What do I report DPS Moiras as?

These kinds of responses aren’t helpful. They’re not on topic. They’re taking what you interpret me to be trying to apply to the game, and responding to that. Blizzard set up the report system for a reason, just like they set up comp role queue for a reason, and they intend players who select a role to primarily fill that role. They have overtly specified as much. They want to know when people aren’t following the customs and decorums that they have laid out to give the playerbase a better experience. The question was, ‘how do I most effectively communicate this to Blizzard’, not ‘how do I solve my issue of Competitive DPS Moiras’?

Well you legit can’t report someone for playing the hero in a way you (and I) think is wrong. Blizzard will do nothing against them. Don’t waste your time.


i do it on gameplay sabotage but i always fill in a text that explains why i reported


yes you can. same that you would a soldier that refuse to kill but run arround healing his team with his skill only. jeff said they would be monitoring the healers in the beta


Honestly, I would just suggest you watch the replay from their perspective and make a judgement call whether to report them for Gameplay Sabotage. I don’t believe cheating is an appropriate report to file.

I just want to say that I’ve had these really bizarre matches as Moira that happen once in a while where people will shout “DPS Moira!” at me for no discernible reason. You might think I’m exaggerating, but in one match, I threw out one damage orb (after exclusively using healing orbs before) and the Brig player literally screams in his mic that I’m a DPS Moira and lies claiming he had gold healing as Brig. And my team just went along with it. I guess they were looking for a scapegoat to blame for any shortcomings, and all it took was someone to yell and scream the loudest to latch onto a target to hurl abuse at. I swear, the rest of the match was a miserable experience with insults being thrown around left and right at me, and our Rein player had the “brilliant” idea to try charging a Bastion (that was already looking right at him and shooting at his shield) and yelled at me for “not healing” when he got completely melted by Orisa and Bastion’s rain of bullets. And of course, there were calls for mass reports on me because their egos are so fragile, they can’t accept that they lost because of their own inadequacies, and need to find an external factor to blame.

Its the same with OTP etc.
Maybe you don’t like it but somehow they ended up in your rank. That means their winrate is close to 50% which they wouldn be able to uphold unless they only play a few games per season. In that case they wouldn be as relevant anyway.

The only thing your team has to agree on is winning/playing the objective, there is no def. on how to do that yet if your approach is flawed, it’ll result in dropping in ranks until you manage to win 50% with more or less fluctuation.

PS: it would be smarter to push for a change in moiras kit instead if you don’t like seeing that.

F***ing bless you and your soul for your use of reading, comprehension, retention, and logic. Thank you for simply answering the question posed. This has somehow been difficult for other people to quickly answer.


people play like dorks all the time and keeping theire rank. even climbing" soft carry and hard. its in all ranks and i even watched a top 500 few days ago playing 80% terrible all stream still climbed from 70 to rank 18. If you queue as healer and go moira all the time with a dps state of mind, you are just meeeh.
its alot harder to climb ranks than maintaining. for climb you have to be alot better than your rank, but you can still maintain it be beeing slightly, even mediocre worse

I have, and posted the assessment above (multiple times if you count quotes!). She used literally 3 healing orbs all game, once to heal only herself. DPS’d with right click and damage orb every single opportunity she had to otherwise, including fading away from us, fading into their backline, and not healing targets near her below 25%, in multiple cases. Every ult she got was used offensively (forgot to mention that).

As to your bizarre DPS Moira accusations, that sucks. I’ve rarely had anyone get upset with me playing Moira and at this point she’s my primary healer. Rein charging a close Bastion is ok, but not one with a live Orisa plus her shield on him. That’s suicide.

report 2-2-2 for long dps q time

RQ just started?? Their rank is mostly based on their old account SR rank.
A moirra can be a GM dps, and he will has at least master on other roles after placements. Even if his real skill level only plat. Yes he will drop eventually.

But saying their winrate is 50% they belong in that rank is wrong.
I hope that they will fix this bug because it happened to a lot of players:
A GM tank is not by default also a GM or master healer and dps!
Using old account rating as start rating is bad. And i hope they fix it for next season.

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I have been selecting all 3 roles to shorten my Q time (OCE, Q times to DPS are >10 min). I get tank 95% of the time. My win rate as tank, i don’t know what it is, but it would be less than 1 in 10. It’s not me, i didn’t qualify 2450 as a tank, then drop 700SR because of me.


i get 2 dps’s who are so bad, as to be outright throwing. If you suggest they switch, you get abused, they ignore you, then play even worse out of spite.

