Hero Concept: "V" (Big read) đŸŠŸ

I created a hero a long time ago, and i’m still building on her story and design. I decided it was time to introduce her to the forums.

  • Name: Referred to as “V” By those close to her, no one is sure of why, or simply refuses to speak of it. She will not acknowledge any other designation. Pronounced: “vee”

  • Race: Omnic, early model heavily self-upgraded/modified.

  • Gender: Non-binary, quite literally
 but prefers to take on a “Feminine” Persona, if you asked a human. Female pronouns are
 acceptable perimeters to differentiate her from others.

  • Age: Assumed to be around 29-30 years of age, based on factory production date.

Now this is where we get into detail

In-Game Abilities/Design
  • V’s primary attack/primary fire consists of punches swipes and kicks, each dealing progressive damage when a combo is achieved. Starting at 50 (the standard melee damage) And progressing to 75, then 100. This primary fire taking slightly longer than a standard melee to “Swing” after the first hit lands. This attack is only applied in melee range.

  • “Energetic agility” V’s first short cooldown ability allows her to jump around 10 meters into the air from free standing or while moving. If used while moving she will jump in a small arc. No matter how she began the jump, she will roll a few meters into a standing position when landing on flat surfaces, or grab onto walls to climb them. Giving the player full control of her movement. (This is not a static sequence, allowing for camera movement throughout.)
    The cooldown being around 4 seconds. (Heavily Debatable)

  • “Enhanced mobility” V is capable of climbing walls, ledges, and “Holding” a ledge, allowing for V to jump back off of it at a moment’s notice. V’s base movement speed is slightly higher than normal. If the jump button is held after a normal jump higher than 1 meter, she will roll at the end of her jumps, landing on the ground in the same fashion as “Energetic agility”

  • “Enhanced senses” With a cooldown of 20 seconds, V will hone in on her enhanced senses, emitting a “ping” every 2 seconds, lasting for a duration of 10 seconds, each time the ping is emitted enemies will be shown as static red images through walls at the time of the ping. This effect applies to all teammates, as sonic arrow does. The enemies within range would also hear the ping as it is emitted. V will also receive a speed increase during it’s duration.

  • “Healing aura” V naturally has a healing aura around her
 it may be a side effect of her time spent training with Zenyatta, and will naturally heal her allies in a small radius of 6 meters for 10 hp per second, scaling up with each successfully landed melee attack, from 10 to 35 to 60, lingering for 5 seconds after the hit has landed. (Radius requires line of sight, it’s size is up for debate.)

  • “Personal shield grid” V’s health consists of 50 standard HP, 50 Armor HP, and 100 shield HP. Making V heavily reliant on her own naturally replenishing shield grid to survive.

  • Duel ultimate. V has two ultimates, up to the player which to use.
    As a singular entity, it is referred to as “Duality”

  • The first: “Wrath” sends V into an uncontrolled rage, her primary attack dealing 100 damage per swing, without a combo scaling effect. Her cooldowns are halved during this ultimate.

  • The second: “Compassion” halves her cooldowns but ups her healing output twice over, and increases her primary fire (swing) rate slightly.


“V’s” current appearance in present day Overwatch is that of a heavily modified Omnic, standing at only 4 and a half feet tall, she has a thin frame, having removed her own outer shell years ago, and replaced it to accommodate smaller and more efficient internal parts.

V has completely overhauled limbs, her legs resembling that of a cat, slim and bending to accommodate strong upward mobility, and quick horizontal movement. She has four large modified “Ears” Which are sensitive enough to hear and locate a target from rooms away, which she keeps hidden under a hood when traveling.

Her eyes are larger, much more distinct than any factory standard model Omnic, being replaced with extremely sensitive equipment resembling the compound eyes of an insect while being programmed to display visuals to convey emotional states, and giving her a wider field of view, and far more detailed visual information than even a human is capable of. They glow a deep blue when she allows her emotions through, a side effect of the equipment’s (Stolen) origin.

V typically wears baggy or reflective clothing, usually stolen items cobbled together to form what some could call an “Outfit” This gives her the appearance of just being another piece of hard to understand technology when hidden in plain sight.

V has claws where her finger tips and “toes” might have once been, one of her last choices of defense in close combat, each ground to a shining sharp point.

