We're back to "avoid sym, trash sym"

It is subjective, what ultimate you find “unfair” would probably be laughable to me in the same way that struggling with Symmetra’s barrier is humorous to you. It all depends on your skillset, heroes you play, how good you are at ult tracking… Blah, blah, blah. Symmetra’s barrier is one of the only ones I never have a solution for. It is the one that has cost me the most games. So yes, I hate it.

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Baptiste ult can break it. Nano+Roadhog can break it -and- get kills with the same ultimate on top of it. And again, you can just reposition yourself with your team aka walk through it. It’s cute that you find it oppressive.


Quite the mystery right? Nevertheless Symmetra status truly never changed. The hype brought her into the spotlight and as every other hero that gets in that shine. They’re taken down more than they could bargain.

You’re giving too much faith in this community. It won’t matter until most heroes are viable to to play and also a scoreboard to support their performance as defense.

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Sadly people openly admit to abusing the reporting system like this and Blizzard won’t do anything about it. It’s also sad that no one has every said they were punished for false reporting. Blizzard said they do it but we never seen anyone punished for it.

Until Blizzard grows a pair and starts doing what they said they would, people will continue to false report because they can get away with it.


Sym just destroyed my team a few games ago :frowning:

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It’s easy to make any hero trash. If the team doesn’t support your hero don’t aim your hate at Blizzard.

I have played games with Sym’s new patch. With good support she is still quite devastating.


Not as cute as the fact that it got nerfed and you have an issue with it despite claiming multiple times that the barrier is irrelevant because you can walk through it. Try to explain that logic to me, baby.

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Facts. They can’t do it and the more that it’s ignored. The more players keep leaving, but they don’t care. That’s why when players compared this to LoL community. My experience with LoL is better.

I do have an issue with it, yes. I’m saying, the barrier is already very easy to ignore yet they nerfed it. Is it a hard concept to grasp? Also stop, I’m blushing.


I’ve been seeing this on and off. She’s still playable, and with luck, the right map an so on she can shine, but in some other cases, its bad. The turret speed and damage nerfs were just unnecessary.

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Yes, it is. I am not sure what sort of fantasy land you are living in where you believe you addressed my point. So I will ask again, in a really straight forward manner, for the third time:

If the barrier is weak and countered merely by walking through it, why does any nerf that does not directly pertain to the ability to walk through it matter?


It matters because I want that ultimate to -fulfill- its -niche- -successfully-. I’m asking again, is it so hard to understand?

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I already answered your question every single time. Yes, it really is hard to understand. What niche is a barrier supposed to fill that Symmetra’s does not?strong text


Not going to lie, I’ve seen sym players on the forum even since the «bug fix» say that she’s trash. It’s hard to take y’all serious sometimes.

Either way, I agree the barrier nerf was unnecessary, and it does actually impact her. I don’t see why the time had to be reduced. (It’s significant compared to the turret nerf. Which i thought would affect her more)

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Dude, I’m not whining. I’m a GM Sym main and I’m telling you what I’ve been experiencing individually. The barrier has been the same since her rework and NOW it’s suddenly an issue. It’s ridiculous.


Rank means nothing when you understand a hero’s capability especially Symmetra. Everyone knows Symmetra capability and those who are blind to it usually makes a fuss about it defending her and some other rank. Overall her history never changed one a bit besides getting demotion.

You’re completely missing the point intentionally. I’m asking again, are you a Genji main?


I also don’t see why the barrier was nerfed though i do have a guess.

I’ll say this - its now more incumbent among Syms to create clusters of Turrets in very tricky spots, then back them up with Orbs/Beam. You can still get some good damage out, but you are much less able to command space as you did before with her…

The mystery continues. I wonder what main I am. I certainly know Symmetra throughout everything and I don’t need to be at a high rank to discover that threshold especially double barrier made it very so :rofl:

Yes I do play Genji, but I don’t main him.