What do I report DPS Moiras as?

A support’s primary function is to support, not only to heal. Supports are given the freedom to choose how they want to do so, and their rank will adjust accordingly.

This is the same mental gymnastics that got Blizzard to remove “Poor Teamwork” and “Griefing” report categories in the first place. You insist that your way is the only right way to play the game, and people not playing the game your way must be doing it intentionally and thus reportable.

Failing to act in a specific way is not intentionally disrupting your team. If failing to act is sabotage, you are commit gameplay sabotage by failing to recognize your team’s performance and adjusting your own play style.

Except in this case Blizzard has spelled things out clearly, but you just ignore everything they’ve said and continue to false report based on your own misinterpretation of their clear rules.

I ask that the personal attacks cease


WHY are you doing this.
EVERY post.
WE KNOW you hate 2-2-2.

SOMEONE visit this guy and unplug his cable…

No, they are not.

Blizzard has clearly spelled out the Support roles functions:


“Support heroes empower their allies by healing, shielding, boosting damage, and disabling foes. As a support, you’re the backbone of your team’s survival.”

If a player strays from doing any of those functions at all, such as a Moira doing damage only, then they are disrupting their team’s chances to win. That’s gameplay sabotage.

It is if it goes against Blizzard’s specific definitions of a given role.

Pot calling kettle. Blizzard have spelled things out clearly and you are ignoring what they’ve said.

It’s not false reporting as per Blizzard’s definition of the roles and the rules they’ve laid down in game.

Stop with the false claims and misinformation already.

I was just about to start a thread about this.

The rise of DPS players picking supports and dealing damage instead of healing due to long queue time to get the DPS role.This is a serious offence and reportable by all means.


I’ve said it many times already, sabotage as describe by Blizzard is an intentional action taken with purpose of disrupting the team, not failing to play to your expectations. You are trying to pass off your own bias as Blizzard’s ideals.

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It doesn’t matter what you say.

No, that’s not how Blizzard describes it.

Here, I’ll repeat their description of Gameplay Sabotage again for your benefit:

“Gameplay Sabotage is:
Actively harassing or disrupting your own team through the use of game mechanics or player actions. This includes placing a Symmetra teleporter exit at a cliff edge, or intentionally allowing yourself to be eliminated by the enemy team (i.e. feeding).”

Thus, a Moira who chooses to only DPS and not heal is, through their actions, actively disrupting their own team, and according to Blizzard that is Gameplay Sabotage.

It’s got nothing to do with my expectations or bias. Blizzard’s rules are quite clear. A Moira who doesn’t heal is an act of gameplay sabotage.


Actively disrupting means they are doing something that keeps you from playing. You not getting healed is not the same as getting walled off or teleported to death.

You are twisting Blizzard’s word on this the same way you twist their cheating definition.

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Just as a note, stop yelling at Moira for not getting heals and don’t report all Moira players for not healing. Chances are that they are out of juice and have the healing orb on CD and as such have to DPS.

A lot of times I’ve been chewed out for DPSing instead if healing, when that’s not the case.

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Again, you misquote Blizzard.

I’ll repeat it for you yet again since you have some difficulty comprehending:

“Gameplay Sabotage is:
Actively harassing or disrupting your own team through the use of game mechanics or player actions. This includes placing a Symmetra teleporter exit at a cliff edge, or intentionally allowing yourself to be eliminated by the enemy team (i.e. feeding).”

I even highlighted the relevant section for you.

“Actively harassing or disrupting your own team through the use of game mechanics or player actions.”

Some more emphasis for you.

By the player’s action of choosing to play DPS only Moira they actively disrupted the team by not providing the healing that they are meant to as a support class.

I am not twisting Blizzard’s word at all. The above definition and explanation is quite clear.

I remember now why I put you on Mute…

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Lack of action is not an active disruption. You not being healed doesn’t disrupt your play, otherwise DPS who misses their shots or anyone who miss a team fight are also guilty of sabotage.

Blizzard has also further stated:

For a player to be reported for Gameplay Sabotage, they must intentionally be trying to disrupt and harass their teammates or actively trying to lose.

A support who isn’t healing you isn’t trying to disrupt your play. At most they are ignoring you. Ignoring you isn’t a reportable offense.

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It’s neither cheating nor game sabotage, just a bad idea.

