Welcome to Transformers! The new GreedyWatch Event!

At least the actress they got to play Ariel nailed the vocals. Eric’s caterwauling on the other hand was just painful. Like, my brother in christ they are disney, surely they can pick people who can sing?!

This… is embarrassing.

no more gross than keep giving money to blizzard, those people are guilty of the bad state of the game

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You paid 50 dollars for an event when the base game was 40 dollars and all event skins were free and youre bragging about it?

Geez how low has this game fallen.


It is not your call, though.

While I understand and agree that it sucks not being able to collect things in a video game that you like, I also understand that it’s not up to me what other people spend their money on.

It’s their money. Their hobby. They can do whatever they want regardless.

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I find it weird that people get mad if someone buys a skin. Who cares? I’m actually glad people do because it funds the game’s development. Your opinion on the balance or format of the game has nothing to do with them monetizing it. It isn’t healthy to obsess over something you don’t like. If you don’t like the game why not play something you enjoy? I get to play this game for free and I don’t have to spend anything to play it.

I actually love this haha.

It’s all for money. Everything in the private sector created by companies is for that purpose. Why are you acting like this is some hidden truth they don’t want you to know about? As a consumer you have the power to buy things you want and not buy the things you don’t.

Just because you like what they’re selling doesn’t make it any less of an attempt to make a profit (what you call a “cashgrab”). When you bought your PC or console were you mumbling about how awful Sony and Microsoft are and how it’s just a cashgrab?

Says who??? That’s your choice. You don’t have to do anything. You can also stop playing the game entirely. You have the power here. No one is forcing you to do anything. Stop making yourself a slave.

Ah yes. “Being milked” by being able to play the game at zero cost. While also getting a free battlepass every other season. And even if you don’t spend money on the battlepass you get free skins as well as credits to purchase more free skins.

I think the problem is you live in a fantasy land where companies don’t actually want to make money. And you want things to be given to you for free and you hate them for not being a charity. That’s the nature of a free market economy. I’m sorry this is the way you had to fight out about it.


Can she sing? Yes. Did she still butcher “part of your world” ? She sure did. Tonally it was completely off.

Little things make me happy.

Megatron Ram makes me super happy.

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I have taken it upon myself to roast ppl in game that I see wearing these skins. No reason ppl should be contributing to this greedy practice. Stop buying them and the price will magically come down. Capitalism 101.


You think? I didn’t think it was ear bleeding or anything. Then again I was a child when I saw the OG disney version, my memory could be fuzzy on the details.

Sure thing. Me brown nosing your dad isnt getting me anywhere anyway.

Those negative reviews are 100% warranted when they decided to pull the plug on PVE and replaced the monetization with something much more unhealthier.

That is literally all OW2 amounted to.


This is the problematic part of the modern gaming mindset. In this game especially, the players have demonstrated repeatedly that we shouldn’t collectively be listened to. The reason this game works is precisely because the devs stuck to a unique vision despite the community’s repeated demands to turn the game into every other FPS but with fun characters they like.

So the players figure they’ll just publicly flame the game and devs to get their way. Why not as long as they think they’ll get their way, right? It’s the same logic used by the toddler when Mom won’t let them drive the car.

Toddlers know as much about driving as our community knows about designing a game.

We straight up got next-gen versions of the game on console when OW2 released. And they rebuilt the game graphically. All visual effects enhanced, total sound overhaul. Back-end improvements for days. Technical improvements to actual gameplay things like matchmaking.

Just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

They made the game free, my dude. And almost every change they’ve made in the past couple of years has improved the game.

Oh, and name me a single other game ever that released free and allowed you to keep all your cosmetics. Do you know how easy it would’ve been to charge for OW2 or make you buy your cosmetics again? Call if Duty (same company) does it every year AND charges for a battle pass, but Blizz was adamant about not doing that. Players have absolutely not been treated like dirt. That’s such a ridiculous victim complex on display, and that’s another reason this place can’t be taken seriously.

I don’t think it makes sense to review the game based on something we never had. Nobody bought OW1 with the expectation of playing PvE, and nobody bought OW2 at all since it was free. The devs had an ambitious idea for PvE that they weren’t able to pull off in the end without pulling too many resources from PvP (the real game), but somehow the community took it as a personal attack and declared they were lied to. It just makes zero sense to me.

I’m surprised it took this long for the “I can’t refute any of these arguments” term to show up. You’re late.

This is the most ridiculous example you gave so far. :laughing:
The match-making system is absurdly broken. Considering that Players with MMR for Gold league (tops) are being matchmaked with Players that are in the Masters league MMR.
It’s hard to be worse than that.

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It literally was. The QP matchmaking is much deeper now. It accounts better for mixed-skill groups. And tanks are much closer together since we don’t need four of them.

This is a good example of people refusing to recognize improvements because of their own bias.

The expectation with OW2 is that it would be included with a PVE experience. It was advertised that way, presented that way, and the whole reason why the number 2 is in the name in the first place.

Not only that, but OW1 was replaced with OW2 by force. We had no choice in choosing what game we wanted to play, and it was replaced with a vastly inferior product.

When you put the game into maintenance mode for nearly 3-4 years with nothing to show except giving the game a shop update, then expect massive disappointment. Everyone thought there would be a light at the tunnel with the years we waited. Instead we got 20$ skins, a broken 5v5 format that continues to cause horrible balance choices, and a horrible battle pass FOMO system.

In what world do you think this game doesn’t deserve the hate it gets? It deserves a lot more hate.


It is always inhuman to just dismiss people and say “wELL yOu doN’T haVe TO plaY No oNe IS makinG YOu”

I get that. And I am not going to be playing. It’s an absurd ask as it is. That doesn’t change that fact. It is inhuman how quick you are to accept that missing out is okay for yourself or others. It just shows the total lack of empathy for other humans.

You do not get time back when you spend it. It is the most valuable thing you have in life.

This whole Season feels like it is stoking nostalgia for sales. After all, Power Rangers and Transformers were extremely popular in the eighties and the nineties. Blizzard is not even being subtle in who it is trying to appeal to here.

If you bought the skins and/or the bundles and are satisfied with your purchase, that is fine. Far be it from me to tell you how to ethically spend your money. I couldn’t care less about your personal satisfaction anyway. However, I draw the line when people spend the equivalent of a full price game on skins and then try to stand upon the moral high ground while refusing to acknowledge that they are a large part of the reason why corporations like Blizzard continue to sell their in-game items for such exorbitant amounts.

As I said earlier; be happy with your skins. Just don’t try to justify spending up to $70 on a Shop Bundle to the rest of us. You’re not the morally superior individual in this conversation.


I swear people complaining about OW2 monetisation would explode if they saw literally any other F2P games monetisation.

Like you get the entire bundle for essentially 90 AUD worth of currency (or 75 AUD if you buy the currency bundle + some leftovers). Now I’m not saying that’s cheap, but I would like you to google how much Valorant weapon skins cost, or how much an heirloom costs in Apex Legends.

Those games have the monetisation people think Overwatch has.