What are your favorite five skins?

Hello, forum goers! Let’s play a game! Pick five of your favorite skins and talk to the other folks in the thread about why you love these particular five and try to convince them of why they rock! Now, you probably will end up focusing on like 1-2 of your REALLY favorite ones, but listing five will let everybody see what you like before the dust settles down.

Try to be nice to each other about it! Favorite things, not things that make you want to toss your computer out the window.

My favorites:

  1. Pink (Mercy) (makes Mercy look like a superstar singer)
  2. Winged Victory (Mercy) (majestic goddess look is just awesome)
  3. Paja-mei (Mei) (Both adorable as hell and the only skin Mei has that shows her as anything but very heavily dressed)
  4. Jazzy (Lucio) (Brilliant concept as jazz was invented and practiced by black musicians, and the sound effects in the skin are spectacular.)
  5. Kerrigan (Widowmaker) (High quality FREE skin which, along with Nova, is widely thought to be the best for this character.)

Let the fun commence! :smiley:

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I would have to say…

1.The one Mercy summer games skin (the red and white one) cause idk its name lol.

  1. Witch skin for Mercy, I loved hearing the “My servants never die!” voiceline.

  2. Tracer graffiti skin, its just nice, I don’t even need a reason. (although the red paint on her guns on that skin looks like blood)

  3. Widowmaker’s summer games skin, the bikini one or whatever.

  4. Widowmaker’s Black Lily skin.

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Industrial Zarya.

But actually, probably graffiti tracer, scion hanzo, gambler cree, nyxl ana, and the golden frog lucio.

Cthulu Zenyatta
Butcher Roadhog
Ice Fisherman Roadhog
Talon Doomfist
Pink Mercy

Widomaker - Cote d’Azur and Huntress
Hanzo Lone Wolf
Cyborg 76
Pharah Raindancer

Imo the OG legendaries overall are the best with a few exceptions. Interesting without being too overdone. Then again the Lunar skins are all quite good.

These two skins:


I think you mean the Eidgenossin, though I had to open the game to spell it right. i personally like Fortune the most out of her normal-look ones.

Golden frog Lucio is not only riveting, he’s RIBBITING.

Butcher Roadhog sure loves his fresh meat. But not vegetables. Those are bad. Meat is good.

I’d have to agree that the Lunar skins as a whole are a good, reliable section. My favorites are not Lunar, but I look through the Gallery, and all the Lunar skins are quality enough to use.

  1. insert a genji skin here, I have 29 different genji skins And love them all
  2. cyber ninja hanzo
  3. snow owl ana
    4)cadet Orton
    5)cyberion zarya

Formal Doomfist skin is super cool, plus if you like killing your enemies in style then this is the skin for u.

This skin makes Doomfist look like a badass and a warrior IMO.

This skin looks cool too and very intimidating. It’s great for scaring enemies away especially Genji and Tracer, plus the skin looks good with the golden Doomfist gauntlet. I also like the body paint too.

Now this skin look way better than Caution. And it’s cool when you have Doomfist gold weapon.


This one is my last favorite Doomfist skin. It looks cool too and it’s great skin. Face paint looks great. This skin brings back memories when I played Doomfist for the first time

My friend equipped Formal Doomfist in game and then started to dance on top of the car in Hollywood. Teammates started asking him if he had gone insane, it was hilarious.

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Well I like Talon line up since it gives those characters sense of unity. I wish there was a photo mode in this game sometimes.
Also fingers crossed for Talon Reaper and Moira next year.

I like the snow-white Japanese Genji skin. I don’t see it used too much, though.

I am not sure “Unity” and “Talon” go in the same sentence very well. xD They’re all out for personal gain, except for Widow, who is brainwashed. xD

ht tp://i67.tinypic.com/28ldonr.jpg
Cybernetic Skin for Sombra is Fox’s favorite…I love Sombra. :3

But other than that?
Ryme Sombra
Talon Sombra
Talon Doomfist
Swagfist (Tuxedo Doomfist)

In that order- because I love these two characters.

Ah yes nihon is a great skin and I use in my two week rotation of skins.

Unity in sense they gathered under single banner. They motivations my differ but goals are the same, hence they are in Talon.

I only like Support, mainly Mercy, so I don’t look at the DPS stuff quite as much. But I love the snow-white look because it seems to fit well with the Japanese theme. (Has a bit of red on it.)

Sombra is very very nice until you plug your hapless computer into the internet. Then, she makes your cursor move around without you doing anything, and you wonder what the heck happened.

Such a sneaky girl.

Keep your eyes glued to the comics for more Talon goodness!!! (or more accurately, Talon evil. xDDDD )

She is bestbae for sneakiness. :3

Tiptoes sneaking + invisiblity = win

It’s a skin to show his Japanese heritage so it makes sense (same way tracer got great Britain skins and zarya got Russian skins. For the Olympics that year).

Kinda reminds me of the golden gaming days of Ninja Gaiden.

God that was a hard game to beat.