Head to your profile > Summary > scroll down to “top topics”
Which are them? and what were they about? and how do you feel about them now?
Here are mine
The first one was called
"Brig does more damage than a dps, more healing than a support and is tankier than a tank"
This was me using the power of MATHS to try to disprove this, which somehow got a lot of traction…i re-read it the other day and tbh i didnt even do a bad job of it, my only problem was defending her as a ultra hybrid hero rather than a support tank
Second one was
Anyone gets a 60 IQ reduction when nanoboosted
Yeah, probably the only non-controversial topic i have here lol
just people sharing stories about how their brains turn off when nano boosted,
Third was called
"The skill the hero requires doesnt matter"
This one is pretty recent and i still like this thread, this is practically me saying that, if you find the need to compare the skill one hero required comparatively to another Outside of balancing, you are using it to make fun of another person, And telling everyone to just “STHAP”
"Anything yet on torb and sym"
Yeah, Me asking about their upcoming reworks, i was quite excited at the time
Oh boy how innocent i was in my eyes, it could not be the trainwreck that it was
"whats going on with sombra?"
Me asking why sombra isnt getting buffed despite having the worst winrate in game,
Overall, now i know the reason for it,
"No aim =/= No skill"
Oh boy, this one, controversial one
this is, me practically saying “all characters have the same overall skill, its just spread arround different skillsets, gamesense, awareness, aim ,positioning, etc”
Got quite a lot of answers lol, although its stilll very accurate to the way i see the game
So, what about ya all?
personally i realized, most of my top topics are controversial ones lol