We're back to "avoid sym, trash sym"

I don’t know what Blizzard’s intention is with nerfing her to the ground again just as she was about to shine. Ever since the patch, I barely won any games in competitive with Symmetra and -ONCE AGAIN- teammates are blaming me. Because now they have a solid excuse “She’s nerfed, she’s trash again”.

Getting bullied in a game aside, I truly don’t know why they felt this nerf was neccessary when they barely touched Doom. No, don’t tell me he got a “MAJOR” nerf, because he’s still -extremely- unfun and difficult to play against. Everytime he’s played, I see my entire team focuses on him because he hits, gets a pick and runs away like a damn fly and it’s not ok. Meanwhile there’s nothing left I can offer my team as a Sym main. No, I don’t really want to play another hero. I have invested in her so much, went through 2 reworks, re-learned her from head to toe and now THIS?

You disappoint me, Blizzard. You really do. I truly Oop’d.


And all because of whiners not being willing to kill her and instead letting her turrets melt them while she charges level 3 off of them

Oíche Shamhna Shona Duit ~WildPants


sis you snapped with this holy paragraph.

I can’t stand people saying doomfist is nerfed because the nerfs impacted him as much as a spec of dust landing on him.

symmetra was getting the deserved fame and love from everyone and now we’re back to being hated and avoided because of nerfs.

I don’t feel as impactful anymore.
i’m really disappointed.

lol inb4 “sym is still op”


Oh well, not the first hero to get unfair nerfs and not the last. Albeit, I believe the changes were good. But I feel you, at least.

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Changes were good? Her ultimate has a single purpose. It’s a barrier, it blocks. It doesn’t block a Moira ult or a Doomfist punch or Rein swing. While there are ults you can get 6x kills paired with nano… Yet they nerfed the barrier. It’s not fair.


No sympathy from me, I hated that barrier. I actually hate all barriers, but given that one is the best in the game, you can probably see why I was overjoyed.


That status never changed. 1 meta doesn’t change that status. That’s what you guys get for hyping up an F tier hero thinking she was legit to begin with. As Reinhardt always say. “You shame yourself” I mean come on this was easy to depict, but this community always tend to prove my points on how gullible this game can destroy itself from loud noises just to be catered to.

So, you’re gonna throw, then.

You deserve all the hate and reports you get.


Aren’t you a shining ball of intelligence. We were never hyped, we were -thankful- she’s decent for a while. She was good against double barrier, she wasn’t -extremely- frustrating to play against like Doomfist. It was a beautiful phase and she’s back to being nerfed in an unfair way.

I don’t care if she’s meta or not. I want her to be playable.

I never said I’ll throw, I’d rather find another game tbh. You deserve all the hate too for coming here, not making a constructive criticism.


It was hyped. Don’t play yourself on that one plus you can go back to previous threads when Sigma came out the birth of more barrier tanks.

This is why LoL and even Paladins is a better community. You’re not reported because a hero’s kit due to them not switching off a hero which is 95% of this community.


Looking at your previous activities, you’ve been quite active in Sym related threads. Are you a Genji main or something? Y’know, as he says “I need healing” winkwonk.

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That’s not throwing. Learn what it actually means to throw. Also that would be abusing the report system which is a bannable offense.


well hopefully we’ll get a new sym rework soon if they dont tweak her again. i did like the previous sym style and i still like this one but i think its probably time to try a new style :frowning:

also, L.O.L @ that one guy saying people deserve the hate and reports for wanting to play a hero they enjoy. a fantastic example of the Overwatch player base.


If her pick rate is > 0.01% then she’s OP according to Blizzard and the community.


Her barrier was gonna need toning down in 222. Not many comps could break a 5000 wall or have the luxury of out waiting it.

You know, instead of breaking it you can just walk through it. Just a simple suggestion.


In that case, why do the nerfs matter. If countering it was as simple as walking through it, that is surely still the most optimal counterplay by leagues. What are you angry about?


And the other two barrier, ice wall and Immortality field?

I know you can walk through it but that isn’t always an option.

BRB, gonna go on comp and play Sym with 1 hand.

“It’s not throwing” because I’m “trying to win”.


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I’m just completely baffled you guys are butthurt over a Sym barrier when there are so many unfair ultimates. -This- deserves a nerf? “Waa waa I can’t break the barrier and I can’t -always- walk through it” Seriously?