What are your most popular threads?

Weird flex but alright

My favorite thread was the one about Lias and Bootloxes being the same person

Second favorite was the one about the waiter in Oasis who doesnt need this tip

I don’t make many threads often but these are valid even now… especially the “comics are coming” sarcastic thread made more than a year ago.

Storm Rising skin/PvE mode reveals. Talking about how all spring first teasers were red herrings (While Baptiste wasnt after this thread of mine xD) and discussing Sym 1.0-3.0

All mine are about sym and her complete redesign

  1. A thread discussing the objective pros and cons of Mercy’s “Guardian Angel prefers beam target” and asking people about their preferences or whether anyone would use both if they could. Probably #1 because I dared use Mercy’s name in the title.

  2. “Quality of Life” Dream Patch Notes - mostly still applicable.

  3. A #ptr-feedback request to add “Damage Amount” as a usable event response variable in Workshop.

  4. A thread discussing Genji’s weight, in response to the Storm Rising opening cinematic where Mercy effortlessly lifts his entire body (including all equipment) with one hand.

I wonder what actually determines the “top” topics. These don’t have the most replies or the most likes… most views, maybe?

probably a combination of all

Speaking of dodo

Is this one of your men?

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Once one exceeds 13k posts here, one can no longer have any underlings

forum rules, what can I say


My top topic of all time, 500+ replies and 160+ likes. I made just after the bash nerf that wrecked her ability to kill flankers

So i can still hire underlings for now

I advise you to start furloughing your existing flunkies now

i still have 15 more posts so

Yes, but given the army of flunkies you have, you’ll need to get started now

Rule says nothing about having companions,

only about underlings

so ill just give them a raise

This one:

I haven’t changed my opinion.
Mercy’s event skins she has gotten so far, with the exception of Combat, are fanservice-y in my opinion, and I would like to see a more modest and serious one. You know, skins like a lab coat, casual or that snow suit from the Winter Wonderland Spray.

I think the same about Dva.

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This is my second msot popular thread:

But it only got popular because Jeff answered a question of my. One about surfing, which is always a popular topic.

I’m very prolific in the realm of posting topics.


Oh. Hm. Maybe I’m not.

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Same. I have never posted one.

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consider me moonshocked