Well my friend just quit overwatch today .comp is a coinflip at best

The matchmaking system is designed to make each game as close as possible, so sure, winning teams will have more than a little luck.

Is your Orisa pick always optimal? Or do you just one-trick Orisa?
That may explain why even a good Orisa will lose in plat and especially in diamond+.
In my experience Orisa is spectacularly bad on offense, as you can’t help DPS or follow up on many opportunities compared to Reinhardt. Orisa is just so slow.

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So many people who don’t know of the ego filled tale of OrisaGod over the last year on the forums.

In fact… I do wonder why he no longer posts on his main :thinking:
If I had to guess it would be that he got forum banned which honestly wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest. He had it coming.

And if that is the reason then I do believe he’s currently breaking forum rules


I agree. it’s a coinflip except if you are really below your rank (smurfing) or playing with more than three friends, which is hard to coordinate for some people. Most of the time you feel helpless even when doing well, I hope you have better luck elsewhere but if you ever decide to come back try getting a bigger group or using LFG. The longer wait is worth the usually better quality game imo.

Good, you should all go. Sooner or later I will be among the top 500 players!


ORISAGOD Isn’t one of the people who will stop you from getting it :wink:

comp is not a coin flip. if you are unable to climb then you are trash at the game. FunnyAstro literally has vods of him solo queuing a brand new account to top 500 in one sitting (while one tricking Lucio). you have no excuse at all.

Imagine actually believing this.

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Y’all should watch it. He is pointing out most of the issues that the ranks below GM have.

Comp is heavily reliant on teamplay, and that doesn’t really happen until Masters+. Unless Overwatch encourages that more as a baseline, including communication via voice, and changes the matchmaking system - comp will always be quite frustrating.

Even your initial post, Kraken, proves the point. Everyone blames the other players - while not realizing that the group itself is like a swiss cheese and equally contributes. Which will either result in a win or loss.
DPS can have multiple problems why they can’t pull their weight: Bad healing, a tank who doesn’t make the space they need, suicidal Reins, or just being outplayed by better gamers. Even if you have a carrying Hanzo with you, - like my friend who was in GM back then when he actively played -, it doesn’t guarantee a win. Because there are other factors to guarantee a success in competitive.
Like I said…swiss cheese principle.

If you are really “godlike” like you say, then why not join a team? There are many teams out there you could be a part of.
Also, you pretty much sound like you are an Orisa one-trick (correct me if I’m wrong please), yet you complain about other people not flexing so you have a better comp to counter the enemy team. Do you offer to switch from Orisa? Orisa is not always the best pick, depending on composition.

I do switch to dps alot of time cause i find dps in plat cant really aim .I have been in diamond 3 times then i tend to group with friends so i do tend to drop a bit when i group up .Apparently match maker favours soloQers and if you group with friends the games become alot more harder .Hence why i have not been finding the game very fun anymore cause it forces you to solo and its kinda not fun unless you play with friends .YOUROVERWATCH did a video on why its better to solo Q than team .

But orisa is my main yes basically because i dont really enjoy alot of characters in the game to be honest orisa’s damage or hp should of been buffed ages ago so i guess until blizzard wakes up and realises she is pretty underpowered i just wont be playing as much cause to be honest people say i have a ego but i dont i know my orisa is some of the best in the world and so it should be i have like 1200hrs on this character and i know how to react in most situations .I used to watch evil toaster a top500 orisa and i would see how many horrible mistakes he would make and yes i still make mistakes but no where near the mistakes evil toaster makes and thats what made me realise that your rank as a tank is dictated by the dps players in your team if the dps players cant play thier role properly or cant kill stuff you just automatically lose as a tank man .Hence why my friend kinda walked away from the game and why im thinking of doing the same .

Sorry, I can’t really take an OP serious who complains about other people not wanting to switch and adjust to the situation - but you choose to be an Orisa one-trick “because you don’t enjoy other heroes”.

Also, yes, you do have an ego and it’s not a healthy one. I can’t recall a single GM streamer who calls himself “godlike”; there are always things to improve and learn. Dude, you are a plat gamer. There is a reason you are not able to climb. Maybe because you stubbornly persist on playing Orisa in any situation and you fail to see that teamwork/strats and compositional adjustment is the key?

You keep pointing fingers at the DPS, but you fail to realize that the team as a whole wins or loses. If your tanks fail to make space; if you are in a composition that doesn’t make sense due to the enemy hero choices or map (which also btw applies to you, an Orisa needs to be able to switch off as well); if your healers can’t keep the DPS alive because they are either not good or die too much because no one protects them - all of this contributes.

And regarding solo queue…it’s not any easier until you get to masters. In a duo or triple stack you can at least rely on your teammates/friends and depending on the skill level you are able to potentially carry weaker members.

