What do you think Overwatch NEEDS?

Designers that’ll fix everything wrong with all the skins…

Less threads about Mercy since there’s a lot more heroes around.
But I know, that’s asking for too much.

A refreshed balancing team. Someone who actively liaisons between the Overwatch team and the community on a semi-regular basis, especially like some other popular game’s forums generally do. A clearer roadmap (none exists at the moment). An improved and more sophisticated in-game voice line menu, helpful for those without or unable to use a microphone. Something more noticeably done regarding smurfs (I’m not talking about generic alt accounts).

As for the post above mine, nothing wrong with posting feedback about any hero. If there’s a lot of discussion going on about a hero then that could be an indicator that the hero has some issues.

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What Overwatch NEEDS:
In-depth character and role tutorials.
Map bans. We all know which ones.
Scoreboard at the end of matches.
Tighter MMR numbers for QP.

progression, stuff to do.

There’s nothing to work towards. No battle passes, no daily/weekly quests…nothing.

Remove the old toxic/whiny community and get a new one. It would be a way better game that way.


Basically the comment above.

Either way, a perfect solution that’ll help with reducing the dps queue times. + more support/tanks.

Revert role queue. Worst thing that has happened to this game.

remove role queue.
address the nerfs and buffs that put this game in an out of balance state
revert characters or adjust them to be the best of prework and rework
add a barrier stacking penalty

It needs more gameplay depth. As it stands, what they essentially done is created a situation where the only way for them to add anything to the game is through new characters.

I propose the idea of new abilities for existing characters that may be swapped out as defined by the player’s play style.

For instance, Soldier 76 might have two loadouts: His current one, and a modified one. Maybe it swaps his healing field and grenade for something else. Like an attack speed buff field, and a single target heal rocket respectively. (Just spitballing here, not actually suggesting these specific abilities, I am aware that game balance is a pain in the rear.)

Just giving the players something else to choose from besides “Do I play as X, Y, or Z?” would vastly improve the game.

It needs L O R E !
Where’s the LORE SAUCE?!

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to the question posed in the thread title:

greater detection of and consequences given for false reporting

  1. Remove Role queue.
  2. Remove Restrictions in Competitive matchmaking regarding six stacks fighting solo’s.
  3. Add a in game guild system.
  4. Rework Hero based performance for SR to PLAYER based performance SR.

Boom. We have an actual competitive game.

more actual content as opposed to just new heroes, new maps and once a year “here! this is what you didn’t ask for but we made it anyway…”

  • Remove Doomfist
  • Nerf Moira
  • Nerf Symmetra
  • Buff divers. chars
  • Bring back old Torb
  • Bring back mass Revive (50% hp%
  • Random Roles
  • Focus on balance chars instead of add new ones

A hard reset.
Keep the characters (and the 2-2-2 if you so choose) And just wipe everything else.
All updates, all Rankings, and just start from scratch.
Just to make some Chaos.

SKINS SKINS SKINS aaaaaaaand Good heroes that actually require skill to play!

Genuine Effort from the Developers.

I’d rather keep doomfist and delete moira

It needs be balanced as an FPS, plain and simple.

A kit should only be as good as the player, but more often than not, I can achieve better results with a less difficult, less risky kit then I can with a more aim or positioning intensive one. That is a problem, because it means that no matter how good you are it all comes down to the hero you are playing and the meta that’s popular. Rather than team strat and how well someone does with a given hero to get results.

Calling this a hero shooter is just a poor excuse to basically say it’s Vanilla TF2 without all of the depth and complexity. Poor skill indexing, way too rewarding for overbloated or overtuned heroes.