What’s with all the Rein hate?

They would have to get rid of Reins movement speed penalty, then nerf most kinds of damage slightly.

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I think a large part of the Rein problem is that they didn’t include him in the global barrier nerf (not really) and he’s the only tank with a truly strong shield left. They should have worked at it harder, probably switched out charge for a more useful and less suicidal advancement option that made him more able to get into battle with a shield with 900 hp or so.


If they got rid of his move speed penalty, nerfed his shield HP, they could drop steadfast and have a decent mobile melee death machine that is balanced.

Shields are NOT FUN and Rein’s surviving the shield nerf was not good.

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I honestly don’t think Rein himself needs many changes. I think the other barrier tanks need some kind sort of buffs. Yes playing against barriers is boring (unless your a barrier tank one trick) but who said Overwatch was a fun game.

I also just think in general that one of the biggest problems in tanking is that barrier tanks don’t “pay” for their barriers by being generally less good otherwise, versus the off tanks. This leads to situations where double main tanks are the best option.

We only escaped that for a while because the main tanks we had were all extremely anti-synergistic with each other, but then Sigma arrived and he wasn’t. So double main tank started just being the best option all the time. It will be again if Sigma is ever made decent or another barrier tank goes in the game. It might even be again if Orisa is made decent again as brawly Orisa did work with other main tanks (even more than just Sigma).

If they removed Sigma’s barrier and made him more of an off-tank and made Orisa a bunker tank again then we could avoid that. Take my opinions with a heaping of salt but it could maybe work.

If they ever put another barrier tank in the game, which they probably should, it’ll just happen again. And yeah, I think brawly Orisa would just lead to Rein Orisa.

No…these two are not just “meta”.

40% pick rates overall? 50%+ win rates?

That is not “meta”. That is broken. They are being picked that much because they are effective.

No, Rein is not simply “that awesome of a hero”.
No, Ana is not simply “a fan favorite”.

There are no excuses that can be made for this kind of popularity except that they are broken.

When junkrat so much as touched a pick rate not even a sixth of this level he got nerfed into the garbage inside of three months back when we got patches every few months.

Today? There is absolutely no excuse for what we’re seeing. Not with the experimental card. Not with the more aggressive balancing we’ve been seeing. Not with hero pools being the focus of conversation.

They are not meta. The’re far beyond “meta”.

Then suggest buffs. What constitutes “not garbage” for a tank like Roadhog or Orisa? How do we get people to play Winston over Rein?

How much would you have to buff them?

What would you need to do to DPS and supports to keep the game in a working state?


This is something Blizzard could test if they wanted to use Experimental mode for anything.

Rein has the strongest barrier, cant be booped away, and had his god damn speed increased with his shield up.

This all makes Rein the god king of oppressive playing. You cant keep him from closing the distance, you cant get away because his swings sucks you into him, and you cant force him away from you.

Best you can do is force him to keep his shield up, which is what his team wants him to do anyways.


Buffing the other tanks would bring us right back to shield meta

Buff Winston and Ball, then.

Ok I just want Winston buffed. I’m too garbage to get value out of him so I want him buffed (the reasoning is a joke but I do want the monkey buffed).


Band-Aid fix to a problem Blizzard created 3 years ago.

Not specific to Reinhardt.

All tanks should have received it, or something like it.

Again, not specific to Reinhardt.

Irrelevant. In 775 hours on Reinhardt I have never been like;
“damn it, if only my crit box wasn’t so large.”

He was nerfed with the other barrier tanks. Difference is, the other barrier tanks that were nerfed have a secondary damage mitigation button that Reinhardt doesn’t have.

Blizzard made it that way by nerfing the other tanks into oblivion. It has absolutely nothing to do with Reinhardt, but if you would like to keep convincing yourself otherwise, be my guest.

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Man, imagine how bonkers the meta would be if Wrecking Ball was the meta tank.

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Every buffs I suggest would get shut down immediately because people hate Orisa and Sigma.

People never accept a tank rework for Roadhog either.

So I don’t think I want to bother with again atm.

People rage about ball already. I can’t even imagine.

It would be like the response to Brig 1.0 all over again.

As usual, people want the meta to be nerfed without stopping to think about why the meta is the meta.

I bet you’d have people lining up to play tank, though. Ball is probably the most fun tank, and also probably the hardest to play.

Ditto. Maybe, just maybe I didn’t like double barrier meta but I do like playing Orisa and Sigma and want them to feel fun and impactful.

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