Waiting at the DMV, so a DPS concept while I wait

Omnic DPS
200 HP
Doing certain actions will increase a heat guage. Once overheated, cannot fire Primary weapon until Overheat status ends. While Overheated movement speed increases, universal melee deals 35 extra damage and Omnic is immune to CC. Overheat status lasts 10 seconds.

Primary–Energy Rifle:
Fires a shot with no fall off and spread at a steady fire rate (Zenyatta fire rate). Quick press will fire a small shot dealing 15 damage a shot with headshot multiplier. Holding for 1 second will charge the rifle. On release will unleash a long range beam that hits 4 ticks in less than a second with no Headshot multiplier and ignores Barriers and Defense Matrix. Has no ammo but raises heat with each shot. Regular shots heat up slightly, charged shots heat exponentially.

Cooldown: 12 seconds
Heat expelled: 50% Maximum heat gauge
Expels heat. Extending the time you can fire the Rifle or cutting overheat status time by 5 seconds. Enemies within 4 meters will take damage relative to the amount of heat expelled:
less than 50% = 30 Damage
greater than 50% = 50 Damage
During Overheat status = 50 damage with Burning status of 80 damage over 4 seconds.

Ability 1–shock field
Cooldown: 12 seconds
With a beam marker, place an electric field with an 8 meter radius. Dealing 10 damage a second for 5 seconds. The Omnic can destabilize the field by firing into it with Primary Weapon to deal an instant 80 damage to all enemies in the field but ending the effect immediately.

Ability 2–Ignition
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Damage: 20
Holding input will begin building possible distance travelled. On release Omnic will charge in any direction they are aiming (even vertically). Distance Traveled equal to amount of time spent holding input. Holding input for longer than 2 seconds will begin to slowly heat up Omnic. When overheated, will have the longest dash in the game. If used while already Overheated, will instantly charge at maximum possible distance with no delay or ability to interrupt momentum. Making ability risky in areas with cliffs. On impact with enemy, while overheated, enemy is burned for an additional 20 damage per second for 3 seconds.

Ultimate–Burn out
Maximizes Heat Guage and allows use of Primary while Overheated. Venting will always do Maximum damage and won’t expel any heat. Lasts 10 seconds then immediately cools off preventing any heat gain for 5 seconds.

Wanted a hero that changes modes with the higher damage mode having a risk to it.


Shock field should be able to disable heroes deployed equipments like Symmetra teleporter, torbjorns turret, etc.

how did you find this post? why necro it?

he posted it in my We're lacking Omnic heroes - #20 by anon23045006 thread