What do you think is the core problem in OW right now?

every balance change since bap healing got buffed by 10 for the exception of the hp nerf on widow

I know exactly what you mean. Every time I usually do well on a hero they will just mirror the hero even if its a off-meta hero instead of going to counter it. I’d say OWL is one of the biggest reasons why people do that more nowadays then ever because back then it wasn’t so common until OWL started doing it and I’ve always hated watching them do that because it made the match boring to watch.


Does he have a cc, a stun, dmg-reduction and/or barrier? Thought so…

Doing what you need to do to win isn’t fun and being on the losing side is absolutely miserable.

Either heroes that do too much or stalling capabilities.

the major problem is trying to balance obsolete hero design requiering to work as a team to fil into eachothers weakness (example reinhardt), with modern, good all around heroes that have answers against pretty much everything put against them (orisa, sigma, brigitte, bap, tracer ironically), every other problems in this game come from this i believe

Yup. It mean you blow up instantly

The Tank balance is a train-wreck right now. That’s what I mean,
I’d appreciate if you’d be a little nicer when discussing this but who am I kidding, it’s the OW forums.


Damage boosting and hypermobility. Literally 90% of all problems in the game tie back in one way or the other to these two design elements.

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Snipers. Delete snipers.

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I’m sorry but uh, since when did Echo’s beam goes through shields? No beams in the game go through shields. Not Zarya’s, not Echo’s, not Sym’s. The only exception is Moira’s ultimate

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The community hated shields and shield tanks.

Becareful what you wish for.

You can lose and still have fun.

It’s just our favourite double standards - we love shields and shields tanks…as long as they are on our side. If they are on the red side - that’s it, game is ruined, nerf immediately.


It’s so true. People are like “OmG iT’s BaLaNcEd” when they have it on their team, but when it’s on the enemy team. “So BrOkEn PlEaSe NeRf.”
We are never going to get to good balance if we can’t move past this.

Blizzard being unwilling to give hitscan their well deserved nerfs beyond a slap on the wrist.


End all, no other discussion. It’s everything wrong with the game. The “smurfs” problem are just cheaters. High rank is 100% cheaters. This game has been fully infiltrated by cheats.

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Too many individual ideals of what’s wrong with the game.
It will never be perfect for anyone because everyone has their own standard for what is right for the game and fails to acknowledge that we all have different skill levels which understandably will manifest different views of the game.

Tanks not being viable. Without Ana, Moira and Lucio, the entire role gets messed up. Unfortunately Brig and Bap are gatekeeping these heroes especially Lucio, and half the tank roster depends on speed, Rein Zar and Dva. Without Rush, we have this poke meta that slows down the game and takes out the core fundamentals of Overwatch. Rush requires you to use your head. Poke doesn’t as much.

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Insanely fast healing. IMO, healing is what makes this game so hard to balance. If you have lots of healing, tanks become OP (Goats). Take away all the supports, and no tanks will ever be played. Except Roadhog.

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What happens when you take better Reaper, mix it with tank and a better Mega Health pack. With some New Zealand essence in there too.