What are your most popular threads?

Head to your profile > Summary > scroll down to “top topics”

Which are them? and what were they about? and how do you feel about them now?

Here are mine

The first one was called

"Brig does more damage than a dps, more healing than a support and is tankier than a tank"

This was me using the power of MATHS to try to disprove this, which somehow got a lot of traction…i re-read it the other day and tbh i didnt even do a bad job of it, my only problem was defending her as a ultra hybrid hero rather than a support tank

Second one was

Anyone gets a 60 IQ reduction when nanoboosted

Yeah, probably the only non-controversial topic i have here lol
just people sharing stories about how their brains turn off when nano boosted,

Third was called

"The skill the hero requires doesnt matter"

This one is pretty recent and i still like this thread, this is practically me saying that, if you find the need to compare the skill one hero required comparatively to another Outside of balancing, you are using it to make fun of another person, And telling everyone to just “STHAP”

"Anything yet on torb and sym"

Yeah, Me asking about their upcoming reworks, i was quite excited at the time

Oh boy how innocent i was in my eyes, it could not be the trainwreck that it was

"whats going on with sombra?"

Me asking why sombra isnt getting buffed despite having the worst winrate in game,

Overall, now i know the reason for it,

"No aim =/= No skill"

Oh boy, this one, controversial one

this is, me practically saying “all characters have the same overall skill, its just spread arround different skillsets, gamesense, awareness, aim ,positioning, etc”

Got quite a lot of answers lol, although its stilll very accurate to the way i see the game

So, what about ya all?

personally i realized, most of my top topics are controversial ones lol


Apparently my biggest thread was a discussion about Summer Games and it got necro bumped multiple times in different years

Mine was on the old forums, detailing why Mercy wasn’t suffocating Ana but the meta and lack of relevant buffs were.

On the new forums it was a thread about Mercy during the moth meta called “Mercy - Jack of all trades, master of them all” with 209 replies and 70 likes. She’s not anymore, that’s for sure.

my top 3 are all about Tracer unsurprisingly

1st is asking why she’s so hated, 2nd is pretty recent, about her balance, 3rd is a tad old, about her “forum version.”

next is about brig and how much she is/was hated, then pulse bomb nd how it’s crap, and then forum d.va


My top top top top topics, you say?

  1. I Edited Sugar Plum Fairy Mercy
    I made a few different edits of SPF Mercy’s wing color. It was a hit with the ladies

  2. Single rez is the only thing keeping Mercy from being f-tier
    …I don’t want to talk about this.
    Any time I make a serious reply or comment to the game’s state or heroes’ states, I embarrass myself.

  3. I edited Sombra’s Mexicana skin
    People liked it, but someone pointed out that the soccer/football uniforms in Mexico are largely green, so meh

  4. Why can’t we buy Demon Hunter Sombra anymore?
    I’m still angry about this lol

  5. I made Oasis Mercy
    Look at that, another art post! There’s a couple of different versions of the concept.

  6. This forum is exhausting
    I made a thread about how the thread is tiring and said that we should talk about puppies instead. It was successful

As you can see, it’s mostly edit/art stuff.

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Let’s see…

I’ve bashed the forums for hating Baptiste before he was even officially released, I’ve bashed Hanzo, I’ve bashed the arcade gamemodes, I’ve asked what everyone’s favorite map music is, and I’ve announced a voice line that got a developer post, yay.

  1. 222 fred
  2. 222 fred
  3. 222 fred
  4. 6-0-0 in ranked game (hybrid 222 fred)


Most of my top posts are about the workshop, not really surprised.

I got flamed for bringing up how Brigitte’s Shield Bash dmg nerf was justified. That’s my top thread.

I don’t know why so many people resonated with this:

My most replies was to a thread where I suggested that each rework should come with some lore which explains why, in OW universe terms, the rework happened.

I still think it’s a good idea.

numba 1 is some Mercy thread of course, second is called ‘conservative snowflakes are ruining this forum’ and i have no idea how i got away with just a lock there, third is me spittin truth on how exclusive content is bad for ya

my most well received imo was my Star Trek thread ( game was pick your trek crew from the OW heroes)

Weird flex but alright

My favorite thread was the one about Lias and Bootloxes being the same person

Second favorite was the one about the waiter in Oasis who doesnt need this tip

I don’t make many threads often but these are valid even now… especially the “comics are coming” sarcastic thread made more than a year ago.

Storm Rising skin/PvE mode reveals. Talking about how all spring first teasers were red herrings (While Baptiste wasnt after this thread of mine xD) and discussing Sym 1.0-3.0

All mine are about sym and her complete redesign

  1. A thread discussing the objective pros and cons of Mercy’s “Guardian Angel prefers beam target” and asking people about their preferences or whether anyone would use both if they could. Probably #1 because I dared use Mercy’s name in the title.

  2. “Quality of Life” Dream Patch Notes - mostly still applicable.

  3. A #ptr-feedback request to add “Damage Amount” as a usable event response variable in Workshop.

  4. A thread discussing Genji’s weight, in response to the Storm Rising opening cinematic where Mercy effortlessly lifts his entire body (including all equipment) with one hand.

I wonder what actually determines the “top” topics. These don’t have the most replies or the most likes… most views, maybe?

probably a combination of all

Speaking of dodo

Is this one of your men?

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