

What overwatch needs?

This game is as boring as it has been since I started playing for me. Like why bother playing if there’s no fun?