What are your favorite five skins?

She is my ultimate waifu! She’s so adorable; I CAN’T HELP IT!

To be fair, I like most of Junkrats skins, just because his grenade launcher has such an interesting aesthetic to me. Like… it’s floppy and looks like it might fall apart but it launches murder balls at people. I love the electric sparks on his Junkenstein skin and it is the cherry on top when he does his maniacal laughter.

He probably has a closet full of the same labcoat.

I like Tracer as a hero but I hate all her skins except for the T. Racer one and the Graffiti one. It’s such a modern, casual look for her and I love the gas mask and her spray paint guns. Since the weapons and hands are what we see the most when we play heroes a lot of my favorites are because of their weapon design.

Tracer definitely has too much happy for her own good. The only person on the planet I’ve seen with that much energy is Michael Phelps, who gets Photoshopped as Goku when his teammate wins a match.

Yeah, only thing I don’t like about Dragon Symmetra is the gun. (I hate looking at that thing.)

But once I get the gold version, that problem should be somewhat fixed.

I’m not going for golden guns because I’d rather have golden sanity lol. But always good to see someone who doesn’t crack under the pressure.

I think Junkrat is designed to look like everything is a patchjob and haphazard. I wonder if he secretly dreams of blowing himslf up so he can unite with the beautiful energies of entropy.

Grafitti was one of the 3000 ones from Anniversary as I recall? Or is it older?

Balderich, Paragon, Crusader for Rein
Graffiti for Tracer
Valkyrie and Pink for Mercy

Yeah… that’s 6, but I have favorites for everyone >.<

I haven’t had sanity in about a decade, so I wasn’t going to miss out on anything anyway. :rofl:

  1. L. Wilhelm Reinhardt
  2. Paragon Reinhardt
  3. Classic Reinhardt
  4. Crusader Reinhardt
  5. Captain Amari Ana

My list

crusader for rein
butcher for road
specimen 28 for winston (no im not joking)
null sector for orisa
cyberian for zarya

It’s 1000 now but for the first anniversary it was 3000.

These three because I’m biased. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is so hard, but these are the skins I always find myself switching back to!

  1. Winged Victory - My first event and I fell in love immediately. I remember spending days grinding to get her.
  2. Sentai Genji - I remember first seeing this skin during Quick Play, and I wanted it so badly. Finally got it last event!
  3. Cruiser D.Va - I love the “Hey Daddy-O!” voiceline so much.
  4. Witch Mercy - I love the little things with this skin, especially the summoning wheel when using healing.
  5. Tie between Nova and Kerrigan Widowmaker. I’m more biased towards Nova, but I love them both a lot!

I like the ones on Rein where you can see his head. Though, admittedly, he wouldn’t really go into a brawl without a helmet.

Grafitti for Tracer is a real winner, it seems. Everybody’s picking it.

I envy you for the sanity you left behind.

Finally, somebody that sees the sense in a young Ana that looks about the same age as her daughter!

Butcher for Hog is priceless. I am more than a bit sure that’s where they got the original character concept to begin with.

Right, but when does it become priceless?

It’s not the bad sort of bias, my friend. It’s nine times the bias with zero negativity about it.

Would you believe there are people out there that think Nova and Kerri skins suck? Philistines!


Young Ana is in top of best anime waifus list, no competition. Followed by old Ana at #2

Hey now. I like young, kickass Ana like everybody else.

It’s just that I love the idea of modern Ana showing that grannies are still demons on the battlefield. Awesome grannies are sadly lacking in fiction.

I’ll stick to young Ana, if you don’t mind!

Her voice lines are the best. Stuff like “walk the dog.” xDDDD

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This is a tough one but I’ll do my best, and of course it’ll be for my most played heroes even though I love tons of skins for heroes I don’t necessarily play much.

  1. Blackhardt Reinhardt
  2. Islander Roadhog
  3. Plague Doctor Reaper
  4. Overgrown Bastion
  5. Okami Hanzo

Honorable mentions: Irin Doomfist, Junker Wrecking Ball, Nomad Genji, Sol Brigitte, Ribbit Lucio, Oasis Moira

Overgrown Bastion is the only skin aside from his Lunar skin that I like.

As for Sol Brigitte, would you believe some believe that to be one of the worst skins in the game?

People, I tell ya.

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It’s hard to limit it down to 5… I often switch between skins between matches. But let’s see…

  1. Winged Victory Mercy
  2. Minister Moira (this skin reminds me of the art of Aeon Flux from old MTV and it uses pretty colors)
  3. Tal for Ana (combine this with the ‘Shh…’ highlight intro and it’s so creepy!)
  4. Lifeguard McCree ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  5. Cruiser D.Va (love the classic aesthetic and the “Hey Daddio!” voiceline)

Cruiser D.Va is really fun, but I’d like to see a Bunny D.Va skin. Cause she’s a crazy bunny rabbit and it’s her symbol. xD

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