What are your favorite five skins?

In no order:

Cyborg 76
Kabuki Hanzo
Classic Reaper
Shrike Ana
Undersea/Frogston Winston

Cyborg seems to be a recurring one for Soldier.

If I play Soldier, I want GRILLMASTER!!! He can destroy my many enemies while cooking me hamburgers

In no particular order, and separated by seasonal versus standard skins.

Seasonal Skins:

  1. Witch Mercy
  2. Grillmaster: 76
  3. Cultist Zenyatta
  4. Cruiser D.Va
  5. Blackwatch Genji
    HM: Jazzy Lucio

Standard skins:

  1. Asp Pharah
  2. Carbon Fiber Orisa
  3. Los Muertos Sombra
  4. Lone Wolf Hanzo
  5. Crusader Reinhardt
    HM: Devil Mercy

Cultist Zenyatta: It’s creepy and mysterious
Pink: She looks so cute!Its for a good cause too.
Pajamei: self explanatory.
Tulum: Sombra just looks so casual,I like it.
Blackwatch Moira: She looks clean,bad*** and it’s her best skin.

Finally, somebody taht sees the light about Grillmeister!!!

Crusader Rein rules. Man, i wouldn’t want that moving mountain pinning me in a game.

Blackwatch Moira is the only one where she doesn’t look like a freak of nature, yeah. By the way, there’s a popcorn theme on the forums, i think cause of the golden orbs she throws around. xDDDD

Popcorn good, soda good. Maybe she can get a can from D.Va during video game emote?


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The best medicine. :smiley:

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  1. Cruiser D.Va. I love the greaser style, her voice lines (“I’m cookin’!”), and the color scheme of her mech. Even her gun is really different and detailed. Def her best skin. I’m not even sure how they could top it.
  2. Cultist Zen. A lot of the same reasons as Cruiser: love the Lovecraftian design, colors, the little details (the colors and text change in his sit emote), the voice lines. It is a legitimately spooky skin.
  3. Snow Owl Ana. This is more a personal thing, I just really love owls, have for as long as I can remember, and this skin is just amazing with all its details. The feathers, the shoes, the mask—sorry but it’s so much better than Corsair.
  4. Pink Mercy. It’s for a good cause that’s close to my heart, as I’ve lost three people to cancer in my life and my grandmother was a breast cancer survivor. It’s an overall beautiful skin, I’m a fan of the magical girl style, and the sound effects are a very nice touch. The staff is also really pretty to look at and Mercy’s staff appearance is more important to me than any other weapon. (Perhaps because she’s my most played.)
  5. Scion Hanzo. I don’t know what it is about this skin, but I like it so much it made me start playing Hanzo. I love the look of his bow, it’s very sophisticated. I also much prefer his hair in that short duck-butt style, the suit is classy af, and it’s nice to see him in something that’s not Japanese but also doesn’t make him look like he doesn’t know how to dress himself. (Sorry Casual fans, but those pants are atrocious.)

Blackhand Doomfist, Graffiti Tracer, Baihu and Blackwatch Genji, Pajamei, Blackhardt, Black Cat DVA and Alpine 76 are some of my personal favorites.

  1. Formal Doomfist

  2. Cultist Zenyatta

  3. Ana’s winter wonderland skin

  4. Zarya’s Halloween skin

  5. Mercy winged victory

  1. Winged Victory (only thing to improve it would be taking ‘Onwards to victory!’ and making that her ult line!)
  2. Pink (Cute sound effects and gold staff is amazing!!)
  3. Peppermint (One of the best Sombra skins, awesome for an epic. Great colour scheme.)
  4. Palanquin and Cruiser D.Va (Tied because they’re both awesome, love the pilot D.Va outfits!)
  5. Corsair Ana (Love the gun, love the rings, love the nails!)
  1. Default Lucio.
  2. Default Zenyatta.
  3. Default Mercy.
  4. Default Genji.
  5. Default Hanzo.

