We're lacking Omnic heroes

There are in total 3.5 Omnic heroes; Orisa, Bastion and Zenyatta. (B.O.B. is 0.5)

We need 1 more in Tank, 1 more in Damage and 1 more in Support.

What Omnic would you design?


Ah, I see you’re a man of culture as well.
I’d like to have an evil omnic hero in Overwatch.
If not completely evil, but reasonable and edgy.
I’d love to see designs they come up with. Something creative and inspiring, maybe, robot artist?


Like uh “Reaper” edgy?

No. Revenant type of edgy. Extremely hateful to humans or something.
Sounds more like robot with an OCD :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



I would like to see the omnic from the end of Storm rising come in the game.

If we add that to Echo that is certainly coming would be at least 2 more and I would like to see im the near future at least one more.

Like if Echo us a support, and The atorm Rising Omnic is a Tank then I want one more dps omnic. Would be nice at least, specially in a stpry whwre the omnic revplution and omnic rights are such a huge deal.

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Don’t we have Maximillian ready to ship? Seems like a sort of spy/backstabber archetype.

I really doubt that Maximilien bother himself fighting a lot.


I want Lynx 17 to go with Sombra in the hacker types.

Maybe make them the hack support to her assassin one?

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Add another 0.5 for snowball.

Is snowball even omnic?

That sounds cool since we already have 3 friendly Omnics (dunno if B.O.B. is friendly, could be neutral)


It’s clearly sentient though.

Welp, anyway its not much sentient in fight, and it can turn agains you…

A decker omnic? Instead of hacking, they sorta boost/augment and send people into overdrive. Been asking for this for a while. Would love to see a support cd or ult that chops % cooldown time off allies.

I don’t know. It feels more like a D’va mech to me only with hamster voice interaction.

She’s not an omnic, but I hope we get D.Mon sometime.
The world needs another meka-crew hero.


I think an evil omnic that makes robot noises for voice lines would make for a nice foil to Bastion.

They would be intelligent enough to speak a language, but hate humans so much they literally defy speaking any of them, that sort of thing. Plus omnic language hasn’t really been explored beyond bastion’s legacy beeps.


Gimmie gimmie Lynx Seventeen!!

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Don Rumbotico with a drunk monk Dark Souls-like fighting style. xD

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