Well my friend just quit overwatch today .comp is a coinflip at best

So guys as some of you may know i have a youtube channel called ultimate rooster (Not that im promoting it or anything cause i dont really care about subs ) But if you watched over some of my vods you can clearly see the frustration me and my friend encounter on a daily basis .

Im a orisa main and a very good one at that and my friend is a healer ,mostly lucio .We play this game on a daily basis and i feel like overwatch has just gone to crap .I feel like alot of my games are just a coin flip and its just random chance weather you win or not .

I have had many games where i have a 60% KILL PARTICIPATION as orisa and had 4 golds and we still lose simple because our dps cant get picks or cant aim period .I have been in diamond 3 times now going from silver to diamond in 1-2 days everytime .Proving all the people who say i am bad wrong .I even spoke to YEATLE and a top500 orisa main to look at my play and the top500 orisa mains response was "your orisa is godlike i cant find any faults in your play " he also went onto say that he never got to top500 playing tank and if i wanted to get there i would most likely have to play dps cause dps is alot easier to get there .

But this isnt about me getting to top500 this thread is basically about how bad overwatch has gotten .Almost every game i get into we either have a Genji ,widow or tracer main who does absolutly nothing and i see this pattern so consistenly if we have one of these picks 90% of the time we just flat out lose the game .The other team will run a spam hero like junkrat or pharah and we just lose .

This is the problem with overwatch is most the time i get into a game and we will either have 3-4 dps ,no healers ,one tank or some stupid comp and people refuse to switch .Not just that but this community is so toxic its not even funny and then you have the games where you solo Q and you get a 3 man on your team and they have this elitist attitude that they are the carry when in reality most the time im carrying them and getting all the picks as a tank .

And you almost always know you will lose a game if you have a 3 man and the other team has all singles because the match maker sees you as having the advantage with the 3 man so it will put higher MMR players on the opposing team to try balance things out but it dosnt balance anything out it just makes thier team overpowered .

I just dont understand why solo players and grouped players get out together it makes no sense.

So guys im probably still going to play overwatch just for entertainment purposes but its just funny how i bought a masters account and won like 11 games in a row but yet the game says im a plat player .Sure i lost about 150sr in masters but the next day i gained it all back which leads me to believe rank means nothing in this game and it is just time played that gets you a higher rank because you have to combat all the crap players and throwers in your team .

I dont know im just ranting guys but i just cant take comp serious anymore .Seagull was right comp is just quickplay 2.0 and its basically a coinflip or forced wins/losses .Not just that if your a tank main especially a orisa main you literally need to play 10 times the amount of games as dps just to rank up .Sometimes i wish i just played soldier back in season 5 cause i probably would of wiped the floor with everyone on ladder and got to masters in a few days lol .

But anyway i now know why so many people walk away from this game from horrible game balance (Orisa being underpowered and so many spam heroes getting buffs ) to toxic community ( people raging over the mic and throwing) to a horrible match maker ( i can literally predict every win and loss before the game has started done it on my stream many times ) .to bad players getting almost the same SR as good players (this means ranks like plat and diamond are full of people who dont belong there and in actual fact belong alot lower down the ladder ) all these problems make overwatch a horrible experience and i truly dont know how much longer i can continue playing it for .


Here we go again.
OP, the forums are going to react the same way with “Good riddance.” and sarcastic “Goodbyes” thinking they’re witty. This game is a sinking ship and you’re better off accepting that and following your friend’s example. Move on now.


Kinda agree bro im literally waiting for the good riddance comments instead of people actually realising that this game is sinking fast and the toxic community and poor game balance is the main problems .But thx for the support .I mean in what world does junkrat need a buff and pharah has basically been a left click hero and watch people get deleted for the longest time its like blizzard just wants overwatch to be a spam fiesta with no actual skill involved .

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‘When the devs themselves are guilty of suffering from the ostrich syndrome, you can expect the playerbase to be as well’


good riddance

:stuck_out_tongue: you’re welcome hehe

honestly I think the game is very good rn
yeah some comp games feel hopeless and all, but remember, with every negative comes another positive


I’m having fun, and still really enjoying most matches. There’s some annoyances, both in game, but the good vastly outweighs the bad; and when you get a group that clicks and is working together it’s the funnest game out.

If you and/or your friend aren’t enjoying your time playing it’s probably time for a pause. Take a couple weeks off, then decide if you want to play any Archives. If not, put your time into another game/hobby that you are enjoying.


Personal experience in 12 matches;

Duo games with friend, won 6 in a row and logged out.

Fast forward a week later, we queue again to finish the rest of 4 placement matches and as expected, 4 dps compositions started showing up and accounts of 26~ level that were diving into fights solo a.k.a soft throwing. We play another two, same stuff.

Not only this game forces 50-50 win rate games but does it without 2-2-2 system, meaning that half of the time those who have the negative winrate are those who intentionally throw and they are used as to balance the overall win rate of the team so they screw those who play seriously over.

I don’t mind being queued up with people who have negative rates because they had a bad season or few days, I know these people are trying and the game is not nearly horrible to play as with people who have horrible win rate because they troll.

What people call " we need the freedom to make creative compositions " in reality is " people who troll have the freedom to ruin the game ".

Lock the roles already like every normal multiplayer game does. I am sick of it.

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Good Riddance

Just want to add to the counter

don’t at me

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You can tell someone is trolling when they say:


Good Riddance.
And if you’re not trolling I wouldn’t want to have your ego in my games anyway.

Edit: Wait its ORISAGOD. f***


It’s OrisaGOD. They threaten to uninstall every other week and must have at least half a dozen accounts.


yeah i realized just a second too late lol

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Have you considered that you playing Orisa nearly all the time is why your DPS “suck”? There’s a reason why Orisa isn’t favored on attack, having an Orisa as your main tank on attack objectively makes it harder for damage player to do their job.


Same here mate. Game’s GREAT when it’s good, and just ‘ugh’ when it’s bad. I find myself coming back constantly because it’s just…pure unadulterated stupid fun.
It’s not for everyone- and definitely not a game to grind on, so alleviate yourselves with breaks and other games. :stuck_out_tongue:

you just pick orisa and not what the team needs. your orisa is good but if you put the same time and effort in to other main tanks as you do orisa you wouldn’t be hardstuck plat.

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calm down…

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With winrate close to 50% its indeed a coinflip lol
You either win or not

You and your friend gotta diversify if you ever want to get out of diamond. Being good at one character doesn’t cut it until you actually get to a place where everyone has to carry their weight.

Sometimes the positive is everyone else found something better to play.

Not all pain is gain.

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What is that even supposed to mean?

Took me longer than usual to find the “I’m only diamond but high end players tell me I should be top500” for an orisagod post.