Well, you broke Doomfist again

I just love the “counter” argument. Brigitte could be countered, was nerfed. Roadhog could be countered, was nerfed. Widowmaker could becountered, was nerfed. Ana could be countered, was nerfed.

Thing is, you can counter a hero, and the hero is still OP. Being able to kill someone isn’t tied up to that hero being OP or not.


What the hell are you talking about they literally reduced 2 cooldowns by 1 second.


Do you mean animation cancel?

You must be comparing Doomfist now it the recent Boop movement changes. If I’m correct?

It’s not the cooldown reductions. They made huge changes to the delays between his moves.

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i wanna argue about him having skillful combos just aim in the general direction press 3 buttons and boom u killed someone


and now you’re trapped between 5 other people and no way to get out


Except a player with proper ganesense will typically have spotted you and made preparations to bury you if you’re simply running into them aggressively without any plan in mind. Playing Doomfist is more than just the basic three tap combo and it takes a hell of a lot more work to get things done at higher levels. That’s like saying all Reinhardt does is swing a hammer.


Look, I know he takes skill but he is absolutely unstoppable now. If the enemy team has a decent Doomfist, they just win. It’s ridiculous, and this is probably the most OP Doomfist has ever been power-wise, just absolutely impossible to fight.

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sheilds keep you alive for long enough to perform it and get out i did that before. only cc can hinder him useless if he is stupid enough to dive with out his team btw.

They did not. It’s identical to how it was before. It’s in your head.


I’m mixed on this.

I think the knockback changes, more than anything, helped him out a lot.

I think they need to re-evaluate how his kit interacts with the new knockback. But, other than that, I don’t think it’s too bad.

you have to prepare when doing something on almost every other hero if i just go mindlessly in and die it is not because hero is easily counterable it is becoz i was stupid enough to 1v6. The hero with help from his team (like every other hero) can erase a whole team unlike a few patches before where he could 1v6 successfully lol (i hated him so much at the time)

Yeah, nah, that’s been that way. You’ve always been able to animation cancel his moves into each other (Save for Rocket Punch itself).

Slam+Uppercut+Primary Fire while animation cancelling Slam has always been the norm. However most people sneak a Primary Fire between Slam and Uppercut as you get more damage by doing so.


Fluid is nice. He IS supposed to be like a fighter-game character, after all. Plus, it allows easier combos.

~ PyroPanda

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Are you going to supply any facts or make an actual argument against what I presented or are you just going keep regurgitating the same crap repeatedly?

what did i say that was crap. you are trying to say the hero is not just a 3 tap combo with out gamesense or such he is uselss. I am telling you that arguments is not a valid one coz every hero needs the player to have game sense. In doomfist’s case with gamesense and help from team he not only can shred almost everyone but carry the team. So stop being toxic please

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Yeah, only when no one tries to do anything to counter Doomfist and let him do his thing. Seriously, Doomfist is easy to counter You got the counterplay you asked for. Do u want him to be an easy kill (well he already is) then pay attention to the sounds he makes, move around, play the heroes that counter him and counter him


He could always animation cancel during his combo… Just hold shift and left click after slam lands to kill faster.


Hyperbole much? This combo isn’t under one second. The animation time of Slam and upper cut combined is over 1s.

His hand canon fired every .32s.

To maximize damage if his Slam, DF has to utilize more air time. If you have situational awareness, this affords opportunity to fire at him before he engages. Yes he gains shields, but he won’t be at full health either.

Yes, a decent DF player will get eliminations in. Especially if he prioritizes targets they have a harder time countering him such as Zenyatta.

When I play Zen, I ask my team to provide back-line protection from a dps, because DF will dive to the back to get at me as a support.

When my team does listen, I tend to survive encounters while the DF either has to escape or doesn’t.

I am no DR player, and acknowledge it can feel frustrating at times when dealing with him, but I also firmly believe he is actually in the viable range as far as performance goes.