I’m out of here. Your post really doesn’t carry any substance. And you should overthink what you are complaining about.

Dude you only have to see comp and play it to see there is a terrible problem with it .i played 4 games today cause i just cant take it seriously anymore and we lost all 4 games .The first game was a widow main who raged at the team and then left after the first round .Then we had 2 games with 4 dps in each game so we lost them and then we had a leaver for the 4th .Anyone with a brain can see this game has gone to crap and do you think i care what someone online thinks of me .Saying someone has a ego just shows your insecurities as a person just because someone believes in thier skills and you dont dosnt make me have a ego it just makes me see things differantly to you .You doubt your skills as a player and most likely go through life doubting alot of stuff where as i dont .I dont have time for negative people or nay sayers and if i did i wouldnt be successful today .Alot of people have tried to put me down or my friends down but if you ignore those people you generally have a better gaming experience and a better life overall so you can think what you want of me but i just wont pay attention .

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I peaked at 2730 SR. Of course I’m playing comp and I also see certain problems? I’m not doubting myself, but I’m in no doubt that every single player has certain aspects of gameplay they can and need to improve.
If you can’t take it serious anymore, then don’t play the game.

You say you don’t have time for negative people yet you are the person with negative opinions having started this thread. I’m also not being negative, I’m just telling you that you are a hypocrite for being mad about others not wanting to switch yet you are a one-trick and you are wondering why you are losing games? It’s fine insisting on a certain hero, but then you shouldn’t see yourself in GM ranks (which you clearly do) and you shouldn’t complain about other players.

You are not able to take criticism at all yet you are the person who criticises others in the first place. You are constantly contradicting yourself in what you are saying.

I’ll leave this one here as well because you don’t seem to be able to understand the basic principle of higher ranked competitive:

Haha I love that you dog on people who say good riddance and goodbye by saying they think they are witty, but then proceed to spout some nonsense that makes me think you think you’re being witty.


If the game’s are like coin flips that means you are playing at the appropriate MMR. That is the literal goal of the match making system.

Sorry mate the “Your in the rank you belong in” saying went out in season 5 when people realised that if you win 1 game your almost guaranteed to lose the next beause of how the match maker works .There is so many problems with the match maker like the fact if you win one or two games you are generally expected to carry the second game or third because you will be put with the worst players known to man in the next game .I have recored and streamed countless games with this happening .There was one day where i predicted 20 wins and losses even before i left the spawn and i was doing this while people were watching me play thats how bad the match maker is atm .When you get into a game and have 3-4 instalock dps you lose ,If you get toxic people who play genji or tracer and wont switch and kill nothing you lose no matter how good you are as a tank main .This is what people like you fail to realise alot of your rank is based off what other people pick and do in the game .Its incrediblty hard to carry as tank and healer so much so that players like evil toaster and big youtubers have already discusses this over and over again .I may one trick orisa but she is a tank and has a shield .Also people say orisa is niche pick ask yourself why do you think that is ???.Maybe because she needs buffs and im talking about real buffs so she can compete with rein .She is a main tank and main tanks are suppose to be viable on all maps because of thier specific role .Ask yourself this why is there 7-8 characters that are viable at the highest levels and the rest cant be played .Ill tell you why "terrible game balance " and its not just me who has said this many pros have said the balance is terrible .But you sound like you are the type of people who will avoid the truth to save face and be political correct rather than look at the facts .I played on my friends masters account a month ago and destroyed master players like it was nothing playing dps .yet im apparently a plat player lol and thats why i get top500 players and gm players telling me my orisa is god like because it simply is .But being put into games and being expected to carry bad players as a tank is a rediculous notion and hence why i cant take this game or the match maker serious anymore and its the sole reason why people are not enjoying this game and not playing it .Anyway im not gonna bother going back and forth because i was a professional gambler at one point so i guess i can see things you just cant and one of the glaring things i can see is a rigged match maker .I also peaked at 3380sr before i got sick of getting throwers and leavers .

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Hello Wall-O-Text. Seriously, you have to decide whether the games feel like ‘coin flips’ or that they feel ‘stacked against you’, these are self-contradictory statements.

That said, the statement that you should be losing half your games if the match-maker is working correctly is flatly true. That is not a bug, but a feature. If you cannot handle losing half the time, play a game against AI. This is not ‘being asked to carry bad players’, something the game, quite literally, never asks you to do no matter how contorted and tilted your perspective may be.

Whether or not someone ever held the opinion that you are an ‘Orissa God’ (which baffles me as to what exactly that would even mean, let alone how it could be judged in platinum play [my level of play, I just don’t pretend otherwise]) does not give some form of motive power to your stream-of-conciousness evacuation of spleen.