Why do you even care? Move on and play better next match. You’ll get to the rank you deserve.

this unfortunately does seem to be what is occurring here - “If I personally dont like how you play(ed), it is gameplay sabotage”

active disruption means taking an action to disrupt the team. Like a Mei on your own team walling you into spawn so you cant enter the game

a Moira focused on dps, though not my preferred style of play, is trying to kill the enemy…not actively disrupting her teammates, not gameplay sabotage unless said Moira intends to lose the game

right - so many players needing healing dont realize (or have any way to realize) when Moira is out of juice

350 hours moira here.

I have simple rules, and while I don’t think I’ll ever heal like what is expected, because thats my playstyle and f you all =) I will give you what my intuition tells me is right, and I’ll even give a quick reason why. I hope this clarifies why Moira does what She does.

Situational- First and foremost, Moira is a chameleon. If there is a DVA/road combo and I’m single healing, I know its going to be VERY healing intensive. If its 5 damage, I tell them to come to me for heals. Here’s the tricky one we get yelled at alot for. I call for their mercy to die, there is no flanking, doesnt look like we are going to get point, so I go jungle and infiltrate their heals 2v1. I win about half the time, or more, or i wouldnt do it. Is it smart? Well it’s about winning the game by any means.

My strat for moira is pretty simple. The most bang for the buck clearly is a damage orb for getting mana back, (between orbs) primary attack works best but shield tanks are messing that up alot, and ranged, which overwatch is more geared towards at the moment. Why damage orb? Its not better if you get the full use out of each orb, I’d say its 75% then, but I might get a full use out of a healing orb 40%, and I’m VERY stingy with my healing orbs. If i threw out orbs like how others want, that number would be 20%. Damage Orbs I get about 80% effectiveness.

So now that we have that said, mana- Every Moira’s bane. I have found that above 75% i can heal through anything fast, say given a burst of 5-10 second damage. After that, I’m spent. Moira’s heal has a bit of a HoT on it, so I will really use it sparingly out of big combat. GOING IN TO A BIG COMBAT I WILL USE A DAMAGE ORB, THEN SWITCH TO HEALING AFTER THE COOLDOWN.

Why, you ask? Because someone who is dead deals no damage, and my mana is not infinite.

When I am below 50% mana, damage orbs are still the best way of getting back mana and generally I’m out of combat and trying to use primary. Sometimes, hell alot of times, my primary isnt getting me mana back, and people are all behind shields. So i can maybe throw out a healing orb that will get 25-50% used, or get a 100% on damage and maybe kill someone and save my mana. But I DO throw out healing orbs when OOM, that only accounts for…2% of my playtime, i almost never run out of mana. The best moira play is do heavy damage, kill everyone, heal up. I will wiat for people to get to 50% health because then they have a come to god moment and seek out heals, so they bunch up and i can whack them fast.

Train your tanks and damage. Also, stay behind shield tank unless neccessary to flank. Flanking I might do once a game to try, or do it several times because we aren’t moving the ball on offense. I rarely flank when playing D.

This all being said, I’m sure I left something out but don’t want to go too long. I like the one post where someone said they were giving the edge in the match somewhere. As a Moira, you control the game more than anyone else. Also, mercies are pincushions, Ana is the best healer IMO, zen is OP and underplayed, best synergy in the 2-2-2 roles with main heals, bridgette…and lucio are situational.

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i think it would be a good idea to look at the replay of the game and then spectate it from her point

well stated

I hope those who dont understand why Moira does damage read this and it helps them understand better and perhaps, just perhaps, report less. or not at all.

thank you

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For the trillionth time, there is a clear difference between a Moira who is primarily focusing on DPS but is still making SOME effort to heal her team when she can easily do so, and another Moira who is specifically choosing not to bother healing her team AT ALL, FOR THE ENTIRE GAME.

I have already said that the first case is not sabotage, even if most people might not prefer to have a Moira playing like that on their team, it’s still not actually crossing the line, but if you are letting your teammates die unnecessarily over and over again because you aren’t even remotely trying to heal them and literally have a full bar of juice for the entire game, then that very clearly IS crossing the line, and when enough people report that behaviour game after game Blizzard is obviously going to recognise that.

The fact that you are still wilfully choosing to pretend that there isn’t a clear difference between the two examples just proves what a petulant moron/troll you are.

And certainly no matter how many times you try to suggest otherwise, Blizzard is never going to punish someone for making what you claim is a false report when it was clearly made in good faith, especially if that was only one of several reports for sabotage that player has received.

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