What’s with all the Rein hate?

You know, I kinda thought Rein’s giant 1600 hp shield was supposed to bring a lot of value.

Rein’s not supposed to be a DPS. He shouldn’t be getting that many kills. He takes space for his team, he’s supposed to be threatening, but his offensive abilities are not supposed to be driving his team.

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That is, also a fair point.

Honestly, I find it kind of funny. When we were testing out 132 on the experimental card, that actually had potential balance changes. You know, things we could have seen, had that become the main way to play.

But, with 222, it seemed like they put the cart before the horse. They slapped in the Role Q first, and then they’re like “let’s hope we can balance it later”. And, honestly, I think that’s partly what caused so many problems.

because, now, it just seems like they’re flying by the seat of their pants. There really seems to be no grand plan, and it’s all just “let’s wing it”. and, to be honest, as a regular player, it’s giving me whiplash. Especially, anytime I want to play tank or support, because I feel like they’re being nerfed every other patch. And, then people wonder why no one wants to play those rules. Well, I wonder…

Honestly I think 1-3-2 would just make tank balance worse. With tanks ultra-powerful and with only having one on the team, the tank is drastically more important than anyone else. So playing the best hero is incredibly important. And some tanks have damage mitigations that are obviously just not very good, like Roadhog, or none like Wrecking Ball. Those tanks will basically never be usable.

I think 1-3-2 would lead to one tank being obligatory and nothing else being even remotely playable.


And he’s having another one on PTR.

He has gotten plenty buffs and indirect buffs.

  • Less self slow from holding shield up.
  • No more slow stacking.
  • Received a passive ability.
  • He can walk through an Icewall if only 1 pillar has been destroyed.

And right now does he also has:

  • Critbox reduction on PTR.

Not to mention:

  • He got the short end with the barriers nerfs.

So I don’t find it surprising that he’s the best tank at the moment, and it seems blizzard are trying to keep it that way.

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That’s what I would like to know as well.

He’s the last person who should get a buff.

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God I’m so sick of Rein.
Had a game today, Both teams were playing relatively off meta comps, we were steam rolling them.
Enemy swaps to rein, We got spawn camped.

I call BS.

Lol, they’re fixing Rein’s head hitbox? Not Torbjorn or Ashe or any of the heroes that really need it?

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Not even Orisa’s large critbox is being toned down.

Apparently is it Reinhardt who needs it. :expressionless:

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I swear one of the higher-ups has Rein as their personal favorite or something.

The favoritism is disgusting.

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Don’t worry, it’s just the classic DPS mains for the most part trying to increase even more the queues for their role and then cry about it in the Forums…

Honestly I think it’s mostly tank players angry they can’t play anything other than Reinhardt.

That’s what it is with me. There are three problems here.

  1. I don’t want to play Reinhardt. Like, ever. Hate his playstyle.
  2. I don’t want to be at a huge disadvantage because my teammates didn’t pick him.
  3. There are lots of heroes I would like to play, like Orisa, which I can’t.

It is not a rank thing, if anything, low ranks are the ones mad. High ranks love Rein and the like, after months of Orisa/Sigma… they absolutely prefer this. In general, obviously.

In the mid ranks it doesn’t feel that way at all. I can play Sigma, Winston, and Orisa to success if the situation is right. (btw those situations come more often than you’d think)

High ranks love to win, and they love to be correct. And rein gives them a first-order-optimal way to do both.

Rein clearly answers a question for anyone in Masters or GM: Which tank should we pick?

The answer is Rein. It’s always going to be Rein. It will never not be Rein given his current state. For them it means that any tank discussion is over before it begins, and if they lose and don’t have a rein they all know exactly who to blame unless the non-Rein player was hard carrying.

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Sometimes you don’t play into Rein-Zarya and in those cases, sure.

If you do, the Rein-Zarya duo has a large advantage. It can be beaten, but you have to be a lot better, and in any case you’d be better off just mirroring it.

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Anytime a hero is meta, regardless of WHY that has happened, then people will complain about said heroes.

Look at Ana
Look at Reinhardt
Look at Mei
Look at Sombra
Look at Baptiste
Look at Orisa
Look at Sigma

Sure they could have all used tweaks here and there; but most get nerfed so hard that they stay pretty much the worst heroes in their roles (Or the game lolol Baptiste) and then it takes 12 months before any buffs actually happen

True. I don’t know how it is with actually good players but Rein can get HARD countered in high Plat and low Diamond

Sure. But in most of those cases another tank will get just as hard countered, or you won’t have enough value to beat the other team’s Rein-Zarya.

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If maybe other tanks wouldn’t be garbage, then we would not see the same two tanks every single game.