What do I report DPS Moiras as?

Yes, I read your comment, and while you perceive that Moira is never healing that probably isn’t actually the case. You’re being hyperbolic.

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no im talking about it actualy happens. and more often than you think

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A Moira must damage people to be a fully effective healer due to the nature of how her healing works

As such, this is not gameplay sabotage, and reporting a Moira solely for this reason is a false report, which is breaking the rules of the game; and in turn makes the player submitting said report liable to be actioned


clarification: the response in question is fully on topic


report only if you are 100% sure she actualy is dorking arround"like never heal" “dps flanking all game dying alone” “never with the team to even heal”

Dont report if she is just a bad player, etc etc etc and all the other reeasons that are logical.
If you are a human and have a working brain i think you already know when its legit to actualy report someone.People will always argue here just to argue, but if but if but if :slight_smile:
Report if you are sure. if not sure dont report put put on avoid :slight_smile: GL HF

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Been accused several times of being a mythical dps Moira, only to show 1.2k/min healing at the end. Not saying they don’t exist, I know they do, but I surely do not trust a random tilted OW player to be able to accurately find one.


I generally oppose reporting ‘dps moiras’ because I know from personal experience that people are frequently wrong in their accusations, and I did agree at one point that if someone wants to ‘dps Moira’ and makes it clear to their team then that’s technically fine (but annoying).

That said, now that 222 is upon us I do think it’s a mild form of gameplay sabotage for a healer to do that now, simply because the team can’t just pick up a third support to cover the missing heals. Now if you are just being an aggressive Moira, but still squirting out some heals, that’s totally fine. But if you’re 95% on right click and dps orbs, that does hurt your team. Is it reportable? Ehhh… I would say yes, except again I don’t trust people to be able to accurately judge a Moira’s gameplay. But I do believe that pure DPS Moira is explicitely -wrong- now that your team can’t compensate with another healer.

If you want to play pure dps Moira, go classic QP when that comes out.

just right now had a dps moira on my team volskaya.
We played def first. so after the match i watched replay of it from here perspective to actualy see whats going on. i cant name here on the forums so i wont do that BUT.
When we started she picked hero 1sec before game started so already gonna be late on point. but it happens. maybe she was toliet or multitasking. On the first point she didnt do a single heal. only rightclick and 3 dps orbs then dying on right side of the map when we all where on the oposite side. 2 point she did 0heal not even to heal herself. 2more dps orbs and gg.
thats a report imo so i reported and put in a text why i did it.

Maybe we gonna lose anyway but thats not the point.
Players like that are extremly destructive to the game. disaster when get them on your team and its not even fun killing them when they are on the enmies team.

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sadly, there are a number of unanswered questions about qp classic regarding whether it is truly equivalent to current qp or not, including but not limited to whether it will be permanently available or not

If it isn’t permanent, statements like the above fall flat

Neither. You don’t report it at all.

Because bad play isn’t reportable.

Or…just go ahead and abuse the reporting system, doing exactly what Blizzard told you not to do, like reporting people for character picks and because you just don’t like them, or are just mad at losing.

That is, obviously, what the reporting system is used for.

what actualy is reportable in your opinion. what did you report for the last time you did it

I think you are missing my sarcasm. It’s about how players use the reporting system, which they asked for and now abuse instead of using correctly.

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I would say that intentionally playing outside your designated role is Gameplay Sabotage. If you go battle support or DPS tank, you are in a way, circumventing the role lock system that was just implemented and ruining the intended flow of the game by choice. Hard report.


i totaly agree with this statement.

what is reportable isnt a matter of one’s opinion

what is reportable is what is defined as reportable in Blizzards written rules of reporting

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i never said it was. yes i agree with what you say. but its the peoples different opinions that leads to alot of abuse

To the very best of my knowledge, the written rules of reporting did not change with this latest horrendously bad (imo) release

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xQc is the only player who has ever been actioned for “false” reporting

this is incredibly transparent as when GMs are confronted about it, the only thing they say is “you can’t prove that”

Griffin (a customer service rep) even admitted before retiring that the Overwatch development team, as a whole, are incredibly conflicted and have different answers to this subject.

there was a reference in the statement I replied to that indicated that the individuals opinion was relevant in regards to what is reportable

specifically this:

as such, my reply stands

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Cheating = using 3rd party applications to gain a advantage.

Gameplay sabotage = ensuring your defeat by playing within the green zone but just absolutely wrong and on purpose. :sweat_smile:

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