V has a thin robotic tail, capable of holding objects in a pinch, but completely intended for stabilization when running and jumping, usually also hidden under clothing when in public.

Story Time. (Big Read)

“V” Is one of the first Omnics off of the production line, and one of the first to learn of her
 independence. She survived through hiding in plain sight, stealing the ID’s of soldiers, upgrading herself physically when possible, learning about her construction and of the construction of others, both mechanical, and

Eventually she would stow away on military and civilian transports jumping from one to the next until she was taken in by a group of Omnics headed to Nepal, who briefly became
 like family. Or the closest thing she knew to the phrase. She studied under many monks, before rising to the top of her “Class” And studying under Zenyatta and Mondatta themselves, growing closer to the one monk who began to show her what kinds of power she held within.

Until that fateful day, her “Home” Became nothing more than an empty dusty room in her eyes, as she tore it’s doors from their hinges, shattered the very pottery she had helped to sculpt, and destroyed her small piece of the monastery, and of her only home.

The high monk had taken on a second close pupil, to live in this clean and vibrant place
 one not of metal but an amalgamation of flesh and steel
 “Wrong” In her eyes
 one who belonged to the very people who sought to destroy her and her kind.

She left before finishing her training, in a dangerous and unpredictable time, and state of mind
 Zenyatta had warned her that if she left him and forwent her training so far along, she would be throwing everything away
 and be lost to her own turmoil.

She fled to live in the shadows of the light, hidden once more in plain sight
 and not knowing for sure who she had become. Her state of mind was only further worsened upon hearing of Mondatta’s death, forcing her to retreat completely into the shadows, reluctant to interact with anyone let alone Omnic or Human. She had believed that Omnics were “rightfully immortal” And hearing of one of her teacher’s passing forced her to question the very values in life she had so willingly ignored, the very words Mondatta had spoken to her.

She knew of people who wished not to be known, and found places that shouldn’t have been seen, but did nothing with this information, simply watched the world from the comfort of her anonymity
 until she was captured for the first time in her life.

By a human no doubt
 but not just any human.
She thought she couldn’t be caught, until she awoke on an old sofa in a dingy loft, with some kind of bio-mechanical weapon sticking out of her leg, and a masked figure sitting across from her
 at first she thought she was in the company of another heavily modified Omnic, until the figure calmly and orderly removed the mask, to reveal, of all things, an old woman.

Ana Amari had questioned where this Omnic had found or been given the information enough to track her, let alone find her
 but quickly realized she wasn’t being hunted
 a welcome change from the normal day to day.

At first she was apprehensive to even talk to this human, assuming she meant the worst
 but she didn’t need to do the talking. Ana knew she was scared, and as much a child to this world as anyone else
 but what solidified her trust was having come across a file detailing an illusive Omnic “Thief” That had never been caught, matching the description of this small thing laying on her couch. “You don’t mean any harm, do you? You never did
 i doubt you stole anything of personal value to anyone either” Ana said, looking over V’s randomly assorted attachments and enhancements, not unfamiliar to her own.

The old sniper enlisted her to find someone
 someone who was to her surprise, even more illusive than either of the two of them. The head of a suggested hacking group that had never been caught or exposed, and the very person Ana was fearful of being in possession of Overwatch’s most closely held data
 her own included.

V had been on the tail of this individual for days when it happened
 she couldn’t move. Her limbs didn’t seem to acknowledge her impulses
 she fell to the ground, completely immobile
 and later woke again to find herself in a quiet makeshift server room
 confronted by an empty room, and an indistinguishable voice questioning her. At first she feared the worst, but quickly realized she was still mostly intact
 except for the bundle of wires and connectors linking her to a nearby computer, she felt

The questions made no sense, and it was quickly apparent as to why
 she wasn’t an agent working for any large corporation, nor a cyborg assassin
 this was made clear to the hacker when she saw fear in the large eyes of the Omnic
 something she hadn’t seen for a long time, especially not outside of a mirror.

She revealed herself to be Sombra, the entire hacking group itself
 and another shadow hiding itself from the world
 The hacker kicked her out, threatening to disable her once more if they ever crossed paths
 and to find her and wipe her entire memory if she ever revealed information about Sombra’s whereabouts or identity.

