That’s also true!
There was a “Most Disliked Users” thread ages ago and I went to town on one guy, but didn’t get banned even though I definitely should have. My bans have been so dumb.
That’s also true!
There was a “Most Disliked Users” thread ages ago and I went to town on one guy, but didn’t get banned even though I definitely should have. My bans have been so dumb.
the forums are just big babys
Your comment gas been taken under review…
I mean, idk about you, but whenever my post gets flagged, or in the case of a incoming suspension, I have a green dot lingering in my notifications just mocking and taunting me because it never goes away.
It’s a combination of what you said AND who didn’t like it. If you bag on someone with no “support” … nothing happens. But call ONE person a mildly insulting thing who’s “popular” and… whoof.
… just got my level 3 back last week btw. … don’t call people mean things.
i am so sad i wasn’t around for that i’m sure it was a good time. but yeah my fave account action was because i coined the term ‘mouth breathing gamers’ like did i offend the mod personally or??
LMAO was it a harsh one?
I wish I was there for the thread
It was still 2 days, which is just ridiculous.
I even contacted customer support and they said it was a valid reason.
I guess it is what it is, I got unbanned and I have level 3 back (it took 10 months tho LOL)
Ay, I mean we could probably make up for it
I actually had a post removed a DAY after I came back from my suspension.
I tell you, when I saw that GREEN DOT IN MY NOTIFICATIONS AGAIN, I was ready to say goodbye to this account
i mean - we could…
if somebody wanted to?
“We have reviewed your case, and have agreed that it breaches the COC.
Please refer to COC even though we will ban you even if you don’t breach it”
I was on my way to lvl3 after my inactivity and then I got hit with that suspension and I just wanna lay in bed and never get out
Ugh getting flagged is scary. What annoys me though is if you slept through it all (which I often do as I live in the Southern Hemisphere) and wake up to “THE COMMUNITY FOUND YOUR POST UPSETTING” and you can’t see which one it was.
Also why “the community”? It’s never “the community”, it’s just one guy who got triggered usually lol.
That makes sense - I got a surprising amount of support for what I said that day, I’ll be honest. I wouldn’t do it again, though.
Seeing what dirt people had to dish out was pretty damn funny, I’ll be honest. I was expecting my name to be on it though, but it wasn’t. It probably should have been…Also “mouth breathing gamers”? That’s hilarious!
Maybe there’ll be a sequel, who knows?
Elaborate, estranged companion…
Omg I remember this thread.
The guy you’re talking about has actually been really nice to me though strangely enough, Maybe he’s improved?
same LOL
If I had a disposable alt account, I totally would but I don’t ahahaha
if the thread was recreated our accounts would all be made disposable tbh. can’t imagine the bloodshed and tea.
You’re just trying to fuel my addiction to this place by saying another sequel…
And I get you, I live in the UK, and by the time I wake up, or get the time to hop on the forums, all of the action is already over lol
Well, as we all know most punishment dished out on the Forums are automated. So if, say, the people on this thread flagged you a lot we could probably get you suspended to help make up for lost time
I hate this insinuating
And RIP. TEN months tho? And for WHAT to lose it again???
I’m definitely not promoting hating on users just because you guys disagree but there are some users out there that trigger my anger just by seeing their name because of how many run-ins I’ve had with them and how… my opinion of them has been formed