1 week of ultranerfed Brig and

My predictions were exactly true. I’m finding it extremely hard to deal with Genji and Tracer at all when I play Brig. In fact it feels like THEY counter ME a lot of the time.

Just had 3 games in a row with a Tracer who would seek me out and toy with me and my team’s Mercy, I kept catching her in my combo but of course it isn’t enough damage to kill her so she just recalled every single time then killed me/us both.

You can say ‘lul dude just tell your team to come help you’, it’s not that simple, it can be peace and quiet and then 0.001 seconds later you have an angry Tracer in your face 1 clipping you and no time to react.

Same with Genji, I had 4 or 5 matches with a Genji main who was wiping the floor with our team. I’m talking he was literally getting quad kills with dragonblade while CAMPING OUR SPAWN. I knew it wouldn’t help but I tried to play Brigitte, do all the stuff the forum people on here say, like armor helps/boops/ your melee spam, NOPE.

Even IF I caught him in my combo and miraculously didn’t die, it would eject him at the end with a bunch of HP and he’d have swift strike to use and just come back to kill me.

I am saying this for people who think Brig is good to play now: She is hot melting pile of trash. You can’t kill ANYTHING on your own. Any other support can kill stuff on their own with their skills. Brig can only get kills if she lands like 5 or 6 melee hits on someone, but anyone can do that.

She may be okay or do well at really low tiers or console where aiming is generally on a lower level, but every single match I’ve tried her for the past week, I regret it. Any other support would output better healing, better damage, better elims, or better mobility…

When I played her all throughout comp before this double nerf, yes we played as a team but it was understood to be hitscan’s job to deal with Pharah, Junkrat’s job to deal with shields/barriers, and my job as Brig to kill Genji/Tracer if they come poking around our backline, and I’d get heat if I wasn’t performing that role properly because our healers would get wiped.

That’s the situation now, healers get wiped every time unless you are all in a kumbaya 4foot wide tight circle holding hands and are all there to focus the flanker together

Please Blizz rethink what you want Brigitte to be. You wanted her to be a hybrid tank-healer-dps with a main emphasis on healer. Well she is 20% healing, 5% damage, 5% tank, and the other 70% is unused potential.

My ideal situation for her would be to remove the tank aspect of her and buff healing more. Or remove the healing and buff damage to make her a DPS. Or remove healing and buff tankiness to make her a legitimate tank. Right now she is a jack of 1.5 trades and a master of none


Get over it. At least she isn’t the most oppressive hero at the same time as being the lowest skill. Learn to use other heroes to counter.


exactly, you can see perfectly when one genji or tracer main were the calbary of deletebrigite movement because they now troll you, stay trolling you and then kills you.


then what is the point of having briggite then? she is not enough o fa tank, not enough of a healer.


What’s the math on brig now? How many hits prior to shieldbash combo still killing Tracer/Genji? Is it 2 or 3?

Thats what everyone said before Brig and DF got nerfed so its very ironic.


I have no idea where Brig is at balance wise, but this is just a dumb statement to make. Obviously they were trying to counter with the best option the support role has for tracer and Genji.

OP, if they were tearing your team apart that badly it sounds like a skill mismatch by the matchmaker. Very hard to deal with those heroes if the player is higher skilled, regardless of counters.


You are saying the Tracer was purposefully hunting you down?

She’s an armor bot now.


FOUR melee hits (35x4=140) plus land a whipshot (70) will do it for 200hp heroes or 3 melees (35x3=105) and a whipshot (70) for Tracer. That’s a very tall order though to pull off on the game’s smallest fastest heroes

At that point you could achieve the same damage output by meleeing four times as ana then nading at your feet lol.


I used to kill brigs are tracer before the nerf, it’s not that hard.


Of course you’d think that when you already decided what the outcome was before it launched. It’s not predicting, it’s deciding and then refusing to change your mind.


How are you dying to her if you have a Mercy with you? How is your Mercy dying? You should be giving her a repair pack.

I really doubt you’re getting consistently getting 1 clipped by Tracer as a Brig, unless you stand still.

That isn’t an issue of Brig being weak that’s your team being bad.

Being left with 60 hp is not a lot.

I’m not saying the Brig nerfs are perfect, but the scenarios you’re describing honestly just seems like you or your team were significantly worse than the enemy.


You sure it wasint just a good Tracer since I can still have issues with her with effective armor packs and rally

Which for the time that takes + Recall, Tracer will have you killed by then. A good Tracer isn’t getting in your melee range to begin with.


hold on a sec: it’s still 35 per hit and 70 per hit right? Shouldnt 2 hits plus bash and whip kill her? Or did they change numbers somewhere

“You will no longer be able to kill an ulting genji if you catch him in your combo”
me: Hmm that might be a problem…
“You will no longer be able to kill tracer with your old combo on her, she will be left with 5hp”
Me: Okay these two things were like the only reason I played Brig…This is gonna cause some issues…she won’t be able to kill em now, just boop em away for 1 second while they return to finish her off

I’m not refusing to change my mind, it’s painfully obvious this would be the outcome when they remove 95% of her main attack’s damage

Bash now does 5 damage instead of 50…


You’re assuming Rally was already applied to everyone, and armor packs are also temporary. They only stay on targets for like 3 seconds. Good Tracers just wait out the pack, and know how to easily play around the Rally situation. Brigitte can only heal when she does melee damage, or Whipshot. You stay out of that range, she can’t AOE heal, which a lot of people say passively counters Tracer.


Last checked 35+35+5+70= 150

Edit: signing up for math class as we speak


Oh in that case buff brig bc you should’ve learned to counter her.

she wasnt. by nerfing her this way they removed incredibly high level plays like the rein shatter combo that had to be timed perfectly.