This threat didn’t stick with V for long, as she stuck close to the shadows in the city of Dorado, as the local gangs became much more violent. There was talk of an unknown figure hunting down members of “Los-muertos” And it was assumed to be a heavily modified Omnic doing these deeds, as the figure was only described as “Having a glowing face and inhuman reactions”

V was cornered by the gang, and beaten nearly into submission, with music blaring in her ears
 When a friendly face decided to take over. Someone who knew the gang and knew their systems well, would shut everything down
 computers, lights, the loud music, even temporarily disabling her friend in the process
 a desperate and risky move. The phrase “APAGANDO LAS LUCES” echoing through the warehouse, followed by shots being fired, and doors being flung open as the men fled from their hideout.

Sombra worked throughout the night, in an attempt to repair her new friend
 her major systems had been nearly destroyed, all but a black box that V herself had designed to keep her alive in case of major systems failure
 Sombra worked tirelessly, even updating her defensive software and protecting her against other’s less well designed hacking attacks, while improving her regenerative internal shield grid in the process.

Only did V finally wake once more the following morning, new and improved, to find that her new friend was asleep at a desk covered in spare parts and pieces of circuit boards.

(Edited mostly for grammar. I may edit and add content as it is created and settled upon.)

This isn’t a TL;DR by any means, and i would highly suggest and appreciate it if you read through the thread before giving feedback, but a general assessment of “V” is that she has a disdain for humans, fearing them more than most would because of the things she saw during the crisis. She is slowly learning that her initial feelings may have been warped, but she’s not likely to trust easily. She is split between wanting to be “good” and not knowing what “good” is exactly, fearing that humans are the problem. She cannot control her emotions as easily as she was taught, and suffers in internal turmoil over her views of the world. She may heal the weak, or destroy a weakened opponent
 and she isn’t too clear on what the difference is yet.

~â„­đ”„đ”Šđ”Ÿđ”Šđ”‰đ”Źđ”” :fox_face:

(This is a hero that i’ve been designing since far before many of the new heroes were added, and I would love some further feedback on. ^,^ It’s taken a while for me to slap together this information, but i’m finally feeling like it’s worth posting.)


This post is extra thicc


I post my hero ideas to the “Story Discussion” forum because it has less of a chance to be overshadowed by hundreds of complaints.


Understandable. If this one is simply forgotten i may re-upload it there.
I was hoping to get a wider range of input and feedback since the general forum is so cluttered and the traffic is high, and half of her design is based on an in-game model for how she would play.

As always, i would love your feedback once you’ve read the thread.
Hopefully this will go over better than the original attempt
 (It was buried instantly) And thank you for the kind words.

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I understand, I just don’t want to see your creativity go unnoticed <3

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I loved the story. You put a lot of thought into it and the interactions of the different characters. I could see this being in one of the short stories during a special skin challenge.

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Aww thank you! ^,^ I’m thankful you took the time to read it.
I would love to see this character realized someday, though i’m less able to create renderings as some people do, i may start drawing simple designs and see where it goes from there.

I did put a lot of thought into her interactions with other heroes, and i have other small stories involving her and other elements of the OW universe, but nothing i felt was solid enough to be added just yet.

Tempest#12555 if you ever want to talk or play sometime. I like creative/positive people :smiley: :heart:

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Gladly. I’m also on Discord, if you want to chat there any time soon.
(Zero relation to “V’s” Name btw. The V was a stand in for something else while i was settling on what to call her officially, until i realized how much i liked it on it’s own.)

I have slightly changed some small things in the story above btw, i felt it lacked cohesion in a few places, and didn’t convey what was intended. Nothing was removed, simply added.

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Added! How’d you come up with “ChibiFox” if I may ask?

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Ah! The short story of my gamertag!
So i came up with it many years ago, because it is a reflection of what i wished to be.

Firstly, you have “Chibi” Roughly meaning “Cute” Or “Small” In Japanese slang.
I myself do not have a great body image, and i’m anything but small
 well over 6 feet tall actually.

Secondly, “Fox” Because not only do i love foxes, but i wished to be sly and cunning, and intelligent
 as well as beautiful and graceful as a fox.

So you have “ChibiFox” Which has been my tag on many games, including Minecraft for about 8 years or so. (I think i recently changed it on Minecraft, but may get another account in future to bring it back.)

