Welp. I wasted lvl 3

Me too, they mentioned it in some places but have been more careful this time around lol

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BANNED!! :hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer::hammer:GRRRB

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Happens to the best of us and it was extremely silly but what isnā€™t on this forum tbh

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honestly i would not blink, iā€™ve been expecting that orange notification dot of doom for the past few days.


I think I know who it isā€¦ :point_up: :wink:

Thatā€™s true - Itā€™s poorly designed. I often use the Forums as a boredom-squasher, at least these days. Got nothing to do? See whatā€™s happening on the Forums. Itā€™s the social media for someone who doesnā€™t use social mediaā€¦

You stand your ground! Iā€™ll be right there with you! :facepunch: :sunglasses:

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They said it was hate speech for me to call her that šŸ„²


LOL same, I keep dabbling in controversial topics.

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Classic forums


hate speech for calling a fictional character a simp, genji is a simp for mercy tho so LMAO


A great power requires a great responsability

The power to meme is a strong ability

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i get pretty spicy for blizz forum standards but whenever iā€™ve been dinged before itā€™s for something absolutely ludicrous like calling somebody stinky.

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Weā€™ve all been thereā€¦

Personally I hate the green one more

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i havenā€™t seen the green one please indulge me.

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With great power, holds great responsibility.

All Stars 2


Ainā€™t nobody wants to live on the forums to be able to post gifs.

Iā€™d rather be playing in game. I donā€™t know what kind of company would rather you spend more time on their forums than playing their game, but hey, here we are.

Theyā€™re just pictures, for crying out loud.

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Thank you :weary: this is the support I need

Itā€™s a cursed and blessed place at the same time

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Sombra hacking with her toes and fingers are wanting to be here yk :frowning:

Oh, actually it was a suspensionā€¦ ROFLā€¦

yep -_-


A lot of people got punished tho because there was a whole thread calling heroes simps :sob:

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