Forced losing streaks*lP1cp9ulp1T-aGKSYwFInA.png

You dont stop playing when you are 1999. You will stop at 1950 or (more likely) on 2025

I’m talking about season high. Not where they are currently sitting

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I found the solution guys. Whenever the matchmaker decides to start trolling you with Pepega teammates every game that are too hard to carry, all you have to do is stop trying so hard to carry them. Cut your losses by playing your worst hero for a game and soft throw. I’ve tried this and it actually works. Then next game choose your main again and back to ez clappin’ with actual teammates instead of bots. Helps a lot if you have a bronze level doomfist like mine.


Just another person to witness this strange pattern of forced streaks.

It’s 100% true, and you’re not imagining things.

And i love all these solutions people have. Don’t try so hard. Stay under the radar. The matchmaker takes a while to realize you should rank up.


If it were random, you’d see NONE of this.

Rigged BS.


Prove they aren’t a thing

Dude comp is a joke to be honest read my post i made im about to just uninstall hey .Well my friend just quit overwatch today .comp is a coinflip at best - #4 by Mightypandah-2930

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Actually yes, it works both ways it’s just people only talk about the negatives. When you get lower than where the matchmaker estimates you should be it will give you some matches that are so easy you could go mow your yard and come back having won.

Does it suck to be average or something

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Its not absurd. When I know im playing better than everyone else in the lobby I get pepega teammates the next game that I literally caouldnt carry even ML7 was my support. Explain how they don’t exist

Says the mercy one trick

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Say it louder.

Dang right.

And I could out widow mcree or hanzo you easily

Omegalul a mercy who can aim. Why do you only play mercy than?

This is just my main. I was a mercy sym main on console and swapped to mercy when I moved to pc a few seasons ago.

I have a maintank and dps account mid diamond

How many times have you threatened to uninstall, and how many accounts do you have, OrisaGOD? It’s gotta be more than 5. You know you only need one to spam the forums, right?


How does this happen every time when earlier in your post you state you’ve fluctuated in and out of plat multiple times, then in and out of gold even more times?

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The more your internal MMR goes up, the more “dead weight” you will be seeing on your team. Its basically the system trying to assess if you are “too good” to be there or just regularly good.

Take advantage of that and add people who you had a great match with, that is HUGE and you will have a 60% ish WR for that season, guaranteed. Doing that you will eliminate part of the “random” factor you get in solo queue.

Apparently the matchmaker doesn’t erase your beginning stats; it uses very out of date stats to determine where you should be placed. So the matchmaker is inherently unreliable and any “decision” it makes should be put into question. Lastly, it’s better for the OP to be given time to acclimate to the new rank then to never be given the opportunity. After all, if they don’t belong in the rank then they will inevitably de-rank.

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I have to totally agree with him. They are forced. The game holds you in a pattern and just as you start to win your punished by getting teamed up with bad players. I am normally a low platinum or high gold but lately I have been teamed up with players that can’t even figure out a good team comp.

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They don’t exist, stop blaming other people for you not being able to cut it at a higher rank. Also you not being in the same rank you were able to get to last season only means you’re not adapting correctly to the new meta.

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Oh yeah, then how did I climb from gold to diamond? Loosing streaks only exist because you carry yourself up until you can’t anymore, then you ride the soft tilt down until you can carry again.

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