Every single match, i get a trash genji/widow main.

The other night as winston i did 26,000 damage. As winston. 26k gold dmg. Let that sink in. We lost. Not only did we lose, we got smacked. I was the only reason the match lasted as long as it did. Just now…4 gold match as winston. Got absolutely smacked. My win rate on tank is low enough i’ve dropped 700sr? in 3 or 4 days.

On heal, i qualified 2750 maining bap. As of right now, i still average over 10k heals per 10 minutes. I’m carding every single match i use bap. Yet i’m dropping SR at the same rate as my tank Q. I’m down to 2400 now, it will be silver soon, i’m just not getting many matches as healer.

I’ve been picking all 3 roles nonstop, haven’t had one single match as dps.

I’m being punished by being forced to tank, playing well, but being completely kneecapped by trash dps.

Before role Q, i could play literally any of my fav heros and maintain high gold to high plat,in autopilot mode, because i could switch around and a lot of the time cover for trash/thrower dps mains.

I’ve basically given up now. I just dive in, be ultra aggressive and have fun. The harder i tried before, the worse it got.

You cannot understand how bad the DPS/role queue situation is unless you’re in the situation of having to tank in gold/plat.

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I mentioned the amount of matches as well, the MM requires a minimum amount of matches in order to detect you and it differes from hero to hero.

I understand the frustration but people have to think long term here. If the current solution reduces the total amount of time for everyone to get placed accurately compared to a full reset wouldn’t it make sense to use that method even if it means you’ll create a couple of busted matches? You’ll create them anyway if everybody starts out at the mean and you’ll have those same/similar matches with that solution as well.

So essentially the question becomes, which approach provides a faster convergence time.
You could argue whether they could utilize data like “time spend on a hero” in order to gain a certain amount of confidence before allowing a OTP play different roles at an extreme rank.
Yet I’m fairly certain they thought about this as well and we have no clue about the validity of their collected data and whether something might make this approach less optimal.

This. Also, Moira has to do dps to be able to heal you, and it’s likely you only notice when she does that and not when she heals you. A lot of players are also completely oblivious to LoS, so they complain about heals when they die but there was nothing the healer could do to save you. Always keep an eye out for where your healer is and that he/she is able to reach you.


To be clear to the people trying to defend the DPS Moira playstyle, there is a big different between primarily focusing on DPS but still making some effort to heal as well, and just straight up refusing to heal even when there was no reason not to…

I had a game just the other day where this happened, and literally the only times she healed an ally for the entire game were unintentional, because she would send out a heal orb towards the enemy team to heal herself as she ran towards them and some allies just happened to be able to get close enough to it on the rebound, but it was very clear that she never actually intended that as she wasn’t even paying any attention to where her allies were at any point.

There was even multiple times were she was running back from spawn with a full bar of heal spray and literally ran right past retreating allies on low HP (one of whom even did an I need healing ping) and didn’t even attempt to heal them, just faded past them and into the enemy team.

A Moira like that, even if they somehow have gold damage and eliminations, and even if the team somehow still manages to win, is still sabotaging the game for the rest of the team because they’re forced to work that much harder to try and make up for the significant reduction in the teams overall survivability which results in them having a more negative experience.


Thanks. This is exactly the kind of Moira that was in my game, not that anyone should have automatically assumed otherwise.

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Unfortunately, a lot of people do assume the worst about healers, too. But if that is the case then yes, report her for gameplay sabotage. Not healing at all as a healer is ofc a bannable offense.

Playing hero wrong is not throwing. So not reportable. But doing it on purpose is. There is the difference. Problem is, you cant be sure which is it most likely.

You “can” report anyone you want, but it’s not going to do you any good. Playing poorly isn’t gameplay sabotage, period.

Gameplay sabotage would be a Mei who does nothing but wall their teammates into bad spots, or someone who dives off a cliff after every spawn, or someone who otherwise is blatantly trying to lose. It’s not a 76 who doesn’t do enough damage or a Moira who doesn’t do enough healing for your liking.


WE ARE NOT talking about playing bad, poor, have lack of skill. i SAID 76 REFUSE TO SHOOT. MOIRA THAT SIMPLY NOT HEAL.