Well, you broke Doomfist again

I wouldn’t call those hidden changes. I’m pretty sure they stated that they were changing ALL boops to be more consistent.

He’s a straight up close range brother.

Any sort of range can pretty much screw him over.

If he gets hacked he turns into a bullet sponge.
Any sort of CC pretty much crippled him.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but he is meant to be able to chain combos together to get off damage.


nah he isnt broken anymore. before yes he was. but now he is fine

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There is basically no time when he doesn’t have a mobility ability off cooldown.

He has 3 mobility abilities, so instead of having to walk, like a regular hero until it’s off cooldown, he can fly for just about the full duration.

Have you even played Doomfist? Judging by your complaints I’d say NO.

Have you tried playing him? He is still heavily reliant on managing his cooldowns bc if you use all his abilities to get in…its very hard to get out.

I will admit, when you go against a doomfist it can be very frustrating however playing as him…you realize how difficult he can actually be. He needed these cooldown reductions to help him stay relevant in a fight. He probably one of the heroes thats more effective with abilities than he is with primary fire


there’s more people who want doomfist better and buffed (‘broken’ for the ones who dont want him to be) than there is people who want him nerfed and worse (‘unplayable’ to the ones who want him to be buffed)

i’m just accepting that there’s gunna be a df every lobby that just makes the game slightly less fun for me to play but its fine bc if i really wanted to play around him, i’ll go sombra or just start running counters.

Man, I just want him balanced so he’s not either utterly destroying my entire team or just a useless throw pick.

Hes already in that spot

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It’s almost like you need to have a dps peeling for your healer when the enemy has a Doomfist :thinking:

So people are supposed to take hours upon hours to practice Doomfist and learn his engagement methods, maps, rollouts and combos just to be viable and you want an easy mode method to kill him?

I get people hate him but put the shoe on the other foot; how would that be fair at all?

Doomfist is ridiculously difficult to balance.

The slightest nerf or buff can make him useless or broken.

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It’s almost like supports are supposed to be a weak point in the team by design that needs peel to be protected :thinking:

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It’s not even supports, he shreds basically all other DPS now.

They shred him once his cooldowns aren’t up. What’s the difference?

But he always could do that. His burst damage isn’t changed. He just isn’t left standing there waiting on cooldowns or death for a second longer.


Just gonna say it. If Sombra gets her hack nerfed, Doomfist will need to be nerfed as well.

It’s one of his best checks to keep him in line, and having that nerfed (especially if they go with the route of having hack duration nerfed), then he’ll need to be toned down.

Personally, I want neither hero to be nerfed. :man_shrugging:

Its less doomfist is op (althou i dont like his design reminds me too much of kfms in blade and soul with all the cc) its map geometry making him feel oppressive because right now he can almost do the teleports behind you meme.
If map geometry was made consistent it would be easier to see where he is coming from

Don’t worry, his seismic slam range is still BS so you can counter him the same.
No changes there, at this point is a L2Counter issue.

No. Doomfist is supposed to be a melee hero but rivals kills that only snipers could match. That’s broken. He was never meant to have that capability to begin with. He’s got 3 different ways he can delete 250hp. He does not need to be able to do it from across the map.