I am pretty sure suits play an even more important role in Japan than in most other countries, due to how much overtime some of the Japanese work. (I hear it’s routinely 100+ hours of overtime, some people kill themselves beacsue they can’t take it anymore.) I was reading stuff about Japan, there’s stuff there like one-use underwear because the workers never go home, and they eat while standing because they have no time to sit down.

But yeah, that suit is classy. Doesn’t seem quite as gangster as Doomfist’s formalwear, too.

You won’t get an argument from me about Pink Mercy. I kinda wonder how much effort went into creating that beauty. They raised over 10 million dollars selling that skin. I actually bought four copies of it, one for myself and three for friends.

Cultist Zen I am a bit meh about, not because of the quality but because Zen is a wise monk and Chulthu is, well, evil as hell. But yeah, it’s Halloween, and Mercy dressed up as a witch with a broom, so maybe I am just splitting hairs.

Another Paja-mei fan!!! Yeti slippers for EVERYBODY!!!

I like the Lunar skin for Tracer the most, personally. The black and deep red I think is really effective for her. Blackwatch Genji is pretty darn awesome, too.

Formal Doomfist is how I’d like the mafia to dress if I hired them to torture and kill my many enemies. (No, I wouldn’t hire the mob, but you know what I mean. )

Winged Victory, along with Pink, in my opinion, will be tops unless they make a Christmas angel for her, probably in the Winter event. I obviously am not privy to what Kaplan & Co are planning, but it would be a logical choice for Mercy, and I think everybody would love it.

Corsair Ana is pretty awesome, but I do have to wonder why more people don’t like Horus. Young Ana is a hottie, AND you can see the family resemblance to Pharah with that skin.

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1.Seoul Dynasty Mercy (But I love all the other Mercy skins,too.Just this one is amazing)
2.Blackwatch Genji
3.Tulum Sombra
4.Lt. Willhelm (Reinhardt)
5.Carbon Fiber (D.Va)
There are a lot of great skins. Honorable mentions to : Captain Amari and Snow owl (Ana), all other Mercy and Genji skins, Blackwatch, Lifeguard and Sherlock Holmes (McCree), Specimen 28 (Winston).

Sherlock Holmes is priceless. Although he has a different way of reaching his conclusions than the original. xDDDDD

The Seoul Dynasty Mercy is the first OWL skin I got. I agree it’s awesome , because it’s the only skin for Mercy that is black, AND the secondary color is rich gold so it’s a very effective combo.

Graffiti Tracer
Baji Roadhog
Junkenstein Junkrat
Cultist Zenyatta
Safari Winston

Graffiti Tracer seems to be a crowd favorite for a lot of people.

Junkenstein Junkrat is awesome; I imagine the poor sod has trouble in the laundry, removing all the guts and brains off his pristine white labcoat.

That dude needs Tide, my man. A whole jug of it.

  1. Grillmaster: 76- Soldier: 76
  2. Soldier: 24- Reaper
  3. Cruiser: D.Va
  4. Cultist- Zenyatta
  5. Cadet Oxton: Tracer (So adorable!)

Witch Mercy
Dragon Symmetra
Winged Victory Mercy
Luna Mei
Bikini Widowmaker / Snow Owl Ana (tie)

Honorable Mentions:
Formal Doomfist
Casual Hanzo
Alpine: 76
Pumpkin Reaper

Grillmaster is the best for Soldier, imo. Though that’s an unpopular opinion.

Cadet Oxton is really good. The Rein from that set is really good too.

I would like Reaper more if he wasn’t a heartless terrorist, but hey, he is still plenty fashionable. xDDDDD

Luna Mei is really really good. I wonder if it’s so good because Mei is Chinese and the team felt it had to be one of the best for her.

Dragon Symmetra, I thought was not so good, until I saw her in an actual game. That changed my mind about her.