Well, you broke Doomfist again

i disagree with with what mitrovarr said about df being most powerful he was. (that was like 3 patches ago was when he was at his power creep) but i got to say he is kind of a hard counter to most of his counter too doe. if he lands a slam or punch on them first he wins the duel. lemme describe what i am saying. Mccree is in highground with 2 of his teammates guarding them from you. You dive them with winston or dva or hammond. you land a ss (his e) and then punch him onto a wall he is dead. He might be kept alive by his 2 teammates but that wouldnt be able to happen coz they would be busy with the dive tanks that are with you.

There’s definitely huge changes to his action delays or animation cancels. He feels totally different to play into now.

The changes have nothing to do with the cooldown differences.

I mean, that can be said for most heroes. If you can get the jump on X counter as Y hero, and you are also playing around your team, then yeah you’re going to get the advantage over your counter. Doomfist isn’t the only hero who can outplay his counters. Other heroes with high skill ceilings like Genji, Tracer, and Widowmaker can play around their counters to limit just how much of a counter that hero is, or even outplay those counters. Genji and Tracer especially are known for outplaying and beating their counters. Even more heroes can outplay their counters if their team is helping. It’s the same way for Doomfist.

And while they have the weakness of having smaller HP, Doomfist has the drawback of a larger hitbox. Snipers can beat him out. Orisa was designed to have an answer for every one of his abilities. Brigitte can harass him and give him a hard time. Sombra and Mei slow him down a bit too. Mei is more iffy but only because I haven’t played DF into a Mei before, but if there’s a Sombra that’s focusing her hack on him, he may as well switch to a different DPS.

I wouldn’t say that he is necessarily a hard counter to most of his counters. It’s more that his counters are structured to be more skill matchups than anything else. Is the McCree player better than the Doomfist player? If so, then he’ll win most of the time. You can swap out McCree for Sombra, Orisa, etc. You get the idea.

hitbox the size of texas

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its a team based game, you should play with your team. As genji, if i have winston moira against i have to switch or i am throwing becoz even if my team helps me attack them they are still gonna give me a hard time with there own push. mccree on paper is a ard counter to df stun fth. but in reality mccree cant do anything to df if df gets sheilds or hits his abilities on him first and remember how i put it team vs team mccree vs df basically.

Nah the devs just caved into the cries of thr forum whiners.


I’m sure Doomfist streamers would have let you know if their were changes to the delay in his moves. It could just be now that he flows better you notice how fast they have always been.

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Another Mitrovarr thread,

The guy gets put back into the spotlight from the dump for around four days and you’ve come to the conclusion that he’s already broken?

Like how you claim tanks are broken yet you’ve played one for 30 hours in total i can almost guarantee you have no time on DF and yet you think your in a position to put him down because he’s killed you a few times.

Ridiculous honestly you need to calm down slamming everything whether it be DF of Rein that’s against you and adapt as a player to play around these challenges and not claim there broken.

I main D.va i don’t go toe to toe with Reaper if i have the choice in a 1V1 scenario because i know better, i wouldn’t cry out that he’s broken because he counters me to some degree as a tank buster.

Just how i wouldn’t try to take on Pharah with Reaper myself it just makes no sense, so maybe get yourself some gamesense and play to your advantages is what i’d suggest.

Maybe not challenging DF in tight area’s and at least make him go out of his way to attempt to kill you rather than you taking the fight to him, use range to your advantage is what im saying.

-Good luck


Look, just play into him for a while and you’ll see.

The behind the scenes tweaks they made to him are nuts. He is vastly more powerful than before and probably even better than he was when he had a 60% winrate.

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Please leave DF alone. He’s just now barely viable and everyone is throwing a tantrum.


Well, let’s hold and watch the stats. But I think he’ll be far too high when the stats accumulate… over a 60% winrate is possible.

Ah damn the character that’s design is based off of a fighting game can chain moves together. Sorta like a combo or something idk tho

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I was wondering why he was suddenly able to abruptly kill me again without getting hit by rocket punch now. He can launch you in the air and kill you before you have a chance to respond now, which kind of defeats the purpose of them reducing the stun on his abilities - like, sure you have ‘time’ to react, but you’re already dead.

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One nice thing about Doomfist; you instantly have a 100% valid reason to go Sombra. I don’t normally play her because it feels like she loses games a lot of the time but if I have an excuse she is super fun to play.

I think you’re actually noticing the bug fix to his seismic slam that actually pulls targets in now. It was bugged to hell in the last patch and you could walk out of seismic slam with no effort.

His animation cancels are untouched. You’re the only one saying so otherwise and DF mains with hundreds of hours aren’t noticing any difference there.


Forum Doomfist is coming for you all!!!

He has no cooldowns on his abilities, they all one-shot and he starts the game with 500hp with shields that don’t decay.

Forum Doomfist taught Chuck Norris everything he knows, then killed him.


bhahahahah…maybe you should play something else. Your toxicity is whats wrong with this game

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Not before he kills your healers 10 times in two seconds, knocks a tank 50 kilometers off the map, and then comes to your house and kicks your dog and meteor strikes back.

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They did what now? :thinking:

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And I am glad for that.

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