What abilities arent lore?

In Old Soldiers, we see Ana holding different types of ammo. She probably just loads healing ammo to heal and regular ammo to harm.

Aye, I think that might be a thing. I mean, she would be capable of doing so. If Moira is capable of doing all sorts of shady things, why not her? :thinking:

what are you talking about? orisa hasn’t had a major appernce in a comic besides “searching” which was just a cameo. and gravition surge is canon so why wouldn’t halt?

why not? she can create anything in lore.

The point here isn’t whether it’s realistic or not vs wraith. The point is whether it’s been demonstrated and/or confirmed yet.

Didn’t Reaper use shadowstep in one of the cinematics?

Edit: Wait I might be confusing one of his highlight intros with a cinematic nevermind.

but op is asking which abilites “don’t exist or wouldn’t make sense in the lore” not “which abilites haven’t been shown yet” . and also i think “wouldn’t make sense in the lore” shouldn’t really matter considering hanzo and genji have summoned spirit dragons in a canon cinematic, and those are probably the most unrealistic abilites in the game

But I’m not responding to OP, am I. I’m correcting someone saying that Reaper uses Shadow Step in the cinematics.

Jeez… :stuck_out_tongue:

(please don’t @ me again, I’m done here)

I really doubt Reaper can heal himself shooting people in the lore tbh.

how is reaper draining health from his opponents less realistic then hanzo shooting out a spirit dragon? its entirely possibly that reaper can heal himself by shooting people, don’t see how its unlikely.

why would them being “new” make them not canon? d.va didn’t have micro missles at launch, but she has them on her animated short. storm arrows can be lore canon, so can proton barrier.

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Deadeye is lore friendly

I’m think Junkrat can hurt himself with his mines in the lore?

I never talked about realism. I mean, Hanzo is already established as Shimida dragon’s user. Based on that, I really dont find his spirit arrows unfitting. Just as I dont find Reaper’s teleport or wraith form unfitting either.

However, passive lifesteal from his shotguns has less of an explanation, even in the fictional universe the game takes place in. It just sounds as an in-game mechanic

I think most of the abilties actually, at least when going more in detail. Some examples:

  • If I’m correct, Mercy isn’t able to rez people in the lore.
  • Junkrat likely doesn’t have a mine that damages other people, but just bounces him around (how would you explain that lorewise?)
  • Dva’s self-destruct damages herself in the lore (duh) while it no longer does in-game
  • Sombra’s hack is awfully selective in-game.
  • Most of the new post-rework abilties I assume; Storm Arrow, Molten Floor
  • Actually, most of the healing abilties: Lucio’s auras, Zen’s orbs and trans, Brig’s inspire and armor up (seriously, what is that even lorewise? she doesn’t even throw something physical).
  • The fact that Zarya’s bubbles empower her weapon.

Ana’s gun is canon. In Old Soldiers comic she damaged Reaper and then healed Soldier, with the same rifle. The only difference is that in lore she has to change damaging ammos with healing ammos to do that.

Coach Gun isn’t canon yet right?

I’d imagine the sonic technology they used would be similar to those attacks on American embassy folks in Cuba- low-frequency blasts that cause confusion and illness.

that sonic technology turned out to be crickets 'Sonic attack' on US embassy in Havana could have been crickets, say scientists | Cuba | The Guardian

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that doesn’t make any sense. why the heck would junkrat build a mine that “doesn’t blow people up” i don’t seen the point of a mine that deals knockback but no damage. nor do i think junkrat could realistic build it. Your really overthinking things. if tracer can timetravel and hanzo can summon a spirit dragon than i don’t think junkrat not blowing himself up any more is that big of a stretch.

d.va uses micro missles in her cinematic despite it being added much later in the game. so i think its entirely possible for them to add in abilites not already in lore.

why? how is that unrealistic? at all? she already has a mini black hole, its possible the damage done to her bubbles absorbs energy or something

i don’t think him draining health is that weird. his whole thing is that his cells are developing at rate that keeps him alive but kinda dead at the same time, so his life steal could be representative of him draining the “life” of his enemies. kinda like a reverse of how mercy heals allies. like draining cells.

No they don’t