Well, you broke Doomfist again

How do you break something again when it wasn’t broken in the past?

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This is ridiculous. I haven’t seen a doomfist that was even average lose a game yet.

Dude, Doomfist is fine.


Literally every single match I’ve seen with a competent doomfist has been won by the doomfist.

I have not seen a doomfist who was past the ‘just learning how to play the hero’ lose a match yet, or even experience significant difficulty.

You must be extremely unlucky. Doomfist is pretty easy to play around for me, beginner DFs typically get smoked. The ones that are winning against me often have a ton of experience and are eager to play him now that he isn’t a total throwpick.

I am very sorry you’re getting these matches, but please don’t advocate for another sledge of Doomfist. It was a terrible knee-jerk overnerf of a character- when all they needed to do was resort the shield buffs. It spiraled him into the second lowest pickrate. From 2% to .6%. I don’t want that again.


Look, all I want is for them to revert all changes that weren’t the cooldown reductions.

Those were fine. The new rapidfire combos are ridiculous and need to go.

He needs them now, though. I don’t even know what you’re talking about, I can only remember him being able to combo quickly. But since they made it so easy to walk out of his combos, it makes sense that he can do them quicker.

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He does them so quick that being hit by any move can put you into a certain death combo.

I mean. rocket punch takes priority over sleep. Even if you do land it, you’re still getting punched. The problem has always been the range in which doom can initate from. None of his counters can prevent him from getting a pick because of this. If he’s roof surfing, stair ramping or jump canceling, he’s coming from angles and distances that just can’t be stopped until it’s to late. If that picks on your main healer, your team has already lost that team fight regardless if doom dies or not.

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Ok ,so basically by reducing his cooldowns they made him have his abilities every possible second.

Now combine this with the Shields that are gained when he hits an enemy - BASICALLY HE’S UNKILLABLE.

I’ve been playing a lot against Doomfist after the patch and YES , HE’S OP. He can be countered - no denying. But counters doesn’t mean the hero isn’t OP. (I’m playing in MASTERS btw)

I’ve seen bad Doomfists do as GOOD as good one (Had a guy with 4 hours on him wreck our team.)

And the fact that he can dive for free and exit without barely taking damage is ABSOLUTELY ABSURD.

Not really sure what you’re referring to. There was never really delay between his movies to begin with…

They made huge changes to the delays between his moves

Wrong. Doomfist has always had no delay between attacks when animation canceling is done properly. That’s like the entire point of his signature slam combo. None of this is new, and none of the buffs changed this. Look at any old Doomfist clips (chipsa, brandito) and you’ll see the same stuff being pulled off before.

Hell, look at some of my clips and you’ll see it. I do a few animation cancels that basically 1-shot tracer.

Look, all I want is for them to revert all changes that weren’t the cooldown reductions.

The only other change that was made too him beside the cooldown changes was the fix to Slam not pulling people. That’s literally it. You’re complaining about something that wasn’t even changed this patch. Animation cancels aren’t new to DF and have been a core part of his kit forever, and the only people who don’t know that are people who don’t play him.


His concept is just disgusting in my opinion, he will be annoying doesn’t matter what they do. He is based on CC, which is just obnoxiously bad and if he has to be annoying anyway, at least make the people who play him happy by making the hero more consistent and viable. The same kind of applies to Brigitte.

Doomfist is countered by most of the roster by a vast majority. Git Gud.

Done complaining about Rein, now Mitrovarr found a new hero to cry about. I wish you could contribute more to this forum other than nerf/crying threads.


Can we not put Doomfist back in the trash? This man has literally just got back out.

And honestly speaking, I haven’t had any problems thus far. When he kills me, I deserved it and was outplayed. But I can and have still taken out Doomfist in matches with a quick headshot or avoided/baited his combo. If you listen for a loud angry Doomfist it gives you a few seconds to react.


I love the legend of Forum Doomfist :rofl::+1:


I’m confident in saying it’s because many competent Doomfist has played the game putting Slam and Uppercut on a 6sec CD and knowing how smooth he plays as a result.

We’ve been waiting for this day and know exactly what to do with the changes.

You know, pre rework both torb and Sym had 60% winrates at GM, but they weren’t good by any measure. It’s almost like playing a hero where he’s good and not playing a hero where he’s bad inflates the winrate.

If we’re to follow this logic, nothing is broken or OP in this game, it’s simply a matter of “git gud”. Meaning that it was unnecessary to nerf Widowmaker’s charge rate, unecessary to nerf Roadhog’s hook and scrap gun, unecessary to change Mercy etc. etc. etc…

Thing is, heroes can be broken or OP in this game. But I guess when you’re running out of actual arguments to use, the fall-back fallacy to use is “git gud”.

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