We're lacking Omnic heroes

Yes! I approve of this message.

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I would quite like a chunky tank that’s loaded to the brim with heavy weaponry but they all have a unique heat bar so the player has to be careful how and when to use each toy.

If you’re familiar with Starcraft, I’m thinking some sort of horrific combination of an Odin / Firebat / Marauder with rocket launchers and minigun strapped to both arms, a flame thrower for close encounters and a nuclear launcher on its back for the hehes.

LMB - Fire miniguns for sustained, somewhat accurate damage at medium range. Aim is somewhat affected the more you fire. The guns can overheat.

RMB - Fire rockets, similar to Pharahs. Has a recoil which also affects the accuracy of the miniguns. Rocket launchers can overheat.

E - Hold to use flame thrower in a short range arc in front of the omnic. Flamethrowers can overheat.

Shift - Perhaps this could hunker the omnic down, retracting weaponry but also creating a Reinhardt barrier in front of him. While in this mode, his weaponry all cooldown at a much faster rate.

Q - Launch the nuke baby!! :exploding_head:

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You know what that makes me think of?

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[Hero Concept: "V" (Big read) 🦾]

You may enjoy V as well then.

The big Doomfist/Omnic villain reveal showed us an Omnic that I believe will become a hero one day.

Little bummed out that it seems to be the same Null Sector rather than someone bigger than Talon but who knows, maybe he will turn out to be more exciting later haha

So with any luck

  • Support - Villain Omnic Guy (Would love another dark or evil support)
  • Tank - someone else
  • DPS - Echo (Wanted her to be a tank but the Bomblet gun and her dps focus in trailer tells me otherwise)
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“Maximilian, fashionably late.”

Yes, this. Except make D.Mon a main tank with a barrier to separate her from D.Va in function.