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Oh that’s cool! I didn’t always used to be Tempest
 but I can’t really remember what I Was before that. I think I was Maelstrom but not really sure.

Because I love storms xD

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My mind immediately went to V from Devil May Cry – but omnic.

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I have no idea who that is but i can’t say i’m not intrigued.

I would love to hear your feedback on the proposed hero concept above!

Omnics were first produced over 30 years ago, before the omnic crisis started. How can she be one of the first produced but still be only 20?

Wait, did I miss something? Since when are they friends? Sombra threatened her and kicked her out, and all she did was loiter around Dorado for a while. This is a very sudden change in attitude with nothing to show why it happened.

Also, having an OC connected to so many existing characters (Zenyatta, Ana, Sombra) just reeks of being a Mary Sue.


Oh yea
 whoops. I totally forgot about that while rewriting.
Sorry! Fixed. Thanks for pointing it out.
(I’m also dyslexic so i’m surprised that any numbers are anything i intended to write at all

Well the intention was to show that Sombra didn’t exactly want to let the gang she was deeply tied to at some point, outright kill someone
 and generally probably didn’t want to watch it happen.

Sorry, this was mashed together from multiple points
 and i was told it was already too long and to shorten it. I deleted the original because of the pressure.

Oh, i’ll just have the character written outside of the lore, then claim it’s a part of the game

I thought it would be fun if the world had effected her, and well
 guess what? Those are key elements of the world. Very widely influential ones at that, who would have effected many others in their time.

I’m sorry for writing something i wanted to see realized.
Thanks for the feedback.

I’m a little confused is all
 is that kid that Mercy saved a mary sue because mercy saved her?
This is also less finished
 i kinda stated that.
I was just proud with myself that it wasn’t the typical “I want a laser hero lol” Posts. >3>

She’s an NPC and doesn’t really matter.

You can make an OC and have them be connected to existing lore, you just seemed to use a lot of unrelated heroes and made a character that seemed to do everything. The Zenyatta and Sombra connections do make sense and were well written (aside from the leap I pointed out), I just found Ana’s involvement a bit of a stretch.

I hope you didn’t take my critique as negative - your writing is good and has far more detail than most OCs I’ve seen.


Well thank you.

Sombra’s involvement wouldn’t have had a chance at happening without Ana uncovering V, as she thought she was completely above being captured
 and had already distanced herself from humanity, be it omnic or human.

Ana was critical in her development, and equally one of the only kinds of people who could have helped shake her of what she currently was.

Like i had said before, i shortened it down a LOT.
I originally mentioned that Ana was doing an anonymous bounty job, and caught V in the process
 but decided that she didn’t have the person everyone thought she was.
(Some kind of incredible thief, having been blamed for many crimes she didn’t commit. In the same way that the gang blamed her for Soldier: 76’s actions, as no one knew who did it, but it was assumed to be a modified Omnic, and she fit the description.)

She’s intended to be the exact opposite
 a literal playable character.
For one.

And secondly, just because you write a character, doesn’t mean they suddenly can’t be anything influential. It’s the whole “Nothing can be special we’re all the same amount of normal” Mentality.

I’m getting a feeling you kinda skimmed this thread, i detailed her build in-game as a concept.

I know it’s really bad, and poorly made
 and i know i should have put more work into it, but i was kinda recreating what i could remember
 and i’ll put more into it later. Hell, i haven’t even slept through the night. (For unrelated reasons, obviously)

Actually if i remember correctly i was told to trim it down three different times

And what exactly did you mean by:

If you mean in game, which i don’t even know if you read, she’s pretty limited. She has zero range, and punishing cooldowns.

And if you mean in universe, it would be kinda like saying a hero you wrong had been through the OW program, and me claiming that was too much detailed tied to things already in lore. Like
 yes, she experienced a lot of things that related to three heroes in particular
 in the span of 30 years, during and after those heroes saved the entire world, and she happened to be caught up with the events following.

I only read the backstory. I don’t care much about game stats.


Well they mean she’s not intended to be an NPC. Which is something you directly said
 which is contradictory.

That, and thank you for reading and all, but i wish someone would point out anything that isn’t negative
 one guy said he literally wouldn’t read it if it stayed as long as it was. which was just insulting anyways. .-.

I can’t write a story in a synopsis
 as much as people claimed i had to.